Dr. Katharine Fortin

Dr. Katharine Fortin

Universitair hoofddocent
Internationaal en Europees Recht
030 253 7927

Rape as Torture: A triumph or a straitjacket, University of Utrecht Science Shop of Law, Economics and Govenance, October 2008 ('Thesis off the Shelf Prize')



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. (2023). Mapping Calamities: Capturing the Competing Legalities of Spaces Under the Control of Armed Non State Actors Without Erasing Everyday Civilian Life. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8(1), 1-7. Article 100660. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100660
Fortin, K. (2023). Exploring the civilian and political institutions of armed non-State actors under IHL in an age of rebel governance. In K. Fortin, & E. Heffes (Eds.), Armed Groups and International Law: In the Shadowland of Legality and Illegality (pp. 140-166). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800888340.00013
Fortin, K., & Heffes, E. (2023). Introduction: An Exploration of the Shadowland of Armed Groups and International Law. In K. Fortin, & E. Heffes (Eds.), Armed Groups and International Law: In the Shadowland of Legality and Illegality (pp. 1-14). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800888340.00007
Fortin, K., & Heffes, E. (Eds.) (2023). Armed Groups and International Law: In the Shadowland of Legality and Illegality. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. (2022). Veterinary Personnel. In A. Peters, J. de Hemptinne, & R. Kolb (Eds.), Animals in the International Law of Armed Conflict (pp. 200-214). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009057301.013
Fortin, K. (2022). The Procedural Right to a Remedy When the State has Left the Building? A Reflection on Armed Groups, Courts and Domestic Law. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 14(2), 387–414. https://doi.org/10.1093/jhuman/huab062


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. (Author). (2021). AGIL Podcast: Legal identity and birth registration in territory controlled by armed groups – a conversation. Digital or Visual Products, Armed Groups and International Law. https://armedgroups-internationallaw.org/2021/03/11/agil-podcast-legal-identity-and-birth-registration-in-territory-controlled-by-armed-groups-a-conversation/
Fortin, K. (Author). (2021). Autonomous Weapons: the intricacies of Armed Drones. Digital or Visual Products, Stichting Jason. https://art19.com/shows/jason-institute/episodes/b9d14094-57b9-46bb-8953-5ab805c8eb88
Fortin, K. (Author). (2021). Conversation on War. Web publication/site, Opinio Juris. http://opiniojuris.org/2021/11/01/conversation-on-war/
Fortin, K. (Author). (2021). A retelling of the history of internal conflicts: political fireworks, a post-script to the ‘dreaded article 1’ of API and an agenda for future research. Web publication/site, Armed Groups and International Law. https://armedgroups-internationallaw.org/2021/05/28/lawmaking-under-pressure-book-symposium-a-retelling-of-the-history-of-internal-conflicts-political-fireworks-a-post-script-to-the-dreaded-article-1-of-api-and-an-agenda-for-f/
Fortin, K., Klem, B., & Sownowski, M. (2021). Legal identity and rebel governance: a comparative perspective on lived consequence of contested sovereignty. In T. Bloom, & L. N. Kingston (Eds.), Statelessness, Governance and the Problem of Citizenship (pp. 124-136). Manchester University Press.
Fortin, K. (2021). Of Interactionality and Legal Universes: A Bottom-Up Approach to the Rule of Law in Armed Group Territory. Utrecht Law Review, 17(2), 26-41. https://doi.org/10.36633/ulr.669
Buyse, A., Fortin, K., Mc Gonigle, B., & Fraser, J. (2021). The Rule of Law from Below – A Concept Under Development. Utrecht Law Review, 17(2), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.36633/ulr.771
Fortin, K. M. A. (2021). To be or not to be? Legal Identity in Crisis in Non-international Armed Conflicts. Human Rights Quarterly, 43(1), 29–69 . https://doi.org/10.1353/hrq.2021.0001


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. (Author). (2020). Human rights derogations/ restrictions in the time of COVID19: what is their relevance in situations where an armed group of de facto entity controls territory? ,. Web publication/site, . https://armedgroups-internationallaw.org/2020/05/22/human-rights-derogations-restrictions-in-the-time-of-covid-19-what-is-their-relevance-in-situations-where-an-armed-group-or-de-facto-entity-controls-territory/
Fortin, K., & Kleffner, J. (2020). Responsibility of Organized Armed Groups Controlling Territory: Attributing Conduct to ISIS. In R. Bartels, J. C. van den Boogaard, P. A. L. Ducheine, E. Pouw, & J. Voetelink (Eds.), Military Operations and the Notion of Control under International Law : Liber Amicorum Terry D. Gill (pp. 307-328). Springer.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. (Author), Paulussen, C. (Author), & Cuyckens, H. (Author). (2019). The Prosecution of Foreign Fighters under IHL: Some Misconceptions and Some Opportunities. Web publication/site, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism. https://icct.nl/publication/the-prosecution-of-foreign-fighters-under-international-humanitarian-law-misconceptions-and-opportunities/
Fortin, K. M. A. (Author). (2019). R v TRA: Article 1 of the Convention Against Torture and the Public Official Requirement. Web publication/site, EJIL: Talk!. https://www.ejiltalk.org/r-v-tra-article-1-of-the-convention-against-torture-and-the-public-official-requirement/
Fortin, K. M. A., Paulussen, C., & Cuyckens, H. (2019). The Prosecution of Foreign Fighters under International Humanitarian Law: Misconceptions and Opportunities. https://icct.nl/publication/the-prosecution-of-foreign-fighters-under-international-humanitarian-law-misconceptions-and-opportunities/
Fortin, K. M. A. (2019). Armed Groups and the DoD Manual: Shining a Light on Overlooked Issues. In M. A. Newton (Ed.), The United States Department of Defense Law of War Manual: Commentary and Critique (pp. 383-402). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108659727.017


Fortin, K. M. A. (2019). Which legal framework applies to deprivation of liberty by non-State armed groups and do they address the particular challenges when detention is conducted by non-State armed groups?. 1-24.

Populariserende publicaties

Fortin, K. M. A. (Author). (2019). Armed Groups and International Law and Opinio Juris Joint Book Symposium on Organizing Rebellion by Tilman Rodenhäuser. Web publication/site https://armedgroups-internationallaw.org/2019/09/16/armed-groups-and-international-law-and-opinio-juris-joint-book-symposium-on-organizing-rebellion-by-tilman-rodenhauser/
Fortin, K. M. A. (Author). (2019). Organizing Rebellion Symposium: A Multi-Faceted Study of Armed Groups and International Law. Web publication/site http://opiniojuris.org/2019/09/17/organizing-rebellion-symposium-a-multi-faceted-study-of-armed-groups-and-international-law/
Fortin, K. M. A. (Author). (2019). Symposium: Further Thoughts on an IAC with Three Parties and the Capacity of Armed Groups to Adhere to International Norms. Web publication/site, Opinio Juris. http://opiniojuris.org/2019/01/18/symposium-further-thoughts-on-an-iac-with-three-parties-and-the-capacity-of-armed-groups-to-adhere-to-international-norms/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. M. A., & Dewulf, S. (Eds.) (2018). Human Rights & International Legal Discourse. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 12(1).
Fortin, K. M. A. (2018). How to Cope with Diversity While Preserving Unity in Customary International Law? Some Insights from International Humanitarian Law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 23(3), 337-358. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcsl/kry023
Fortin, K. M. A. (2018). Armed Groups and Procedural Accountability: A Roadmap for Further Thought. In T. D. Gill, T. McCormack, R. Geiß, H. Krieger, & C. Paulussen (Eds.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law : 2016 (pp. 157-180). (Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law; Vol. 19). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-213-2_6


Fortin, K. M. A. (2018). The Relevance of Article 9 of the Articles on State Responsibility for the Internationally Wrongful Acts of Armed Groups. In J. Summers, & A. Gough (Eds.), Non-State Actors and International Obligations: Creation, Evolution and Enforcement (pp. 371-388). Brill.
Fortin, K. M. A. (2018). Introduction. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 12(1), 2-9.



Fortin, K. M. A. (2017). Accountability of Armed Groups under Human Rights Law. Oxford University Press.

Overige resultaten

Fortin, K. M. A. (Author). (2017). Armed Non-State Actors and International Human Rights Law: An Analysis of the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. Web publication/site, UCALL blog. http://blog.ucall.nl/index.php/2017/10/armed-non-state-actors-and-international-human-rights-law-an-analysis-of-the-un-security-council-and-un-general-assembly/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. M. A. (2016). The Application of Human Rights Law to Everyday Life under Rebel Control. Netherlands International Law Review, (August 2016), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40802-016-0061-2
Bartels, R., & Fortin, K. M. A. (2016). Law, Justice and a Potential Security Gap: The ‘Organization’ Requirement in International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 21(1), 29-48. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcsl/krv018

Overige resultaten

Fortin, K. M. A. (Author). (2016). EU, Morocco and the Polisario Front: A Step in the Right Direction?. Web publication/site, UCALL blog. http://blog.ucall.nl/index.php/2016/10/eu-morocco-and-the-polisario-front-a-step-in-the-right-direction/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. M. A. (2015). The Accountability of Armed Groups under Human Rights Law. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Fortin, K. M. A. (2013). Complementarity between the ICRC and the United Nations and international humanitarian law and international human rights law, 1948-1968. International review of the Red Cross, 94(888), 1433-1454. https://doi.org/10.1017/S181638311300043X



Fortin, K. (2008). Rape as Torture: An evaluation of the Committee against Torture’s attitude to sexual violence. Utrecht Law Review, 4(3), 145-162.
Fortin, K. (2008). Rape as Torture: A triumph of a straitjacket? Utrecht: Science Shop of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht University.