Drs. ing. K. (Karlijn) Gielen

Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer O.302
3584 CH Utrecht

Drs. ing. K. (Karlijn) Gielen

Universitair docent
Onderwijsinstituut Biologie
030 253 5364

April 2017 – current

Assistent Professor Biology.

Utrecht University

Teaching: Course coordinator of Academic Communication, involved in the teaching program of the research group Animal Behaviour and Cognition.

Research: Social dynamics of captive primates


May 2012 – April 2017

Freelance Education Manager


Developing and organizing teaching programs and lectures concerning animal behaviour.


October 2010 – August 2016

Lecturer Academic Skills for (Psycho-)Biology students

University of Amsterdam

Teaching academic skills within the biological field.


May 2010 – October 2010

Interim manager Animal Shelter Amersfoort (dog and cat shelter)

Dierenbescherming (Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals), Department Utrecht/Amersfoort

Responsible for reorganizing and professionalizing the shelter.


January 2006 – May 2010

Manager Ethology station (the long-tailed macaque colony of Utrecht University)

Utrecht University, research group of Animal Ecology

Responsible for the colony management of the macaques, participation in research and education of the group Animal Ecology (currrently Animal Behaviour and Cognition).