Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Mouthaan, M., Frenken, K., Piscicelli, L., & Vaskelainen, T. (2024).
Tipping the scales of the blue transition: Framing the geography of a Norwegian seafood mission.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
52, Article 100857. Bączyk, M., Frenken, K., Punt, M., & Wanzenböck, I. (2024).
International alliances and technology diffusion: A worldwide analysis of adoption of energy, railway and satellite technologies.
PLOS Sustainability and Transformation,
3(6). 2023
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Mouthaan, M., Frenken, K., Piscicelli, L., & Vaskelainen, T. (2023).
Systemic sustainability effects of contemporary digitalization: A scoping review and research agenda.
149, Article 103142. Hoogstraaten, M., Frenken, K., Vaskelainen, T.
, & Boon, W. (2023).
Replacing meat, an easy feat? The role of strategic categorizing in the rise of meat substitutes.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
47, Article 100703. Koutsimpogiorgos, N., Frenken, K., & Herrmann, A. M. (2023).
Platform adaptation to regulation: The case of domestic cleaning in Europe.
Journal of Industrial Relations,
65(2), 156–184. van Dam, A., Gomez-Lievano, A., Neffke, F.
, & Frenken, K. (2023).
An information-theoretic approach to the analysis of location and colocation patterns.
Journal of Regional Science,
63(1), 173-213. Punt, M., van Kollem, J.
, Hoekman, J., & Frenken, K. (2023).
Your Uber is arriving now: An analysis of platform location decisions through an institutional lens.
Strategic Organization,
21(3), 501–536. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Münzel, K., Arentshorst, M.
, Boon, W., & Frenken, K. (2022).
Assessing policies to scale up carsharing. In B. van Wee, J. Annema, & J. Köhler (Eds.),
Innovations in Transport: Success, Failure and Societal Impacts (pp. 242-268). Edward Elgar Publishing., J.
, Frenken, K., & Meelen, T. (2022).
Mission-oriented innovation policy: the case of the Swedish “Vision Zero” approach to traffic safety. In B. van Wee, J. Annema, & J. Köhler (Eds.),
Innovations in Transport: Success, Failure and Societal Impacts (pp. 343-358). Edward Elgar Publishing., I., Schiele, J., & Frenken, K. (2022).
Business-to-Government Data Sharing for Public Interests in the European Union: Results of a Public Consultation. In M. Janssen, C. Csáki, I. Lindgren, U. Melin, E. Loukis, G. Viale Pereira, M. P. Rodríguez Bolívar, & E. Tambouris (Eds.),
Electronic Governnment: EGOV 2022 (pp. 515-529). (Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences; Vol. 13391). Springer. Janssen, M. J., Frenken, K., Tur, E. M., & Alexiev, A. S. (2022).
The perils of pleasing: Innovation-stifling effects of customized service provision.
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
32(4), 1231-1264. Balland, P.-A.
, Boschma, R., & Frenken, K. (2022).
Proximity, innovation and networks: a concise review and some next steps. In A. Torre, & D. Gallaud (Eds.),
Handbook of Proximity Relations (pp. 70-80). Edward Elgar Publishing., P.
, Piscicelli, L., & Frenken, K. (2022).
Digital Platforms for Industrial Symbiosis.
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management,
3(39), 215-240., D., Arets, M.
, Frenken, K., & De Moor, T. (2022).
The feasibility of platform cooperatives in the gig economy.
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management,
10(1), Article 100167. Bauwens, T., Vaskelainen, T.
, & Frenken, K. (2022).
Conceptualising institutional complexity in the upscaling of community enterprises: Lessons from renewable energy and carsharing.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
42, 138-151. Bours, S. A. M. J. V., Wanzenböck, I., & Frenken, K. (2022).
Small wins for grand challenges. A bottom-up governance approach to regional innovation policy.
European Planning Studies,
30(11), 2245-2272. Content, J., Cortinovis, N., Frenken, K., & Jordaan, J. (2022).
The roles of KIBS and R&D in the industrial diversification of regions.
Annals of Regional Science,
68(1), 29-64. Vaskelainen, T., Münzel, K., Boon, W., & Frenken, K. (2022).
Servitisation on consumer markets: entry and strategy in Dutch private lease markets.
Innovation: Organization and Management,
24(1), 231-250. Punt, M. B., Bauwens, T., Frenken, K., & Holstenkamp, L. (2022).
Institutional relatedness and the emergence of renewable energy cooperatives in German districts.
Regional Studies,
56(4), 548-562. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Andersen, A. D.
, Frenken, K., Galaz, V., Kern, F.
, Klerkx, L., Mouthaan, M., Piscicelli, L., Schor, J. B., & Vaskelainen, T. (2021).
On digitalization and sustainability transitions.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
41, 96-98., H., Julsrud, T. E., Kallbekken, S.
, Frenken, K., Schor, J., & Standal, K. (2021).
The role of community sharing in sustainability transformation: case studies from Norway.
Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy,
17(1), 334-348., M., Schraven, D., Bocken, N.
, Frenken, K., Hekkert, M., & Kirchherr, J. (2021).
The battle of the buzzwords: A comparative review of the circular economy and the sharing economy concepts.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
38, 1-21. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hoogstraaten, M. J., Boon, W. P. C., & Frenken, K. (2020).
How product development partnerships support hybrid collaborations dealing with global health challenges.
Global Transitions,
2, 190-201. Wanzenböck, I., Wesseling, J. H., Frenken, K., Hekkert, M. P., & Weber, M. (2020).
A framework for mission-oriented innovation policy: Alternative pathways through the problem-solution space.
Science and Public Policy,
47(4), 474-489. Hoogstraaten, M. J., Frenken, K., & Boon, W. P. C. (2020).
The study of institutional entrepreneurship and its implications for transition studies.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
36, 114-136. Koutsimpogiorgos, N., van Slageren, J., Herrmann, AM., & Frenken, K. (2020).
Conceptualizing the Gig Economy and Its Regulatory Problems.
Policy & Internet,
12(4), 525-545. Frenken, K., Vaskelainen, T., Fünfschilling, L. J., & Piscicelli, L. (2020).
An Institutional Logics Perspective on the Gig Economy. In I. Maurer, J. Mair, & A. Oberg (Eds.),
Theorizing the Sharing Economy: Variety and Trajectories of New Forms of Organizing (pp. 83-105). (Research in the Sociology of Organizations; Vol. 66). Emerald Publishing Limited. Frenken, K., van Waes, A., Pelzer, P., Smink, M., & van Est, R. (2020).
Safeguarding Public Interests in the Platform Economy.
Policy & Internet,
12(3), 400-425. Münzel, K., Boon, W., Frenken, K., Blomme, J., & van der Linden, D. (2020).
Explaining carsharing supply across Western European cities.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation,
14(4), 243-254. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frenken, K., & Schor, J. (2019).
Putting the sharing economy into perspective (reprint). In O. Mont (Ed.),
A Research Agenda for Sustainable Consumption Governance (pp. 121-135). Edward Elgar Publishing. Siler, K., & Frenken, K. (2019).
Hedonic pricing and the valuation of open access journals. In G. Catalano, C. Daraio, M. Gregori, H. F. Moed, & G. Ruocco (Eds.),
17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2019 - Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 691-702). International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Münzel, K., Piscicelli, L., Boon, W. P. C., & Frenken, K. (2019).
Different business models – different users? Uncovering the motives and characteristics of business-to-consumer and peer-to-peer carsharing adopters in The Netherlands.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,
73, 276-306. Janssen, M. J., & Frenken, K. (2019).
Cross-specialisation policy: rationales and options for linking unrelated industries.
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society,
12(2), 195-212. Meelen, T., Frenken, K., & Hobrink, S. (2019).
Weak spots for car-sharing in The Netherlands? The geography of socio-technical regimes and the adoption of niche innovations.
Energy Research and Social Science,
52, 132-143. Pelzer, P., Frenken, K., & Boon, W. P. C. (2019).
Institutional entrepreneurship in the platform economy: How Uber tried (and failed) to change the Dutch taxi law.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
33, 1-12. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hidalgo, C. A.
, Balland, P.-A., Boschma, R., Delgado, M., Feldman, M.
, Frenken, K., Glaeser, E., He, C., Kogler, D. F.
, Morrison, A., Neffke, F., Rigby, D., Stern, S., Zheng, S., & Zhu, S. (2018).
The Principle of Relatedness. In A. J. Morales, C. Gershenson, D. Braha, A. A. Minai, & Y. Bar-Yam (Eds.),
Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IX (pp. 451-457). Springer. Waes, A., Farla, J., Frenken, K., de Jong, J. P. J., & Raven, R. (2018).
Business model innovation and socio-technical transitions. A new prospective framework with an application to bike sharing.
Journal of Cleaner Production,
195, 1300-1312. Zeppini, P.
, & Frenken, K. (2018).
Networks, Percolation, and Consumer Demand.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation,
21(3), 1., E. M., Zeppini, P.
, & Frenken, K. (2018).
Diffusion with social reinforcement: The role of individual preferences.
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics,
97(2), Article 022302. Querbes, A.
, & Frenken, K. (2018).
Grounding the “mirroring hypothesis”: Towards a general theory of organization design in New Product Development.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M,
47, 81-95.ünzel, K. L., Boon, W. P. C., Frenken, K., & Vaskelainen, T. (2018).
Carsharing business models in Germany: characteristics, success and future prospects.
Information Systems and e-Business Management,
16(2), 271-291. Brenner, T.
, Capasso, M., Duschl, M.
, Frenken, K., & Treibich, T. (2018).
Causal relations between knowledge-intensive business services and regional employment growth.
Regional Studies,
52(2), 172-183., R. A., & Frenken, K. (2018). Evolutionary Economic Geography. In G. L. Clark, M. P. Feldman, M. S. Gertler, & D. Wójcik (Eds.), New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (pp. 213-229). (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frenken, K., Heimeriks, G. J., & Hoekman, J. (2017).
What drives university research performance? An analysis using the CWTS Leiden Ranking data.
Journal of Informetrics,
11(3), 859-872. Frenken, K. (2017).
A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective on Innovation Policy.
Complexity, governance & networks,
3(1), 35-47. Windrum, P.
, Frenken, K., & Green, L. (2017).
The importance of ergonomic design in product innovation. Lessons from the development of the portable computer.
Industrial and Corporate Change,
26(6), 953-971., K. (2017).
Political economies and environmental futures for the sharing economy.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
375(2095), 1-15. Article 20160367. Boschma, R. A., Coenen, L.
, Frenken, K., & Truffer, B. (2017).
Towards a theory of regional diversification: Combining insights from Evolutionary Economic Geography and Transition Studies.
Regional Studies,
51(1), 31-45. Annema, J. A.
, Frenken, K., Koopmans, C., & Kroesen, M. (2017).
Relating cost-benefit analysis results with transport project decisions in the Netherlands.
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences,
10(1), 109-127.
Frenken, K. (2017). Verbeter onduidelijke positie van platformwerkers. Zeggenschap/Tijdschrift over arbeidsverhoudingen, 4(2017), 8-12.
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Heinisch, D., Nomaler, Ö., Buenstorf, G.
, Frenken, K., & Lintsen, H. (2016).
Same place, same knowledge – same people? The geography of non-patent citations in Dutch polymer patents.
Economics of Innovation and New Technology,
25(6), 553-572., M., Cefis, E.
, & Frenken, K. (2016).
Spatial Differentiation in Industrial Dynamics. The Case of the Netherlands (1994–2005).
Journal of Economic and Social Geography,
107(3), 316-330.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frenken, K., & Boschma, R. A. (2015).
Geographic Clustering in Evolutionary Economic Geography. In C. Karlsson, M. Andersson, & T. Norman (Eds.),
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography (pp. 291-302). Edward Elgar Publishing. Hardeman, S., Frenken, K., Nomaler, Ö., & Ter Wal, A. L. J. (2015).
Characterizing and comparing innovation systems by different ‘modes’ of knowledge production: A proximity approach.
Science and Public Policy,
42(4), 530-548. Salimi, N., Bekkers, R.
, & Frenken, K. (2015).
Does working with industry come at a price? A study of doctoral candidates’ performance in collaborative vs. non-collaborative Ph.D. projects.
41–42, 51-61., S., & Frenken, K. (2015).
Path dependence and the geography of infrastructure networks: the case of the European fibre-optic network.
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences,
8(2), 169-179. Castaldi, C., Frenken, K., & Los, B. (2015).
Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Technological Breakthroughs: An analysis of US State-Level Patenting.
Regional Studies,
49(5), 767-781. Populariserende publicaties
Frenken, K. (2015). Deeleconomie leidt niet vanzelf tot meer gelijkheid (de Volkskrant). De Volkskrant.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frenken, K., & Hoekman, J. (2014).
Spatial Scientometrics and Scholarly Impact: A Review of Recent Studies, Tools, and Methods. In Y. Ding, R. Rousseau, & D. Wolfram (Eds.),
Measuring Scholarly Impact: Methods and Practice (pp. 127-146). Springer. Capasso, M., Cefis, E., & Frenken, K. (2014).
On the existence of persistently outperforming firms.
Industrial and Corporate Change,
23(4), 997-1036. Vankan, A.
, Frenken, K., & Castaldi, C. (2014).
Designing for a Living? Income Determinants Among Firm Founders in the Dutch Design Sector.
Industry and Innovation,
21(2), 117-140., P.
, Frenken, K., & Kupers, R. (2014).
Thresholds models of technological transitions.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
11(June 2014), 54-70., K. (2014). Kwaliteitsimpuls nodig voor universitair onderzoek. Het Financieele Dagblad.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Balland, P. A., Boschma, R., & Frenken, K. (2013). Proximity and innovation networks: an evolutionary approach. In P. Cooke (Ed.), Re-framing regional development. Evolution, innovation and transition (pp. 186-200). Routledge.
de Vaan, M., Boschma, R., & Frenken, K. (2013).
Clustering and firm performance in project-based industries: The case of the global video game industry, 1972-2007.
Journal of Economic Geography,
13(6), 965-991. Hoekman, J., Scherngell, T.
, Frenken, K., & Tijssen, R. (2013).
Acquisition of European research funds and its effect on international scientific collaboration.
Journal of Economic Geography,
13(1), 23-52. Article lbs011. 2012
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frenken, K., Izquierdo, L., & Zeppini, P. (2012).
Branching innovation, recombinant innovation, and endogenous technological transitions.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,
4, 25-35. Querbes, A.
, & Frenken, K. (2012).
Why First Movers May Fail: Global Versus Sequential Improvement of Complex Technological Artefacts. In
Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012 (pp. 751-755). Springer., J., Frenken, K., de Zeeuw, D., & Lambers-Heerspink, H. J. (2012).
The Geographical Distribution of Leadership in Globalized Clinical Trials.
PLoS One,
7(10), 1-7. Article e45984. Frenken, K., & Mendritzki, M. (2012).
Optimal modularity: A demonstration of the evolutionary advantage of modular architectures.
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
22(5), 935-956. Frenken, K., & Boschma, R. A. (2012). Economic development as a branching process. In G. Buenstorf (Ed.), Evolution, organization and economic behavior (pp. 185-196). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2011). Technological relatedness and regional branching. In H. Bathelt, M. P. Feldman, & D. F. Kogler (Eds.), Beyond Territory. Dynamic Geographies of Knowledge Creation, Diffusion and Innovation. (pp. 64-81). Routledge.
Wenting, R., & Frenken, K. (2011).
Firm entry and institutional lock-in: An organizational ecology analysis of the global fashion design industry.
Industrial and Corporate Change,
20(4), 1031-1048. Wenting, R., Atzema, O. A. L. C., & Frenken, K. (2011). Urban amenities and agglomeration economies? The locational behaviour and economic success of Dutch fashion design entrepreneurs. Urban Studies, 48(7), 1333-1352.
Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2011). The emerging empirics of evolutionary economic geography. Journal of Economic Geography, 11(2), 295-307.
Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2011). Technological relatedness, related variety and economic geography. In P. Cooke, B. Asheim, R. Boschma, R. Martin, D. Schwartz, & F. Todtling (Eds.), The Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth. (pp. 187-197). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Vinciguerra, S., Frenken, K., Hoekman, J., & van Oort, F. G. (2011).
European infrastructure networks and regional innovation in science-based technologies.
Economics of Innovation and New Technology,
20(5), 517-537. Frenken, K., & Boschma, R. A. (2011). Notes on a complexity theory of economic development. In C. Antonelli (Ed.), Handbook on the Economic Complexity of Technological Change. (pp. 357-365). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vinciguerra, S., Frenken, K., & Valente, M. (2010). The geography of internet infrastructure: an evolutionary simulation approach based on preferential attachment. Urban Studies, 47(9), 1969-1984.
Hoekman, J., Frenken, K., & Tijssen, R. J. W. (2010).
Research collaboration at a distance: Changing spatial patterns of scientific collaboration within Europe.
Research Policy,
39(5), 662-673. Frenken, K., Ponds, R. H. F., & van Oort, F. G. (2010). The citation impact of research collaboration in science-based industries: a spatial-institutional analysis. Papers in Regional Science, 89, 351-371.
Frenken, K., Pyka, A., Verspagen, B., & Windrum, P. (2010).
Innovation, qualitative change and economic development-Special issue in honour of Pier-Paolo Saviotti.
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics,
21(1), 1-4. Ponds, R. H. F., van Oort, F. G., & Frenken, K. (2010). Innovation, spillovers , and university-industry collaboration: an extended knowledge production function approach. Journal of Economic Geography, 10, 231-255.
Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2010). The spatial evolution of innovation networks. A proximity perspective. In R. Boschma, & R. Martin (Eds.), Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography. (pp. 120-125). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Frenken, K., Hoekman, J., & Hardeman, S. (2010). The globalisation of research collaboration. In World Social Science Report: Knowledge Divides (pp. 144-148). UNESCO.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Ponds, R. H. F., van Oort, F. G., & Frenken, K. (2009). Internationalization and regional embedding of scientific research in the Netherlands. In A. Varga (Ed.), Universities and Regional Development (pp. 109-137). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Frenken, K., Hoekman, J., Kok, S., Ponds, R. H. F.
, van Oort, F. G., & van Vliet, J. (2009).
Death of distance in science? A gravity approach to research collaboration. In A. Pyka, & A. Scharnhorst (Eds.),
Innovation Networks - New Approaches in Modelling and Analyzing (pp. 46-60). Springer. Frenken, K., & Faber, A. (2009).
Evolutionary methodologies for analyzing environmental innovations and the implications for environmental policy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
76(4), 449-452. Needham, B.
, Boschma, R. A., Duhr, S., Fan, C.
, Frenken, K., Hassink, R., Tammarino, S., Lagendijk, A.
, van Oort, F. G., Oinas, P., Pike, A., & Vargas, A. (2009).
Reaching out to new territories.
Regional Studies,
43(1), 1-4., A., & Frenken, K. (2009).
Models in evolutionary economics and environmental policy. Towards an evolutionary environmental economics. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
76(4), 462-470. Vakpublicaties
Frenken, K. (2009). A Vision on the Mainports. A Contribution from Evolutionary Economic Geography. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Heimeriks, G., van den Besselaar, P.
, & Frenken, K. (2008).
Digital disciplinary differences: An analysis of computer mediated science and "Mode 2" knowledge production. Research Policy,
37(9), 1602-1615., K., van Oort, F. G., & Verburg, T. (2008).
Varieté, emploi et chomage aux Pays-Bas. Revue de l'Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques,
104, 203-218. Weltevreden, J. W. J.
, Atzema, O. A. L. C., Frenken, K., de Kruif, K.
, & van Oort, F. G. (2008).
The geography of internet adaption by independent retailers in the Netherlands. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design,
35, 443-460., R. A., & Frenken, K. (2008). Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an Evolutionary Economic Geography (reprint). In R. Martin (Ed.), Contemporary Foundations of Space and Place - Economic: Critical Essays in Human Geography. Aldershot.
Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2008). Applications of Evolutionary Economic Geography (reprint). In R. Kumar Jain B, & K. Kishore Puranam (Eds.), Evolutionary Economics - An Introduction (pp. 215-243). ICFAI University Press.
Burgers, G., Doelman, A.
, Frenken, K., Hogeweg, P., van der Hommes, C.
, Maas, H., Mulder, B., van Stam, C., Van Steen, M., & Zandee, L. (2008).
Complexity. Outline of the NWO strategic theme "Dynamics of Complex Systems". NWO.
http://www.nwo.nlvan Kempen, R., van Aalst, I., Frenken, K., & Zoomers, E. B. (2008). Honderd jaar geografie in Utrecht: Over gebieden, actoren en stromen. Faculteit Geowetenschappen - Universiteit Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Van Den Besselaar, P., Heimeriks, G., & Frenken, K. (2007). Variety in web spheres between research fields: Content and function. In Proceedings of ISSI 2007 - 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (pp. 85-94). Spanish Research Council.
Frenken, K. (2007). Applied Evolutionary Economics and Economic Geography. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Frenken, K., & Silverberg, G. (2007). Empirical applications of complex systems methodologies in economics and geography. Advances in Complex Systems, 10(1), 1-4.
Frenken, K. (2007). Entropy statistics and information theory. In H. Hanusch, & A. Pyka (Eds.), The Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics (pp. 544-555). Cheltenham, UK and Northhampton MA.
Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2007).
A theoretical framework for evolutionary economic geography: industrial dynamics and urban growth as a branching process. Journal of Economic Geography,
7(5), 635-649. Vakpublicaties
Frenken, K., Hoekman, J., & van Oort, F. G. (2007). Towards a European Research Area. NAi Uitgevers/Ruimtelijk Planbureau.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Murmann, J. P.
, & Frenken, K. (2006).
Towards a systematic framework for research on dominant designs, technological innovations, and industrial change.
Research Policy,
35, 925-952., C.
, Frenken, K., & Hellervik, A. (2006).
A complex network approach to urban growth.
Environment and Planning A,
38(10), 1941-1964., K., Saviotti, P. P., & Trommetter, M. (2006). Variety and economic development: conceptual issues and measurement problems. In U. Cantner, H. Hanusch, & S. Klepper (Eds.), Economic Evolution, Learning and Complexity (pp. 209-244). Physica Verlag.
Frenken, K., van Oort, F. G., & Verburg, T. (2006). Variety and regional growth: theory, measurement and outcomes. In A. Reggiani, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Spatial Evolution and Modelling (pp. 203-239). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2006).
Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography.
Journal of Economic Geography,
6(3), 273-302. Frenken, K. (2006). Innovation, Evolution and Complexity Theory. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ponds, R. H. F., van Oort, F. G., & Frenken, K. (2006). De regionale inbedding van kennisnetwerken in Nederland. Kwartaalschrift Economie, 3, 355-376.
Frenken, K., & Neffke, F. M. H. (2006). It's a small world: over netwerken en geografie. Geografie, 15(4), 28-31.
Faber, A., Frenken, K., & Idenburg, P. A. (2006). Environmental policy and modelling in evolutionary economics. Milieu en Natuur Planbureau.
Atzema, O. A. L. C., Boschma, R. A., & Frenken, K. (2006). De innovatieve regio is overal. AElementair, 5(2), 16-19.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Weltevreden, J. W. J.
, Atzema, O. A. L. C., & Frenken, K. (2005).
Evolution in city centre retailing: the case of Utrecht (1974-2003).
International Journal of Retail Distribution Management,
30(11), 824-841., K., Hoelzl, W., & de Vor, F. (2005).
The citation impact of research collaborations: The case of European biotechnology & applied microbiology (1988-2002).
Journal of Engineering Management and Technology,
22(1-2), 9-30. Frenken, K., van Oort, F. G., & Verburg, T. (2005). Het gelijk van variëteit. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 90(4462), 247-249.
Frenken, K., & Leydesdorff, L. A. (2005). Scientometrics and the evaluation of European integration. In T. Brown, & J. Ulijn (Eds.), Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Culture: The interaction between technology, progress and economic growth (pp. 87-102). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frenken, K., & van Oort, F. G. (2004). The geography of research collaboration: theoretical considerations and stylised facts in biotechnology in Europe and the United States. In P. Cooke, & A. Piccaluga (Eds.), Regional Economies as Knowledge Laboratories (pp. 38-57). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Frenken, K., & Nuvolari, A. (2004).
The early development of the steam engine: An evolutionary interpretation using complexity theory.
Industrial and Corporate Change,
13(2), 419-450. Frenken, K., & Nuvolari, A. (2004). Entropy statistics as a framework to analyse technological evolution. In J. Foster, & W. Holzl (Eds.), Applied Evolutionary Economics and Complex Systems (pp. 95-132). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Frenken, K., Hekkert, M. P., & Godfroij, P. (2004).
R&D portfolios in environmentally friendly automotive propulsion: variety, competition and policy implications.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
71(5), 485-507. Frenken, K., van Oort, F. G., Verburg, T., & Boschma, R. A. (2004). Variety and regional economic growth in the Netherlands. Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Frenken, K. (2004).
History, state and prospects of evolutionary models of technical change: a review with special emphasis on complexity theory. In J. Casti (Ed.),
Complexity Focus Exystence. 2003
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Boschma, R. A., Frenken, K., & Lambooy, J. G. (2002). Evolutionaire economie. Een inleiding. Coutinho.
Hekkert, M. P., Frenken, K., & Godfroij, P. (2002). Producentstrategieen en transitiemanagement: de casus van autofabrikanten. Milieutijdschrift ArenA, 8(4), 58-60.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frenken, K. (2001).
Fitness landscapes, heuristics and technological paradigms: a critique on random search models in evolutionary economics. In D. Dubois (Ed.),
Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2000 - Fourth International Conference (pp. 558-565). (AIP conference proceedings; Vol. 573). American Institute of Physics. 2000
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties