Curriculum vitae K. A. Algra (1959)
1. Scholarly career.
[1977-1983] student of classics and philosophy at the University of Utrecht
[1983] Masters degree (‘doctoraal examen’) in classics at the University of Utrecht (cum laude)
[1988] PhD in philosophy at the University of Utrecht (cum laude); supervisor: Prof. Dr. J. Mansfeld; dissertation: Concepts of Space in Classical and Hellenistic Greek Philosophy
[1985-1999] assistant/associate professor Department of Philosophy, University of Utrecht
[1999-2002] personal professorship awarded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), University of Utrecht
[2001-2002] guest professorship, Department of Classics, University of Amsterdam (0,1 fte)
[2001-2014] professor ordinarius for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Utrecht
[2004] invited visiting professor, Department of Philosophy, Yale University
[2003-2007] Dean Philosophy Faculty, University of Utrecht
[2007-2013] Vice Dean for research and Dean of the Graduate School for the Humanities, Faculty of Humanities (merger of the former three Faculties of Arts, Theology and Religious Studies, and Philosophy), University of Utrecht
[2014- …] Distinguished Faculty Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Science, Humanities Faculty, University of Utrecht
[2014- …] Dean of the Humanities Faculty, University of Utrecht
2. Memberships of Editorial Boards etc.
[1997-2005] managing editor Phronesis (A-journal)
[2005-…] member editorial board Phronesis (A-journal)
[2004-…] member editorial board series Philosophia Antiqua (Brill)
[2002-…] member editorial board Mnemosyne (A-journal)
[2011-…] member advisory board series Brill’s Ancient Philosophical Commentary on the Pauline Writings
[2009-2015] member board International Symposium Aristotelicum
[2001-…] member board International Symposium Hellenisticum
[2001-2010] foreign member of the Philosophy Committee of the Flemish Association for Scientific Research (FWO, Brussels)
3. Activities within the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
[2003-2004] member of the KNAW committee on quality assessments in the humanities (report: Judging Research on its Merits, KNAW, Amsterdam 2004)
[2009-2011] chair of the committee on quality indicators for the humanities (report: Quality Indicators for Research in the Humanities, KNAW, Amsterdam 2011)
[2012-2013] chair of the committee on integrity, science policy and public trust in science (report, commissioned by the Dutch government: Vertrouwen in Wetenschap, KNAW, Amsterdam 2013)
[2015] Chair of selection committee for new (vice) president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW)
[2015-2016] Chair of advisory committee (installed by VSNU, KNAW, NWO and NFU) on a new Dutch national code of conduct for research integrity (report: Adviesrapport Commissie Verkenning Herziening Gedragscode Wetenschapsbeoefening, October 2016)
[2016-2017] Chair of the committee installed by KNAW, VSNU, NWO and other institutions in order to prepare the text of a new code of coduct for research integrity
[2017- …] Chair of Council for the Humanities (Raad voor de Geesteswetenschappen) of the KNAW
4. Other administrative positions.
[2008-2012] Chair of the Board of the Dutch National Research School for Classical Studies (OIKOS)
[2010-2013] Chair of the Board of Philosophy Deans of the joint Dutch universities (VSNU)
[2004-…] General secretary of the C. J. De Vogel Foundation for the promotion of the study of ancient philosophy
[2013- …] Chair of the external advisory board of Cappella Amsterdam (Dutch professional chamber choir)
5. Grants.
[1996] KNAW grant for colloquium Lucretius and his Intellectual Background, approx. 25.000 euro
[1999] NWO grant Fragmenta Stoicorum Veterum (first applicant), approx 60.000 euro
[2005] NWO grant Stoicism in Context (first applicant), approx 500.000 euro
[2008] ESF grant Exploratory Workshop Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics (first applicant), approx 30.000 euro.
6. Esteem indicators.
[2003] 8th A. E. Taylor Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
[2003] selected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
[2004] invited visiting professor, Yale University
[2014] appointed distinguished Faculty Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Science, University of Utrecht
7. PhD-theses supervised.
- P. Ravalli, Husserls Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität in den Göttinger Jahren. Eine Kritisch-historische Darstellung, Utrecht 21-02-2003 (1st supervisor)
- F. Limburg, Aliquid ad mores. The Prefaces and Epilogues of Seneca’s Naturales Quaestiones, Leiden, 21-05-2007 (2nd supervisor; 1st supervisor: P. H. Schrijvers)
- I. M. Conradie, Seneca in his Cultural and Literary Context. Selected Moral Letters on the Body, Utrecht 09-07-2010 (1st supervisor)
- C. van Sijl, Stoic Philosophy and the Exegesis of Myth, Utrecht, 17-09-2010 (1st supervisor).
- M. S. A. van Houte, Seneca’s Theology in its Philosophical Context, Utrecht,12-11-2010 (1st supervisor)
- F. A. Bakker, Three Studies in Epicurean Cosmology, Utrecht, 17-11-2010 (1st supervisor)
- A. Joose, Why We Need Others. Friendship and Self-Understanding in Plato and Early Stoicism, Utrecht 17-06-2011 (1st supervisor)
PhD-projects currently supervised:
- A. Woodward, Epicurus and Lucretius in the Philosophy of the Early Enlightenment, Utrecht, 2018 (1st supervisor)
- A. Egorov (Moscow), The Reception of Empedocles in the Philosophy of Late Antiquity, Utrecht 2018 (1st supervisor)
8. Postdoctoral students (guests) supervised.
[2008] Dr. Geert Roskam (Catholic University Leuven); FWO project on Epicurean ethics
[2008-2009] Prof. Dr. Noburu Notomi (Keio University Tokyo); project (funded by Keio University) on philosophical fragments
[2014] Dr. Paulo Lima (University of Lisbon); project on the philosophy of Epictetus.
9. Five key publications over the last ten years.
- K. A. Algra & K. Ierodiakonou (eds.) Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics, Cambridge (CUP) 2015, 433 pp.
- K. A. Algra & J. M. Van Ophuijsen, Philoponus On Aristotle’s Physics 4, 1-5, Series The Ancient Commentators on Aristotle, vol. 98, Bristol (Bristol Classical Press) 2012, 151 pp.
- K. A. Algra, ‘Stoics on Souls and Demons: Reconstructing Stoic Demonology’, in D. Frede & B. Reis (eds.), Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy, Berlin (De Gruyter) 2009, 359-389.
- K. A. Algra, Conceptions and Images: Hellenistic Philosophical Theology and Traditional Religion, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Mededelingen van de Afdeling Leterkunde. Nieuwe Reeks, Deel 70, no. 1, Amsterdam 2007, 46 pp.
- 'Epictetus and Stoic Theology' in Th. Scaltsas & A. S. Mason (eds.) The Philosophy of Epictetus, Oxford (OUP) 2007, 32-56.