

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Abzianidze, L., Zwarts, J., & Vinter Seggev, Y. (2023). SpaceNLI: Evaluating the Consistency of Predicting Inferences in Space. In S. Chatzikyriakidis, & V. de Paiva (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning Workshop (pp. 12-14). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Zwarts, J. (2023). Two verbal plurals in Endo-Marakwet: A corpus study. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 5(1), 51-66.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kruitwagen, I., Hampton, J. A., Vinter Seggev, Y., & Zwarts, J. (2022). Alternate Categorization: a Formal-Conceptual Semanticsof Reciprocal Alternations. 188-193. Paper presented at Amsterdam Colloquium (Amsterdam).
Zwarts, J. (2022). Mining and Mapping New Testament Metaphors and the Louw-Nida Lexicon. In S. Schulthess, G. V. Allan, P. Dilley, & P. M. Phillips (Eds.), New Approaches to Textual and Image Analysis in Early Jewish and Christian Studies (pp. 68-87). (Digital Biblical Studies; Vol. 5). Brill.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2021). 'Between' constructions in Biblical Hebrew. Linguistics in the Netherlands, 38(1), 163-178.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2020). Contiguity and membership and the typology of collective nouns. In M. Franke, N. Kompa, M. Liu, J. L. Mueller, & J. Schwab (Eds.), Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 24(2) (Vol. 24, pp. 539-554). University of Osnabrück/University of Berlin.
Zwarts, J. (2020). Prepositions and particles: Place and path in English, German, and Dutch. In M. T. Putnam, & B. R. Page (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics (pp. 615-638). (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics). Cambridge University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Palmieri, G., Basso, R. M., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2019). A Note on Lexical Reciprocity in Brazilian Portuguese. In G. Danon (Ed.), Proceedings of IATL 34,
Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2019). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. In M. Baird, & J. Pesetsky (Eds.), NELS 49: Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (Vol. 3, pp. 15-28). GLSA.
Zwarts, J. (2019). On domain adjectives and the metaphors they modify. In J. J. Schlöder, D. McHugh, & F. Roelofsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium (pp. 437-444). ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
Matushansky, O. M., & Zwarts, J. (2019). Tops and bottoms: Axial nominals as weak definites. In R. Stockwell, M. O'Leary, Z. Xu, & Z. L. Zhou (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 270-280). Cascadilla Proceedings Project.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2018). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. Abstract from IATL 34, Beersheba, Israel.
Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2018). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. Abstract from NELS 49, Ithaca, NY, United States.
Zwarts, J. (2018). Shifting animacy shifts. Theoretical Linguistics, 44(1-2), 107-111.
Zwarts, J. (2018). From ‘back’ to ‘again’ in Dutch: The structure of the ‘re’ domain. Journal of Semantics, 36(2), 211-240.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Le Bruyn, B. S. W., de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2017). Bare nominals. In M. Aronoff (Ed.), Linguistics (Oxford Research Encyclopedias). Oxford University Press.
Zwarts, J. (2017). Spatial semantics: Modeling the semantics of prepositions. Language and Linguistics Compass, 11(5), 1-20. Article e12241.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Le Bruyn, B., de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2016). From HAVE to HAVE verbs: relations and incorporation. Lingua, 182, 49-68.
Goldschmidt, A., & Zwarts, J. (2016). Hitting the nail on the head: Force vectors in verb semantics. In M. Moroney, C.-R. Little, J. Collard, & D. Burgdorf (Eds.), Proceedings of SALT 26: Proceedings of the 26th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference, held at the University of Texas at Austin May 12-15, 2016 (pp. 433-450). (Semantics and Linguistic Theory). Linguistic Society of America.
Zwarts, J., & Basso, R. M. (2016). Counterdirectionality cross-linguistically: Comparing Brazilian Portuguese and Dutch. Revista da Abralin, 15(1), 19-44.
Zwarts, J. (2016). Ways of going 'back': a case study in spatial direction. In M. Faytak, M. Goss, N. Baier, J. Merrill, K. Neely, E. Donnelly, & J. Heath (Eds.), Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Space and Directionality in Language (Vol. 39, pp. 425-443). Berkeley Linguistics Society.
Zwarts, J., & Gärdenfors, P. (2016). Locative and Directional Prepositions in Conceptual Spaces: The Role of Polar Convexity. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 25(1), 109-138.


Zwarts, J. (2016). Formele semantiek. Een inleiding in de formele analyse van betekenis. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde, 132(1).

Overige resultaten

Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2016). Event orientated adnominals and compositionality. Abstract from Workshop on Syntax and Semantics of the Nominal Domain. Goethe University Frankfurt. February 2016, Frankfurt, Germany.
Goldschmidt, A., & Zwarts, J. (2016). Hitting the nail on the head: Force vectors in verb semantics. 1-9. Paper presented at General Colloquium SFB 732, Stuttgart, Germany.
Goldschmidt, A., & Zwarts, J. (2016). Hitting the nail on the head: Force vectors in verb semantics. Poster session presented at SALT 26 (Semantics and Linguistic Theory), Austin, United States.
Goldschmidt, A., & Zwarts, J. (2016). Hitting the nail on the head: Forces in verb meanings. Paper presented at 17th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, Szklarska Poreba, Poland.
Matushansky, O. M., & Zwarts, J. (2016). Making space for measures. Paper presented at 47th Annual Meeting of North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47), Amherst, MA, United States.
Zwarts, J. (2016). Hitting the nail on the head: Forces in verb meanings. Paper presented at Linguistik Kolloquium, Bielefeld, Germany.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2015). Out of Phase: Form-Meaning Mismatches in the Prepositional Phrase. In I. Toivonen, P. Csúri, & E. van der Zee (Eds.), Structures in the Mind: Essays on Language, Music, and Cognition in Honor of Ray Jackendoff (pp. 63-78). MIT Press.
Zwarts, J. (2015). Conceptual spaces, features, and word meanings: The case of Dutch shirts. In F. Zenker, & P. Gärdenfors (Eds.), Applications of Conceptual Spaces: The Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation (1 ed., pp. 57-78). (Synthese Library; Vol. 359). Springer.

Overige resultaten

Goldschmidt, A., & Zwarts, J. (2015). Hitting the nail on the head: Forces in verb meanings. Paper presented at General Colloquium SFB 991, Düsseldorf, Germany.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J., Aguilar Guevara, A., & Le Bruyn, B. (2014). Weak Referentiality. (Linguistik Aktuell ; Vol. 219). John Benjamins. Linguistics Today series.
Zwarts, J., Aguilar Guevara, A., & Le Bruyn, B. (2014). Advances in weak referentiality. In A. Aguilar Guevara, B. Le Bruyn, & J. Zwarts (Eds.), Weak Referentiality (pp. 1-16). John Benjamins. Linguistics Today series.
Zwarts, J. (2014). Functional frames in the interpretation of weak nominals. In A. Aguilar-Guevara, B. Le Bruyn, & J. Zwarts (Eds.), Weak Referentiality (pp. 265-286). John Benjamins.
Zwarts, J. (2014). Voorwerpen met voorzetsels. Nederlandse taalkunde, 19(2), 245-247.
Zwarts, J. (2014). Directionele PP's als predicaten (of niet). Nederlandse taalkunde, 19(2), 255-275.

Overige resultaten

Zwarts, J. (Producer), Morel, S. G. (Producer), & Postma, A. (Producer). (2014). The dangerous ambiguity of prepositions. Digital or Visual Products


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2013). Lidwoord weg: kale nomina in een absolute constructie. Nederlandse taalkunde, 18(2), 222-227.
Boogaart, R. J. U., & Zwarts, J. (2013). Discussie constructie-morfologie: Inleiding. Nederlandse taalkunde, 17(2), 250-252.
Le Bruyn, B. S. W., de Swart, H., & Zwarts, J. (2013). 'Have', 'with' and 'without'. In T. Snider (Ed.), Proceedings of SALT 23 (pp. 535-548). eLanguage.
Le Bruyn, B. S. W., de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2013). Quantificational prepositions. In T. Graf, D. Paperno, A. Szabolcsi, & J. Tellings (Eds.), Theories of Everything: In Honor of Ed Keenan (pp. 187-196). UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics.
Zwarts, J. (2013). From N to N: The anatomy of a construction. Linguistics and Philosophy, 36(1), 65-90.
Aguilar Guevara, A., & Zwarts, J. (2013). Weak definites refer to kinds. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes, 42, 33-60.

Overige resultaten

Goldschmidt, A., & Zwarts, J. (2013). From picture to preposition: Modeling lexical-semantic variation in the spatial domain. Paper presented at Workshop on Semantic Variation, Chicago, United States.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Blom, C., de Groote, P., Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2012). Implicit Arguments: Event Modification or Option Type Categories? In M. Aloni, V. Kimmelman, F. Roelofsen, G. W. Sassoon, K. Schulz, & M. Westera (Eds.), Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam , The Netherlands, December 19-21, 2011, Revised Selected Papers (1 ed., pp. 240-250). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7218). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Overige resultaten

Morel, S., Postma, A., & Zwarts, J. (2012). Sensitivity to reference frame invariance in processing topological and spatial prepositions. Cognitive Processing, 13.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Lestrade, S., Schepper, K., & Zwarts, J. (2011). The distribution of labor between adpositions and case within complex spatial PPs. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 64(3), 256-274.
Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2011). Event semantics and abstract categorial grammar. In M. Kanazawa, A. Kornai, M. Kracht, & H. Seki (Eds.), The Mathematics of Language: 12th Biennial Conference, MOL 12, Nara, Japan, September 6-8, 2011. Proceedings (pp. 174-191). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6878). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Aguilar Guevara, A., & Zwarts, J. (2011). Weak definites and reference to kinds. In D. Lutz, & N. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XX CLC Publications.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2010). A hierarchy of locations. Linguistics, 48(5), 983-1009.
Zwarts, J. (2010). Semantic map geometry: Two approaches. Linguistic Discovery, 8(1), 377-395.
Zwarts, J. (2010). Forceful prepositions. In V. Evans, & P. Chilton (Eds.), Language, Cognition and Space: The State of the Art and New Directions (pp. 193-214). Equinox Publishing.
Claessen, C. M., & Zwarts, J. (2010). On the Dutch directional particle heen. In N. J. van Kampen, & R. W. F. Nouwen (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2010 (pp. 31-43). John Benjamins.
Hendriks, P., de Hoop, H., Kraemer, I., de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2010). Conflicts in Interpretation. (Advances in Optimality Theory ed.) Equinox Publishing.
Zwarts, J. (2010). Author's Reply - Getting to the Points of a Semantic Map. Linguistic Discovery, 8(1), 398-399.
Zwarts, J. (2010). Commentary on de Haan - Can Semantic Maps Be Built Purely Bottom-up? Linguistic Discovery, 8(1), 123-124.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2009). Less form - more meaning: why bare singular nouns are special. Lingua, 119, 280-295.
de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2009). Optimization principles in the typology of number and articles. In B. Heine, & H. Narrog (Eds.), Handbook of linguistic analysis (pp. 555-581). (Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics). Oxford University Press.
Zwarts, J., Hogeweg, L., Lestrade, S., & Malchukov, A. (2009). Semantic markedness in gender opposition, blocking and fossilization. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 62(4), 325-343.
Schepper, K., & Zwarts, J. (2009). Modal geometry: Remarks on the structure of a modal map. In L. Hogeweg, & H. de Hoop (Eds.), Cross-linguistic Semantics of Tense, Aspect and Modality (pp. 245-269). John Benjamins.
Zwarts, J. (2009). Boekbespreking van Maaike Beliën, Constructions, constraints and construal. Journal Title.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J., & de Hoop, H. (2008). Case in formal semantics. In A. Malchukov, & A. Spencer (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Case (pp. 170-181). Oxford University Press.
Zwarts, J. (2008). Priorities in the production of prepositions. In A. Asbury, & J. Dotlacil (Eds.), Syntax and semantics of spatial P (pp. 85-102). John Benjamins.
Zwarts, J. (2008). Commentary on Croft and Poole, Inferring universals from grammatical variation: Multidimensional scaling for typological analysis. Theoretical Linguistics, 34(1), 67-73.
Zwarts, J. (2008). Aspects of a typology of direction. In S. Rothstein (Ed.), Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect (pp. 79-106). John Benjamins.
Asbury, A. R., Gehrke, B., van Riemsdijk, H., & Zwarts, J. (2008). Introduction: Syntax and semantics of spatial P. In A. Asbury, J. Dotlacil, B. Gehrke, & R. Nouwen (Eds.), Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P (pp. 1-32). John Benjamins.
de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2008). Article use across languages: an OT typology. In A. gronn (Ed.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 12 (pp. 628-644). Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages, University of Oslo..
Zwarts, J. (2008). Number in Endo-Marakwet. In M. Reh, & D. Payne (Eds.), Advances in Nilo-Saharan Linguistics: Proceedings of the 8th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium, University of Hamburg, August 22-25, 2001 (pp. 281-294). Rödiger Küppe Publishers.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Corver, N. F. M., Doetjes, J. S., & Zwarts, J. (2007). Lingua 117.5. Special issue 'Linguistic perspectives on numerical expressions'. (Jaargang 117 ed.) Elsevier.
Bouma, G., Kraemer, I., & Zwarts, J. (2007). Introduction: Interactions in interpretation. In G. Bouma, & I. Kraemer (Eds.), Cognitive foundations of interpretation (pp. 1-4). Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen.
de Swart, H. E., Winter, Y., & Zwarts, J. (2007). Bare nominals and reference to capacities. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 25(1), 195-222.
Zwarts, J. (2007). Semantic maps voor vogelnamen in Brabantse dialecten. Taal en tongval. Themanummer, 20, 63-82.
Zwarts, J., Bouma, G., & Kraemer, I. (2007). Cognitive foundations of interpretation. Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen.
Bouma, G., Hendriks, P., de Hoop, H., Kramer, I. M., de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2007). Conflicts in interpretation. In G. Bouma, I. Kraemer, & J. Zwarts (Eds.), Cognitive foundations of interpretation (pp. 39-68). Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen.
Corver, N. F. M., Doetjes, J., & Zwarts, J. (2007). Linguistic perspectives on numerical expressions: Introduction. Lingua, 117(5), 751-758.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2006). Om en rond: een semantische vergelijking. Nederlandse taalkunde, 11(2), 101-123.
Zwarts, J., & de Swart, H. E. (2006). Interpretation as conflict resolution. Ilha do Desterro, 47, 97-128.
Corver, N. F. M., & Zwarts, J. (2006). Prepositional numerals. Lingua, 116(6), 811-835.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2005). Prepositional Aspect and the Algebra of Paths. Linguistics and Philosophy, 28(6), 739-779.
Zwarts, J. (2005). Comparative paths to an optimal interpretation. In E. Maier, & C. Bary (Eds.), Proceedings of SuB9 (pp. 553-563). NCS.
de Swart, H. E., Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2005). Bare predicate nominals in Dutch. In E. Maier, & C. Bary (Eds.), Proceedings of SuB9 (pp. 446-460). NCS.
Zwarts, J., & van Eijck, J. (2005). Formal Concept Analysis and Prototypes. In W. Kuhn, & M. Raubal (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on the Potential of Cognitive Semantics for Formal Ontologies (FOIS 2004) University of Muenster.
de Swart, H. E., Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2005). Properties, sets, and the interpretation of predicate nominals. In E. Maier, & C. Bary (Eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 9 (pp. 446-460). NCS.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2004). Competition between word meanings: the polysemy of (a)round. In C. Meier, & M. Weisgerber (Eds.), Proceedings of sub8-Sinn und Bedeutung (pp. 349-360). University of Konstanz Linguistics Working Papers.
de Swart, H. E., & Zwarts, J. (2004). Interpretation as conflict resolution. Artificial intelligence preprint series, 45.
Zwarts, J. (2004). The Phonology of Endo: A Southern Nilotic Language of Kenya. LINCOM GmbH.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J. (2003). Vectors across spatial domains: from place to size, orientation, shape and parts. In E. van der Zee (Ed.), Representing Direction in Language and Space (pp. 39-68). Oxford University Press.
Zwarts, J. (2003). Paths round a prototype. In P. Saint-Dizier (Ed.), The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions (pp. 228-238). IRIT.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Zwarts, J., & Winter, Y. S. (1998). A semantic characterization of locative PPs. In A. Lawson (Ed.), Proceedings of SALT 7: Proceedings of the 7th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference, held March 21-23, 1997, at Stanford University, edited by Aaron Lawson. (pp. 294-311). Linguistic Society of America.