Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tijdens, K. G., Besamusca, J., & van Klaveren, M. (2023). Workers and Labour Market Outcomes of Informal Jobs in Formal Establishments: A Job-Based Informality Index for Nine Sub-Saharan African Countries. In Global labour in distress: Earnings, (in)decent work and institutions (Vol. 2, pp. 287-314). (palgrave readers in economics). Pallgrave-Macmillan.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tijdens, K. G., Besamusca, J., Ceccon, D., Cetrulo, A., van Klaveren, M., Medas, G., & Szüdi, G. (2022). Comparing the content of collective agreements across the European Union: Is Europe-wide data collection feasible? E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 11(2), 61-84.
van Hedel, K.
, Yerkes, M., van Valkengoed, I.
, Besamusca, J., & André, S. (2022).
Combining Work with Caring Responsibilities and Perceived Stress during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Results from the Netherlands. Paper presented at European Population Conference 2022, Groningen, Netherlands., C.
, & Besamusca, J. (2022).
Full-time hours, part-time work: questioning the sufficiency of working hours as a measure of employment status.
Community, Work & Family,
25(1), 63-83. publicaties
Besamusca, J., van der Zwan, R., & Kruyen, P. (2022).
COVID-19 en werk – ongelijke effecten van generieke maatregelen. In S. andré, T. reeskens, & B. völker (Eds.),
De sociologie en de pandemie: Inzichten en vooruitblik na twee jaar coronacrisis. (pp. 84-99). Open Press Tilburg University. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Remery, C., Andre, S.
, Besamusca, J., Yerkes, M., Hummel, B., & van der Zwan, R. (2021).
De coronapandemie en de verdeling van huishoudelijke en zorgtaken in Nederland. In
KVS Preadviezen 2021 - Ongelijk Nederland: Een drieluik over migratie, onderwijs en de coronacrisis (pp. 87-92) Yerkes, M., André, S., Besamusca, J., Hummel, B., Remery, C., van der Zwan, R., Kruyen, P., Beckers, D. G. J., & Geurts, S. A. E. (2021). COGIS-NL: COVID Gender (In)equality Survey Netherlands. Third policy brief: Results from November 2020. Cogis.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Yerkes, M. A., André, S., Beckers, D. G. J.
, Besamusca, J., Kruyen, P. M.
, Remery, C., Zwan, R. V. D., & Geurts, S. (2020, Jul 21).
Intelligent lockdown, intelligent effects? The impact of the Dutch COVID-19 ‘intelligent lockdown’ on gendered work and family dynamics among parents. Besamusca, J. (2020).
The short or long end of the stick? Mothers’ social position and self‐employment status from a comparative perspective.
Gender, Work and Organization,
27(6), 1285-1307. Yerkes, M. A., Andre, S.
, Besamusca, J., Kruyen, P.
, Remery, C. L. H. S., van der Zwan, R., Beckers, D. G. J., & Geurts, S. A. E. (2020).
‘Intelligent’ lockdown, intelligent effects? Results from a survey on gender (in)equality in paid work, the division of childcare and household work, and quality of life among parents in the Netherlands during the Covid-19 lockdown.
PLoS One,
15(11), 1-23. [e0242249]. 2015
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tijdens, K.
, Besamusca, J., & van Klaveren, M. (2015).
Workers and Labour Market Outcomes of Informal Jobs in Formal Establishments. A Job-based Informality Index for Nine Sub-Saharan African Countries.
European Journal of Development Research,
27(5), 868-886., J., Tijdens, K., Keune, M., & Steinmetz, S. (2015).
Working Women Worldwide. Age Effects in Female Labor Force Participation in 117 Countries.
World Development,
74, 123-141.