Dr. J.T. (Thomas) Schonewille

Martinus G. de Bruingebouw
Yalelaan 7
Kamer MGB 1.021
3584 CL Utrecht

Dr. J.T. (Thomas) Schonewille

Universitair hoofddocent
Gezondheidszorg Landbouwhuisdieren
030 253 1581
Afgesloten projecten
The conversion of local feeds into human food by the ruminant 20-07-2007 tot 19-07-2010
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The aim of the project was to strengthen existing links between European and Asian universities in the field of animal health and production, and thereby improving the exchange of clinical and scientific knowlegde in these fields. Through sandwich research projects, Asian students/scientists and European scientists were exposed to each other's culture, education and managment systems. The implementation and dissemenation of novel techniques in ruminant nutrition lead to the introduction of improved feeding strategies for cattle, sheep and goats based on locally available products. The improved health and productivity of livestock immediately had benefit the farmers and the consumers of animal products. Over the three-year period, staff were further educated at academic and technical levels via courses on animal nutrition.

Onderzoeksleider & uitvoerder
3e geldstroom - EU