2022-present: Course Behavioral Observation Using Quantitative techniques (Course design coordination, lecturer, Bachelor level course, Utrecht University
2022-present: Supervision of 2 PhD students (1 as daily supervisor)
2015- present: Supervision bachelor’s, honor’s and master’s theses
2020: Course ‘Scientific Writing’ (online; Research-master/Graduate-level course, VU Amsterdam
2020: Course ‘Applied Social Psychology’ (offline and online) Research-master/ Graduate-level course, VU Amsterdam
2016-2017: Guest lecturer at University College Utrecht
2011-2014: Course Introduction Behavioral Sciences, bachelor level, Utrecht University
2010: Course ‘Leadership and Teamwork’, Training (16 h p/week), bachelor level, University of Amsterdam
2009: Course ‘Social Skills’, Training (16 h p/week), bachelor level, University of Amsterdam