

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Spanier, J., Guerrero Lara, L., & Feola, G. (2023). A one-sided love affair? On the potential for a coalition between degrowth and community-supported agriculture in Germany. Agriculture and Human Values.
Guerrero Lara, L., van Oers, L., Smessaert, J., Spanier, J., Raj, G., & Feola, G. (Accepted/In press). Degrowth and agri-food systems: a research agenda for the critical social sciences. Sustainability Science.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Spanier, J. (2022). Community-supported agriculture and the reconfiguration of rural space. Paper presented at Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Guerrero Lara, L., Spanier, J., & Feola, G. (2022). A one-sided love affair? An empirical study on the potential of a coalition between the Degrowth and Community Supported Agriculture movement in Germany. Abstract from Alternative Futures & Popular Protest Conference 2022.
Spanier, J., & Feola, G. (2022). Nurturing the post-growth city: Bringing the rural back in. In F. Savini, A. Ferreira, & K. C. von Schönfeld (Eds.), Post-Growth Planning: Cities Beyond the Market Economy (pp. 159-172). Routlegde.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Spanier, J. R. (2021). Rural Futurism: Assembling the Future in the Countryside . ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 20(1), 120-141.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Feola, G., Guerrero Lara, L., Smessaert, J. D. A., & Spanier, J. R. (2020). Book review: The Case for Degrowth, G. Kallis, S. Paulson, G. D’Alisa, F. Demaria, Polity Press (2020), ISBN: 978-1-509-53562-0, 140 pages. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 37, 381-382.


Spanier, J. R. (2020). Ende der Vogelperspektive. Internationale Politik, Januar/Februar 2020 Sonderbeilage Mercatorkolleg 2019, 40-42.



Spanier, J. R., & Monsalve, S. (2018). When Asserting Your Rights Means Risking Your Life: Violence, Criminalization, and Impunity in the Struggles for Food, Land, and Healthy Environment. In Land Research Action Network (LRAN), Global Campaign for Agrarian Reform (GCAR), Focus on the Global South, Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, & La Via Campesina (Eds.), New Challenges and Strategies in Defense of Land and Territory (pp. 45-52). (LRAN Briefing Paper Series; No. 4).