Prof. dr. Jeroen van der Sluijs




The Precautionary Principle, responsible innovation and post-normal scienceJ.P. van der Sluijs (Keynote speaker)
24 Sept 2020
, International conference PNS5 2020, a digital journey
Science for policy under deep uncertaintyJ.P. van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Sept 2020
, AFINO Webinar: Risks, uncertainties and resilience Responsible Research and Innovation after the Covid-19 crisis.
Uncertainty, risk, precaution: science for policy under complexityJ.P. van der Sluijs (Keynote speaker)
30 Jun 2020
, international webinar "Drivers of change, risks and opportunities", European Environment Agency
Making Sense of Science for Policy under conditions of complexity and uncertaintyJ.P. van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
5 Feb 2020
, Science Diplomacy in the age of the SDGs, 2020 SDG conference Day Zero


Making Sense of Science for Policy under conditions of complexity and uncertaintyJ.P. van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
4 Nov 2019
, Symposium on Making Sense of Science, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters


Uncertainties and Quality Assurance in ResearchJ.P. van der Sluijs (Lecturer)
6 Nov 2018
, Research Integrity Training PhD Graduate School Geosciences
International PhD summer school "Numbers for policy: practical problems in quantification"J.P. van der Sluijs (Organiser)
27 Aug 20181 Sept 2018


Responsible Evidence Appraisal. Invited lecture at 2017 Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social TransformationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
17 Aug 2017
, Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation
Futures (Journal)J.P. van der Sluijs (Peer reviewer)
Aug 2017
New Risks: the challenges of uncertaintyJ.P. van der Sluijs (Keynote speaker)
12 May 2017
, Law and New Risks", Legal Research Master Conference
Bijensterfte: zijn drones het antwoord?J.P. van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
11 May 2017
Assessing the Science Quality of RM Research: Considerations for the DEFORM Project’s Methods & AmbitionsJ.P. van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
31 Jan 2017
, DEFORM workshop quality and integrity in science


Uncertainties and Quality Assurance in ResearchJ.P. van der Sluijs (Lecturer)
11 Nov 2016
, Research Integrity Training PhD Graduate School Geosciences
Climate adaptation decision making in uncertain environments: the neef for new ways of interfacing science and governancen. Invited lecture at 4th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
30 Aug 2016
, 4th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
4th Nordic Conference on Climate Change AdaptationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
30 Aug 2016
Responsible Evidence Appraisal. Invited lecture at 2016 Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social TransformationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
24 Aug 2016
, 2016 Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation
Risks and ethics of the novel genome editing technology CRISPR. Invited presentation at Koppelting 2016 Conference, Amersfoort, The NetherlandsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
19 Aug 2016
, Koppelting 2016 Conference
Scientific Controversy: Institutional, Societal and Epistemic dimensions. Oral presentation at Sixth Biennial Conference Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSS2016)Glassboro, USA, Rowan UniversityJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
17 Jun 2016
, Sixth Biennial Conference Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSS2016) Glassboro, USA, Rowan University
SAMKUL UC4A 2nd meeting, Amersfoort, The NetherlandsJeroen van der Sluijs (Participant)
18 Apr 2016
New Currents in Science: The Challenges of Quality, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, ItalyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
3 Mar 2016
SAMKUL FiGo Researcher Network meeting, Bergen, Univeristy of Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Participant)
11 Jan 2016


Decades of climate research: Lessons for science. Invited presentation at Joint YAE/AE symposium on clean energy and climate modeling, 16 June 2015, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Jun 2015
, Joint YAE/AE symposium on clean energy and climate modeling, Bergen, Norway
International Symposium Significant Digits: Responsible Use of Quantitative Information, Brussels, BelgiumJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Jun 2015
Responsible innovation: towards socially robust smart electricity systems in Europe. Oral presentation at EPINET Final Conference, Brussels, BelgiumJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 Apr 2015
, EPINET Final Conference, Brussels, Belgium
Ethical, Legal & Societal Aspects of the SalmoSterile project. Oral presentation at the SALMOSTERILE annual meeting, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
8 Apr 2015
, SALMOSTERILE annual meeting, Bergen, Norway
Co-promotor PhD Majolein Mens (University of Twente)J.P. van der Sluijs (Co-supervisor)
29 Jan 2015


International conference Science for Policy: Post-Normal Science in Practice, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
11 Dec 2014
International conference Science for Policy: Post-Normal Science in Practice, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Dec 2014
The risks of neonicotinoids to aquatic ecosystems. Invited presentation at “Informatieve bijeenkomst Imidacloprid” Water Board of Rijnland, Leiden, The NetherlandsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 Oct 2014
, The ris“Informatieve bijeenkomst Imidacloprid” Water Board of Rijnland, Leiden, The Netherlands
SRUTINIZE DISCORD, invited seminar at Centre for the Studies of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Oct 2014
Post Normal Science - theory and practice. Bergen Summer Research School – Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy; University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
3 Jul 2014
Post Normal Science and Knowledge Quality Assessment. Bergen Summer Research School – Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy; University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2014
Knowledge Quality Assessment - an introduction. Bergen Summer Research School – Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy; University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2014
Tools for Knowledge Quality Assessment. Invited seminar Science for the EU citizen ... Yes but ... what kind of science, EC Joint Reseach Centre, Ispra, ItalyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Jun 2014
, Seminar Science for the EU citizen... Yes, but... what kind of science ? EC Joint Reseach Centre, Ispra, Italy
Post Normal Science: A reflective approach to Knowledge Quality Assessment. Invited seminar Science for the EU citizen ... Yes but ... what kind of science, EC Joint Reseach Centre, Ispra, ItalyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Jun 2014
, Seminar Science for the EU citizen... Yes, but... what kind of science ? EC Joint Reseach Centre, Ispra, Italy
Decades of climate research Lessons for science. Trial lecture at the Centre for the Studies of the Sciences and the Humanities, Univeristy of Bergen, Bergen, Norway,Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
26 May 2014
Bijensterfte Oorzaken, gevolgen oplossingen. Invited Lecture, de bedreigde BIJzaak, De Balie, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 May 2014
Adaptation to uncertain future climate change. Invited lecture at Utrecht Climate Adaptation Workshop, Utrecht, The NetherlandsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2014
, Utrecht Climate Adaptation Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Neonicotinoids: risks to pollinators, ecosystems and humans. Annual conference of the Österreichischer Erwerbsimkerbund, Graz, AustriaJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
22 Feb 2014
, Annual conference of the Österreichischer Erwerbsimkerbund, Graz, Austria
Social robustness of smart electricity networks in Europe, invited presenatation at EPINET Embedding workshop on Smart Grids, Hilversum, The Netherlands.Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Jan 2014
, EPINET Embedding workshop on Smart Grids, Hilversum, The Netherlands.
Ingredients for a socially robust smart electricity grid, invited presenatation at EPINET Embedding workshop on Smart Grids, Hilversum, The Netherlands.Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Jan 2014
, EPINET Embedding workshop on Smart Grids, Hilversum, The Netherlands.
Critical reflection on assumptions: the NUSAP approach. Invited lecture at RIVM workshop Disease burden of foodborne pathogens in the Netherlands, RIVM, Bilthoven.Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Jan 2014
, RIVM workshop Disease burden of foodborne pathogens in the Netherlands, RIVM, Bilthoven.


,Invited key note at ICA-RUS/CCRP-PJ2 International Workshop 2013: Now and Future of Global Climate Risk ManagementJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
5 Dec 2013
Controversen en onzekerheden rond risico’s (controversies and uncertainties on risks)Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Nov 2013
, Invited lecture at Studium Generale (Amersfoort, The Netherlands)
Neonicotinoids risks to ecosystems and humansJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2013
, Invited Lecture at “Beecome 2nd European Congres
WP6 Smart Grids, where we are - some main results, findings and challengesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2013
, EPINET Consortium Meeting
Integrated Assessment on Systemic PesticidesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
5 Nov 2013
, 7nth meeting of the IUCN Task Force on Systemic Pesticides
The Bee Crisis Neonicotinoids, bee disorders and the sustainability of pollinator servicesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Oct 2013
, Invited lecture Studium Generale (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Onzekerheid en voorzorgJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
8 Oct 2013
, Invited lecture at “Themabijeenkomst omgaan met onzekerheden” Nederlandse Vereniging Toxicologie, sectie risico (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Neonicotinoiden: risico’s voor bijen (en mensen?)Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 Sept 2013
, Invited lecture, Dag van de omwonende, Stichting Bollenboos (Diever, The Netherlands)
Invited lecture at the 8th Bridge to the Future conference, ‘Knagend Geweten’, Stichting War Requiem - Bridge to the FutureJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
20 Sept 2013
Controversen en onzekerheden rond risico’sJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
12 Sept 2013
, Invited lecture at “Resistance to change – de rol van de GGD in een veranderende samenleving VIZ-sib (IJmuiden, The Netherlands)
Integrated Assessment van systemische pesticidenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
6 Sept 2013
, Invited lecture at Triodos Foundation (Zeist, The Netherlands)
Uncertainties in impact assessment of produced waterJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2013
, Invited lecture at workshop Uncetrainty in Impact Assessment of Petroleum Activity, Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Uncertainty in climate risk assessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
22 Aug 2013
, Invited opening keynote at Climate Change, Sustainability and an Ethics of an Open Future, 50th Societas Ethica Annual Conference
Bijensterfte en neonicotinoidenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
14 Jul 2013
, Invited lecture at Open Imkerijdagen, Botanische Tuinen Utrecht (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Uncertainty and dissent in climate risk assessment implications for climate change adaptationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Jul 2013
, Invited lecture at Summer School Climate Change: Disasters, Challenges and Opportunities, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Reactie op Nota Duurzwame GewasbeschermingJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
19 Jun 2013
, Invited contribution to Rondetafelgesprek Duurzame Gewasbescherming, Tweede Kamer vaste commissie Economische Zaken (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Macro-invertebrate decline in Dutch surface waters polluted with imidaclopridJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
11 Jun 2013
, Invited lectutre at IUCN international symposium on systemic pesticides (Tokyo, Japan)
Integrated Assessment on Systemic PesticidesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Jun 2013
, Invited lectutre at IUCN international symposium on systemic pesticides (Tokyo, Japan)
Neonicotinoid uses in EuropeJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Jun 2013
, Invited lectutre at IUCN international symposium on systemic pesticides (Tokyo, Japan)
Invited lectutre at IUCN international symposium on systemic pesticidesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
1 Jun 2013
, Invited lecture at Bijensymposium ‘Bij’ de tijds imkeren, Imkervereniging Deventer (Diepenveen, The Netherlands)
Bijensterfte en neonicotinoidenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 May 2013
, Invited lecture at Studievereniging STORM (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Integrated Assessment on Systemic PesticidesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
24 May 2013
, Invited lecture at Greenpeace Europe (Brussels, Belgium)
Dealing with uncertainties the need for Knowledge Quality AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 May 2013
, Invited lunch lecture at Deltares Statistics Community, Deltares (Delft, The Netherlands)
Health risks of climate change: An assessment of uncertainties and its implications for adaptation policiesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
25 Apr 2013
, Invited Lunch Lecture at Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) (Bilthoven, The Netherlands)
Invited key note at the ELO conference Assessing the precautionary principle: a challenge for modern agriculture? European Landowner OrganisationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
24 Apr 2013
Qualitative uncertainty assessment: The case of Baakse BeekJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2013
, Kennisconferentie Deltaprogramma 2013 (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
Integrated Assessment on Systemic PesticidesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2013
, Invited lecture at Louvain la Neuve meeting IUCN Taskforce Systemic Pesticides
Neonicotinoids, bee disorders and the sustainability of pollinator servicesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
17 Apr 2013
, Invited lecture at Louvain la Neuve meeting IUCN Taskforce Systemic Pesticides
Macro-invertebrate decline in Dutch surface waters polluted with imidaclopridJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2013
, Invited lecture at Louvain la Neuve meeting IUCN Taskforce Systemic Pesticides
Qualitative uncertainty assessment: systematic critical reflection on assumptionsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Apr 2013
, Invited lecture at Workshop uncertainty analysis - Sustainable and Smart Food Supply - Benchmarking Atlas for Sustainable Intensification of agricultural Systems (BASIS) project
Sustainability and product risks: Identifying and preventing risk migrationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
3 Apr 2013
, Invited lecture at the Netherlands Food and Product Safety Authority (NVWA) (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Post Normal Science: A reflective approach to Knowledge Quality AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
21 Mar 2013
, Invited lecture at PhD retreat of the integrated school of ocean sciences (ISOS) (Theodor-Schwartz-haus, Travemünde-Brodten, Germany)
Uncertainty a challenge for decision makingJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
20 Mar 2013
, Invited lecture at PhD retreat of the integrated school of ocean sciences (ISOS) (Theodor-Schwartz-haus, Travemünde-Brodten, Germany)
Resilience as a strategy for adaptation under uncertaintyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
20 Mar 2013
, Oral presentation at European Conference on Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA)
Bijensterfte en neonicotinoidenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Mar 2013
, Invited lecture at General Meeting of the Association of Carnica Beekeepers (VCI)
Smart Grids & risk migrationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
26 Feb 2013
, EPINET joint Meeting WP4&6
Bijensterfte een nieuw risicoJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Feb 2013
, Invited lecture at reginal meeting of beekeeper associations of Frederiksoord, Steenwijk and Meppel
Expert Judgement and uncertaintyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
30 Jan 2013
, invited lecture at UncAP workshop
Dealing with uncertainties the need for Knowledge Quality AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
25 Jan 2013
, Invited lecture at SENSE Master Class Complex Dynamics in Human-Environment Systems (SENSE Research School, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Wetenschappelijke controversen en onzekerhedenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Jan 2013
, Invited lecture at 9e klankbordgroep Knowledge Platform on Electromagnectic Fields, Maatschappelijk zorgvuldig communiceren over wetenschap ('s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands)
Unformalised Co-supervision PhD Noa Simon Delso (University of Louvain la Neuve)J.P. van der Sluijs (Co-supervisor)


Omgaan met onderzekerheid rond nieuwe risico'sJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
29 Nov 2012
, Invited lecture at 17th Ius Commune congress, session Liability and insurance at UvA
Bestuivingscrisis: feit of fictie? Oorzaken en gevolgen van de terugloop van bestuivende insectenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
17 Nov 2012
, Invited lecture at first assembly Honey Bank at Stroom (Den Haag, The Netherlands)
Stakeholder participation in knowledge production regarding complex environmental problemsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2012
, Invited lecture at the Advanced Course on Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy
NUSAP: Uncertainty is more than a numberJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2012
, Invited lecture at the Advanced Course on Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy
Uncertainty: concepts and methods of assessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2012
, Invited lectur at the Advanced Course on Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy
Integrated Assessment of Systemic PesticidesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
5 Nov 2012
, Invited lecture at the 4th Meeting of the Task Force Systemic Pesticides IUCN
Methods for assessing uncertaintiesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Oct 2012
, Invited lecture at the SENSE Autumn School Dealing with Uncertainties (Bunnik, the Netherlands)
Uncertainty: concepts, types, sourcesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
8 Oct 2012
, Invited leture at the SENSE Autumn School Dealing with Uncertainties (Bunnik, The Netherlands)
Qualitative uncertainty analysis in chemical risk assessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
3 Oct 2012
, Lecture at the 3th International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment, Health and Development (Skiathos, Greece)
Bijensterfte een nieuw risicoJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2012
, Lecture at annual "Hart en Hoofddag" ("Heart and Head day") of Triodos Bank (Zeist, the Netherlands)
Bijensterfte en systemische insecticidenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
25 Sept 2012
, Lecture at annual meeting of Netherlands Beekining Association (NBV) Region Zeeland
Knowledge Quality AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
5 Sept 2012
, Invited seminar, National Institute of Environment Studies at Tokyo University
Integrated Assessment on Systemic PesticidesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2012
, Invited keynote at IUCN Tokoy Forum on Systemic Pesticides (Tokyo, Japan)
Uncertainty & precaution: concepts, tools, pitfalls, lessonsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
17 Aug 2012
, Invited lecture at joint course "Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics" and "Nanoethics", University of Bergen
Nano RiskJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Aug 2012
, Invited lecture at joint course "Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics" and "Nanoethics", University of Bergen
Risk, uncertainty and scientific controversyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
15 Aug 2012
, Invited lecture at joint course "Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics" and "Nanoethics", University of Bergen
Dealing with uncertainties: the need for Knowledge Quality AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
6 Jul 2012
, nvited lecture at UNESCO Institute of Higher Education (Delft, the Netherlands)
Late Lessons from Early Warnings: Seed-dressing systemic insecticides and honeybees:a challenge for democratic governance of controversies about chemical risksJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
4 Jul 2012
, Invited lecture at Adessium Foundation (Reeuwijk, The Netherlands)
Macro-invertebrate decline in Dutch surface waters polluted with imidaclopridJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 Jun 2012
, Invited lecture at Cambridge meeting IUCN Taskforce Systemic Pesticides
Integrated AssessementJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
27 Jun 2012
, Invited lecture, Cambridge meeting IUCN Taskforce Systemic Pesticides
Systemic Insecticides: impacts on pollinatorsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 2012
, Keynote at the Cambridge meeting IUCN Taskforce Systemic Pesticides
Uncertainty: concepts, tools, pitfalls, lessonsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
15 Jun 2012
, Invited lecture at EPINET Kick Off Meeting at SVT
Smart GridsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
15 Jun 2012
, Invited lecture at EPINET Kick Off Meeting at SVT
Climate change adaptation Strategies on dealing with uncertaintiesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
11 Jun 2012
, Invited lecture at CIRCLE 2 Lisbon Meeting
Systemische insecticiden en BijensterfteJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
25 May 2012
, Lecture for volunteers of bee foundation (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Late Lessons from Early Warnings: Seed-dressing systemic insecticides and honeybees: a challenge for democratic governance of controversies about chemical risksJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
24 May 2012
, IMEW Lunch Lecture (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Knowledge Quality Assessment for complex sustainability issuesJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
13 Apr 2012
, Invited lecture at farewell symposium Prof. Wim Turkenburg (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Addressing Complexity in Science for Policy: The Management of Uncertainty and Quality in Quantitative InformationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
12 Apr 2012
, Invited symposium at Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail (ANSES) (Paris, France)
Systemische insecticiden en BijensterfteJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2012
, Invited lecture at Carnica Association East Netherlands (Bornebroek, the Netherlands)
Uncertainty in model based decision support: concepts, tools, pitfalls, lessonsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
30 Mar 2012
, Invited symposium on uncertainty, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) (The Hague, the Netherlands)
Uncertainty in model based decision support concepts, tools, pitfalls, lessonsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 Mar 2012
, Invited lecture at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) Leiden University (Leiden, the Netherlands)
Knowledge Quality Assessement dealing with the multiple dimensions of uncertainty in science for policyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 Mar 2012
, Invited seminar at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) Leiden University
Systemische insecticiden en bijensterfteJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
23 Mar 2012
, Invited lecture for the Leidse Imkersvereniging (Leiden, the Netherlands)
Systemische insecticiden Impacts op biodiversiteit en ecosysteemdienstenJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
28 Feb 2012
, Invited Kolokolo-lecture for Studievereniging STORM Studentenorganisatie Milieuwetenschappen UU (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Systemische insecticiden en bijensterfteJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
4 Feb 2012
, Invited lecture at the "Studiedag Imkersbond ABTB" (Wehl, The Netherlands)
Unformalised Co-supervision PhD Elbert de Jong (Molengraaff Instituut voor Privaatrecht)J.P. van der Sluijs (Co-supervisor)


The neoniconoid era of pest management: impacts on pollinators and ecosystemsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
, Powerpoint presentatie


Governing climate change related risks in the Netherlands': challenges and responses of urban plannersJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Jul 2010
, Presentation at the 24th Annual AESOP conference


Onzekerheid en klimaatadaptatieJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
27 Nov 2008
, The national conference “Op weg naar een klimaatbestendige samenleving”
Governing the risk of anthropogenic Climate Change requires a visible handJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2008
, The International Workshop The “Visible Hand”
Coping with scientific uncertainty in the science-policy interface: From “speaking truth to power” to “working deliberatively within imperfections”Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
4 Nov 2008
, MSc Course Risk and Uncertainty, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
Uncertainty in the Science-Policy InterfaceJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
13 Oct 2008
, Workshop on Uncertainty and Policy – Fisheries in dialogue with other sectors
Uncertainty assessment and communicationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 Oct 2008
, FRMRC2 WP1.7 planning meeting
Why should they believe us? Communication on Climate ChangeJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
29 Sept 2008
, European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC)
Uncertainty, complexity & post-normal science: the need for new ways of interfacing climate science and climate policyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
29 Sept 2008
, The Workshop “Science Policy Interface and Climate Change”
Coping with Uncertainty in Science for Policy: the need for Knowledge Quality AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Sept 2008
, The UNESCO-IHE international summer school “Climate Change in Integrated Water Management" (Delft)
Quantification of uncertain quantities using subjective probability distributionsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
26 Aug 2008
, IRAS-RIVM-INTARESE Expert Workshop on Ultrafine Particles and Health
Expert Judgement and uncertaintyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
25 Aug 2008
, IRAS-RIVM-INTARESE Expert Workshop on Ultrafine Particles and Health
Co-organisation and co-chair IRAS-RIVM-INTARESE Expert Workshop on Ultrafine Particles and HealthJeroen van der Sluijs (Organiser)
25 Aug 200826 Aug 2008
APHEKOM WP7 Knowledge Quality Assessment: Interactive Online Tool for discussions of uncertainties and indicators in evaluating APHIAs in EuropeJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2008
, APHEKOM first meeting
Science for Policy, from ‘speaking truth to power’ to ‘working deliberatively within imperfectionsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
4 Jun 2008
, TNO “Terugblik workshop Kwaliteit van Leefomgeving”
Coping with scientific uncertainty in the science-society interface From ‘speaking truth to power’ to ‘working deliberatively within imperfections’Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
9 May 2008
, Key-note lecture at the 2nd Maastricht PhD Conference
Post-normal Science and STSJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2008
, Conference Changing Relations between Science and Society
Plenary presentation at the conference: Changing Relations between Science and Society, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the department of Science, Technology and SocietyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2008
Veerkrachtig Rotterdam, Klimaatverandering als uitdagingJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
19 Mar 2008
, opening lecture at the workshop Veerkrachtig Rotterdam, Klimaatverandering als uitdaging
Organiser and chair Workshop Veerkrachtig Rotterdam: Klimaatverandering als uitdagingJeroen van der Sluijs (Organiser)
19 Mar 2008
Organisation Veerkrachtig Rotterdam: klimaatverandering als uitdagingJeroen van der Sluijs (Organiser)
19 Mar 2008
Guest lecture in the MSc course “Integrated Environmental Assessment: Pollution Management”Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
11 Jan 2008


Knowledge quality assessment: from diagnostic tools to enlarged deliberative processJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 Dec 2006
, Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics on "Ecological Sustainability and Human Well-being"
Uncertainties in Environmental Health Risk AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 2006
, Guest lecture in the education program "European Public Health" (Maastricht, the Netherlands)
The NUSAP-system for Uncertainty AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
26 Oct 2006
, Workshop "External costs of a potential severe nuclear accident in Belgium"
OnzekerheidscommunicatieJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
25 Oct 2006
, Workshop "Bandbreedte bij kustmorfologische projecten"
Assessing the Quality of Evidence for Complex and Contested Policy DecisionsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Oct 2006
, Trans Atlantic Uncertainty Colloquium (Washington, USA)
Knowledge Quality Assessment in the Science-Policy InterfaceJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
2 Oct 2006
, eKAM school (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Uncertainty MethodsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
22 Sept 2006
, policy-analysis and entrepreneurship in health and life science" and "international public health" MSc. Course " Research methods" of the master programmes "management
Assessing the Quality of Evidence for Complex and Contested Policy DecisionsJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
8 Sept 2006
, UoB-JRC Haugastøl Mountain Uncertainty Workshop
Approaches and Methods for the Assessment and Communication of UncertaintyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Sept 2006
, Seminar Management and Communication of Uncertainty in the Science-Policy Interface
Towards a common understanding of the Precautionary PrincipleJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2006
, International Conference on Environmental Epidemiology & Exposure
The need for guidance for dealing with uncertainty, assumptions and value commitments in environment and health assessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2006
, International Conference on Environmental Epidemiology & Exposure
The Precautionary Approach to Risk ManagementJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
13 Jun 2006
, THEMES Summer School- Analysing Complexity (Barcelona, Spain)
The NUSAP System for uncertainty assessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 2006
, THEMES Summer School-Analyzing Complexity (Barcelona, Spain)
Uncertainty in Environmental Risk Management, Concepts, approaches, and Methods of AnalysisJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Jun 2006
, THEMES Summer School- Analysing Complexity (Barcelona, Spain)
Post Normal ScienceJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
10 Jun 2006
, Summer School-Analysing Complexity (Barcelona, Spain)
OnzekerheidscommunicatieJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
16 May 2006
, Conferentie "Omgaan met onzekerheid in beleid" (The Hague, the Netherlands)
Knowledge Quality Assessment in the Science-Policy InterfaceJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
14 Apr 2006
, Workshop "Onzekerheid en Risico"
Knowledge Quality Assessment in the Science Policy InterfaceJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
27 Mar 2006
, ERICA EUG Workshop on Scientific Uncertainty
The Precautionary Principle and UncertaintyJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
21 Mar 2006
, Three day training course at Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca
Knowledge Quality AssessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
6 Feb 2006
, General Meeting ALARM
Current Practice: An assessment of the operational use of uncertainty assessment to modelling activities in RIVMJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
31 Jan 2006
, FRMRC Practitioners' workshop Risk and Uncertainty
MSc Course " Integrated Environmental Assessment: Pollution Management"Jeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
11 Jan 2006
The Integrated Assessment Society (External organisation)Jeroen van der Sluijs (Member)
2006 → …
Sylvia Tognetti Consultancy (External organisation)Jeroen van der Sluijs (Member)
2006 → …
European Environment Agency (External organisation)Jeroen van der Sluijs (Member)
2006 → …


Communiceren over onzekere kennisJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
15 Dec 2005
, Workshop "Evaluatie onzekerheidscommunicatie MNP Milieubalans 2005-doelgroep beleidsmakers", Utrecht University
Guidance for Uncertainty Assessment, Management and CommunicationJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Dec 2005
, Training course for Ph.D. students, The Integrated Assessment Society (TIAS), Enschede, the Netherlands
The Precautionary PrincipleJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2005
, Colloque Incertitude et Environnement, 17e journées Scientifiques de la Société d' Ecologie Humaine, Université de la Méditerranée Site d'Arles (Arles, France)
Uncertainty in Environmental Risk Management, Concepts, Approaches, and Methods of AnalysisJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
7 Nov 2005
, Fall school
Uncertainty analysis and assessmentJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
21 Oct 2005
, SENSE Ph.D. Course, SENSE Research School, Utrecht, the Netherlands
TIAS-Summerschool-SynthesisJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
11 Jul 2005
, TIAS Summerschool 2005, Integrated Assessment Society (TIAS), Osnabruck, Germany
L' Assurance de la Qualité de la Connaissance comme processus de dialogue multi-acteursJeroen van der Sluijs (Invited speaker)
4 Jul 2005
, International Summer School "Les outils de participation des acteurs a la gouvernance environmentale des territoires", Université de Cores (Corte, Italy)