Working papers (available online)
Journal publications
- "Climate Change, Firm Performance and Investor Surprises" (with N. Pankratz and R. Bauer), Management Science, publisher link.
- "Insider ownership, governance mechanisms, and corporate bond prices around the world" (with N. Pankratz and R. Bauer), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 117, 2021.
- "Impact Investments: a Call for (Re)Orientation" (with T. Busch, P. Bruce-Clark, R. Eccles, T. Heb, A. Hoepner, C. Klein, P. Krueger, F. Paetzold, B. Scholtens, and O. Weber), SN Business & Economics, vol. 1(2), pp. 1-13, 2021.
- “Do Social Factors Influence Investment Behavior and Performance? Evidence from Mutual Fund Holdings” (with A. Borgers, K. Koedijk and J. ter Horst), Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 60, pp. 112-126, 2015.
- “Stakeholder Relations and Stock Returns: on Errors in Expectations and Learning” (with A. Borgers, K. Koedijk, and J. Ter Horst), Journal of Empirical Finance, vol. 22, pp. 159-175.
- Winner of the 2012 UN PRI/Sustainalytics Research Award (Best Academic paper).
- “A Tale of Values-Driven and Profit-Seeking Social Investors” (with K. Koedijk and J. ter Horst), Journal of Banking and Finance,vol. 35(8), pp. 2137-2147, 2011.
- “Global Equity Fund Performance, Portfolio Concentration, and the Fundamental Law of Active Management” (with J. Huij), Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 35(1), pp. 155-165, 2011.
- “Employee Well-Being, Firm Leverage, and Bankruptcy Risk” (with P. Verwijmeren), Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 34(5), pp. 956-964, 2010.
“REIT Momentum and the Performance of Real Estate Mutual funds”, (with J. Huij, D. Brounen, W. Marquering), Financial Analysts Journal, September/October, 2009.
- “The Economic Value of Corporate Eco-Efficiency” (with N. Guenster, R. Bauer and K. Koedijk), European Financial Management, vol. 17(4), pp. 679-704, 2011.
- Winner of the 2005 Moskowitz Prize for best quantitative research on socially responsible investing. Winner of 2012 European Financial Management Best paper Award: Top Download
- "The Impact of Terrorist Attacks on International Stock Markets" (with D. Brounen), European Financial Management, vol. 16(4), pp. 585-598, 2010.
“Socially Responsible Fixed-Income Funds” (with K. Koedijk), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, vol. 36 (1&2), pp. 210-229, 2009.
“Hot Hands in Bond Funds” (with J. Huij), Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 32(4), pp 559-572, 2008.
“The Ethical Mutual Fund Performance Debate: New Evidence from Canada” (with R. Bauer and R. Otten), Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 70(2), 2007.
“The Eco-Efficiency Premium Puzzle” (with N. Guenster, R. Bauer and K. Koedijk), Financial Analysts Journal, vol. 61(2), March/April, 2005.
- Winner of the 2005 European Prize on Finance and Sustainable Development, awarded by French Sustainable Investment Forum and Le Monde.
- “The Real-Time Predictability of the Size and Value Premium in Japan” (with R. Bauer and R. Molenaar), Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 12(5), 2004
Book contributions
- Values-Driven and Profit-Seeking Dimensions of Environmentally Responsible Investing (with R. Bauer), Oxford Handbook of Business and the Natural Environment (P. Bansal and A. Hoffman, eds), 2011.