Dr. Josephine Chambers

Universitair docent
Urban Futures

Guest of episode 1 of podcast Sustain.fm: Reimagining the world. 2023. Hosted by S. Williams. Available at: https://www.sustain.fm/radio

Environmental histories vs environmental futures: In conversation with Josie Chambers. 2023. Interviewed by V. Zambianchi. Available at https://envhistnow.com/2023/11/21/environmental-histories-vs-environmental-futures-in-conversation-with-josie-chambers/

Chambers J, Massarella K, Fletcher R. 2022. How sharing and learning from failures can transform conservation (commentary). Mongabay.

Chambers J, Wyborn C, Klenk N, Cvitanovic C, Noor N. 2021. Fostering agility to diversify science, music, and society. LSE Impact Blog.

Chambers J, Wyborn C, Österblom H, Charli-Joseph L, Cockburn J, Hill R, Brennan R, Cvitanovic C. 2021. The hitchhiker’s guide to co-production: Six ways to link knowledge and action for sustainability. LSE Impact Blog.

Chambers J. 2021. Behind the paper: six modes of co-production for sustainability. Springer Nature Sustainability Community Blog.

Chambers J. 2019. Blinded by our heroic fantasies? Biodiversity Revisited Thought Piece. Luc Hoffmann Institute, Gland Switzerland.

Chambers J. 2019. Where and when to intervene? Leverage points for sustainability transformation, Faculty of Sustainability, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany.

Chambers J. 2019. The ‘how to’ of collaborative transformation. Leverage points for sustainability transformation, Faculty of Sustainability, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany.