Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Sternheim, L. C., Bijsterbosch, J. M., Wever, M. C. M.
, van Elburg, A. A., & Frank, G. K. W. (2024).
Examining anxious temperament in anorexia nervosa: Behavioural inhibition and intolerance of uncertainty and their contribution to trait anxiety in adolescents with anorexia nervosa.
Journal of Affective Disorders,
348, 116-123. 2023
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bijsterbosch, J. M., Hasenack, B., van Rooijen, B.
, Sternheim, L. C., Boelen, P. A., Dijkerman, H. C., & Keizer, A. (2023).
Intolerable feelings of uncertainty within the body: Associations between interoceptive awareness, intolerance of uncertainty, and body dissatisfaction.
Journal of Adolescence,
95(8), 1678-1688. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bijsterbosch, J. M., Keizer, A., Boelen, P. A., van den Brink, F., & Sternheim, L. C. (2022).
Understanding relations between intolerance of uncertainty and body checking and body avoiding in anorexia nervosa.
Journal of Eating Disorders,
10(1), 1-10. Article 122. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bijsterbosch, J. M., Keizer, A., Boelen, P. A., van den Brink, F., Danner, U. N., & Sternheim, L. C. (2021).
How deep is your thought? The relations between intolerance of uncertainty, worry and weight and shape concerns in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa.
Journal of Eating Disorders,
9(1), 1-10. Article 164. Hasenack, B., Sternheim, L. C., Bijsterbosch, J. M., & Keizer, A. (2021).
The link between anxiety and assessment of body attitudes and body size estimation in anorexia nervosa.
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology,
12(1), 1-8. Vakpublicaties
Treasure, J., Smith, G., Crane, A., Boesveld, P., (TRANS.), Sternheim, L. C., (TRANS.), & Bijsterbosch, J. M., (TRANS.) (2021). Samen de eetstoornis aanpakken: Bewezen effectieve vaardigheden om je kind of partner te ondersteunen. (1 ed.) SWP.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bijsterbosch, J. M., Van Den Brink, F., Vollmann, M., Boelen, P. A., & Sternheim, L. C. (2020).
Understanding Relations between Intolerance of Uncertainty, Social Anxiety, and Body Dissatisfaction in Women.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
208(10), 833-835. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Danner, U. N., Sternheim, L. C., Bijsterbosch, J. M., Dingemans, A. E.
, Evers, C. A. J. M., & van Elburg, A. A. (2016).
Influence of negative affect on decision making in women with restrictive and binge-purge type anorexia nervosa.
Psychiatry Research,
239, 39-46.