Jelle Lammerts van Bueren MA

Jelle Lammerts van Bueren MA

Politieke geschiedenis


Academic articles

  • Vive la Grandeur, Vive la France: French assertiveness during the De Gaulle presidency through the development of the ‘Force de Frappe.’ Historical Review Groniek 234 (2024): 1, 97-106. 



  • Rediscovering Referendums: Direct Democratic Practices in Postwar Western Europe. Utrecht University Archives, 2023. (Grade: 9.0)

Conference presentations

  • “Direct democracy as an investigatory lens: How Analyzing Referendums Can Help Us Better Understand the Contested Nature of Postwar Democratic Development.” Wrapping Up History Conference. June 23, 2023. Utrecht, Netherlands.

Academic articles

  • “America or the Poorhouse: Individual Maritime Stories within the Broader Migration Patterns of the Early 20th Century.” Leidschrift (2023): 2, 88-105.
  • “Destroying Democracy: Philippe Pétain and the Vichy Alternative to the French Republic.” Historisch Tijdschrift Aanzet 38 (2023): 1, 21-28.


Conference presentations

  • “Referendums, Independence, and Migration: A Comparison between the Independence Referendums and their results in Guinea, Dahomey, and Algeria, 1958-1962.” Annual Conference of the French Colonial Historical Society. May 12, 2022. Charleston, South Carolina, United States of America.
  • “The Birth of a Rivalry: French Public Opinion on Germany during and after the Franco-Prussian War.” International Conference for Postgraduates in French and Francophone Studies. April 23, 2022. Warwick, United Kingdom (Conference held online).

Academic articles

  • “The Key to Winning Referendums: Explaining Charles de Gaulle’s Referendum Successes and Failures.” Historisch Tijdschrift Aanzet 37 (2022): 3, 8-15. 


Academic articles

  • “What if, het belang van alternatieve tijdsverlopen voor de moderne historicus.” Tijdschrift Ongehoord (HHP Utrecht University), June 30, 2020.