van de Kerkhof, J. (2024). Jawboning Content Moderation from a European Perspective. In C. V. Oirsouw, J. D. Poorter, I. Leijten, G. V. D. Schyff, M. Stremler, & M. De Visser (Eds.), European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2023: Constitutional Law in the Digital Era (1 ed., pp. 61–85). (European Yearbook of Constitutional Law; Vol. 5). T.M.C. Asser Press.
van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2024). Shadowbanned on X: The DSA in Action. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1-8. Advance online publication.
van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2024). Digital Constitutionalism and Consumer Protection. In G. De Gregorio, O. Pollicino, & P. Valcke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Constitutionalism Oxford University Press.
Kaushal, R., van de Kerkhof, J., Goanta, C., Spanakis, G., & Iamnitchi, A. (2024). Automated Transparency: A Legal and Empirical Analysis of the Digital Services Act Transparency Database. In FAccT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (pp. 1121 - 1132). Association for Computing Machinery.
van de Kerkhof, J., de Gregorio, G., De Meyere, J., Gentile, G., Goanta, C., & Kuczerawy, A. (2024). Policy Brief for the European Commission's Digital Services Act Delegated Act on Data Access Consultation. European Commission.
van de Kerkhof, J., Annabell, T., Goanta, C., Iamnitchi, A., Kaushal, R., & Spanakis, G. (2024). Policy Brief for the European Commission's Digital Services Act Delegated Act on Data Access consultation. European Commission.
Goanta, C., Straub, M., & van de Kerkhof, J. (2023). Social Media Contracts: The Quest for Fairness and the Need for Reform. Web publication/site, Verfassungsblog.
Aade, L., van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2023). Policy brief for French government public consultations on influencer regulation (Consultation publique “Influenceurs / Créateur de contenus”).
van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2022). Fakeness in Political Popularity. Web publication/site, Verfassungsblog.
Populariserende publicaties
van de Kerkhof, J. (2022). Dutch District Courts on the Shopping Mall Analogy in content moderation and the Proposed Digital Services Act. Web publication/site, The Digital Constitutionalist.