Strafmaat en strafdoelen in ernstige jeugd- en adolescentenstrafzakenJessica Asscher (Speaker)
28 Sept 2023
Underdogs united. The Effectiveness of a dog training program in prisonJessica Asscher (Primary supervisor)
31 May 2021
Predicting psychopathy in a sample of juvenile delinquentsJ.J. Asscher (Invited speaker)
13 Nov 2019 → 16 Nov 2019
, Annual comference of the American Society of Criminology
Girls in Compulspory careJ.J. Asscher (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 2019 → 15 Jun 2019
, Stockholm Criminology symposium
Balancing the scale of responsibility. The effectiveness of Family Group Conferencing in child welfareJ.J. Asscher (Co-supervisor)
15 May 2019
The effectiveness of Dutch Cell Dogs: A multiple case studyJ.J. Asscher (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 2018
, Stockholm conference of Criminology
Interventies voor jongeren die antisociaal gedrag vertonen: Kenmerken, werkzame mechanismen en moderatoren van effectiviteitJessica Asscher (Contributor)
2007 → …
Linking quality of parent-adolescent relationship, adolescent self concept and quality of peer relations: A Three-wave longitudinal studyJessica Asscher (Invited speaker)
, Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence
Parenting support in community settings. Parental needs and effectiveness of the Home-start program (Event)Jessica Asscher (Member)
2005 → …
, Parenting support in community settings. Parental needs and effectiveness of the Home-start program