Dr. Janna Coomans

Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis
Universitair docent
Middeleeuwse geschiedenis



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Coomans, J., Hermenault, L., Kooten, R. V., & Weeda, C. (2023). Plague, Religion and Urban Space in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp. https://doi.org/10.1093/shm/hkad090
Coomans, J. (2023). Policing Itinerant Poor in the Northern Low Countries, 1450-1570: Making Vagrants. BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 138(2), 3-31. https://doi.org/10.51769/bmgn-lchr.11116
Geltner, G., & Coomans, J. (2023). The healthscaping approach: Toward a global history of early public health. Historical Methods, 56(1), 18-33 . https://doi.org/10.1080/01615440.2022.2128487

Populariserende publicaties

Coomans, J. (Author). (2023). Brabant brandt: Stads- en dorpsbranden kwamen in de periode van de veertiende tot de achttiende eeuw veel voor. Waarom, en hoe konden Brabanders zich ertegen wapenen?. Web publication/site, Brabants Erfgoed. https://www.brabantserfgoed.nl/brabant-brandt


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Coomans, J. (2022). Up in smoke: The transforming power of fire safety policies in the Low Countries, 1250-1550. In J. E. Abrahamse , & H. Deneweth (Eds.), Transforming space: Visible and invisible changes in premodern European cities (pp. 71-90). Brepols. https://doi.org/10.1484/m.seuh-eb.5.129240
Coomans, J. (2022). Making Good and Breaking Bad. Materiality and Community in Netherlandish Cities, 1380–1520. English Historical Review, 137(587), 1053-1081. https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/ceac177
Coomans, J., & Hermenault, L. (2022). Public Works, Spatial Strategies, and Mobility in Late Medieval Ghent. Journal of Urban History. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/00961442221124892

Populariserende publicaties

Coomans, J. (Author). (2022). PODCAST Early modern water usage in Italy and Lowland Europe with Janna Coomans and Davide Martino. Web publication/site, The Sustainable Past.
Coomans, J. (2022). Subsidie voor transitie: De stadsbrand van 1463 en het wederopbouwprogramma. Silva, 3(2). https://zoeken.erfgoedshertogenbosch.nl/detail.php?id=1505715903


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Coomans, J. (2021). Community, Urban Health and Environment in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108924344


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Coomans, J., & Weeda, C. (2020). Politics of Movement: Exploring Passage Points in Responses to COVID-19 and the Plague in the Fifteenth-Century Netherlands. Journal for the History of Environment and Society. https://doi.org/10.1484/j.jhes.5.122465


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Coomans, J. (2019). The King of Dirt: Public Health and Sanitation in Late Medieval Ghent. Urban History. https://doi.org/10.1017/s096392681800024x
Coomans, J. (2019). Food Offenders: Public Health and the Marketplace in the Late Medieval Low Countries. In Policing the Urban Environment in Premodern Europe https://doi.org/10.1017/9789048536221.005


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Coomans, J. (2013). On the Street and in the Bathhouse: Medieval Galenism in Action? Co-author: G. Geltner. Anuario de Estudios Medievales. https://doi.org/10.3989/aem.2013.43.1.03