Dr. Marjolein Verhoeven


2007      Ph.D. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
              Title: 'Parenting during toddlerhood: Determinants, stability & consequences'

              Supervisors: Prof.dr.M. Junger, prof. dr. M. Dekovic, &

              prof. dr. M.A.G. van Aken 


2003      Master Psychology (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)


Professional Appointments/Positions held     


2009-…               Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Child and Family  Studies, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

 2008- 2009         Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Discipline of Pediatrics, University of Adelaide/Department of Education and Children’s Services, Government of South-Australia, Australia

 2008-2008          Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre of Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

2007-2007           Senior Research Assistant and Lecturer, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

 2003-2007           Ph.D. Student, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands