Dr. J.A. (Johan) van Leeuwen

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 3.90
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. J.A. (Johan) van Leeuwen

06 52 092 737

Johan is an associate scientist at Utrecht University, with the hydrogeology group. He conducts research in the field of contaminated subsurface and waste water treatment. His research includes currently:

- PFAS behaviour in the (un-)saturated subsurface

- Microplastics in soils and sediment;

- Two phase flow phenomena in the (un-)saturated subsurface, such as water and DNAPL or water and gas transport.

- Biodegradation and transport phenomena of emerging contaminants, such as: PFOS and PFOA;

- Green remediation applications, where micro-organisms destruct harmful chemicals. 

He conducts his research from field and bench scale laboratory studies into novel treatment technologies through pilot field trials. Solutions are developed to be sustainable and aim to be carbon neutral or positive, examples are: the first dutch direct push injection with substrate (shockload treatment) for biological degradation, tailored wind powered constructed wetlands, or solar soil warming concepts.

My passion is in integrating fundamental biochemical, geochemical and hydrogeological processes and translate these into extensive green applications for a cleaner world.