After a brief yet insightful foray into Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University in 1993, Imar de Vries decided to switch to Theatre-, Film- and Television Studies in 1997.

He specialised in New Media and Digital Culture, successfully completing his graduation thesis on the communicative affordances of virtual 3D worlds and mobile telephony in 2002. He obtained his PhD in 2008 with a media-archaeological study into communicative desires, which has since been published as Tantalisingly Close at Amsterdam University Press.

Imar is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Media and Culture Studies at the University of Utrecht, where he studies historical and contemporary innovation discourses of wireless technologies, digital media, and virtual and augmented reality. He acts as coordinator of the BA programme Communication and Information Studies, is a fellow of media lab SETUP, and sits on the supervisory board of media lab Impakt.

Tantalisingly Close: An Archaeology of Communication Desires in Discourses of Mobile Wireless Media