Iris is an Assistant Professor at the Innovation Studies Group, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. She has a broad interest in the geography and governance of innovation. In her research, she combines insights from economic geography, innovation policy and network theory. Her current work focuses on new forms of research and innovation policy, in particular, the governance of innovation policy for societal challenges and transformative change. Iris is a member of the Mission-oriented Innovation Policy Observatory at the Copernicus Institute, through which she regularly engages with policy stakeholders and practice to establish a collective understanding and enhance the effective use of challenge-based and transformative innovation policies aimed at solving complex societal problems. 

Her research is interdisciplinary, involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. Iris holds a PhD in Economic Geography from the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, a master's degree in Economics (WU) and a master's degree in Political Science (University of Vienna). Iris was awarded the Early Career Grant of the Regional Studies Association (RSA). She currently acts as Editor-in-Chief for the journal Review of Regional Research and is Associate Editor for Regional Studies, Regional Science.

At the Copernicus Institute, Iris is responsible for the PhD coordination. 

View my Google Scholar profile for recent publications.