Dr. Adriaan van der Loos MA

Dr. Adriaan van der Loos MA

Universitair docent
Innovation Studies
030 253 7599

2017 – present: Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

–       Master’s thesis daily supervisor. MSc Innovation Studies. 2019-present

–       Innovation systems. BSc Science and Innovation Management. 3 periods 2018 – present

–       Regional integration project. BSc Global Sustainability Sciences. 2 periods 2019 – 2020

–       Bachelor’s thesis supervisor. 16 students. BSc Science and Innovation Management. 2017 – 2020

–       Quantitative skills workshop. BSc thesis Science and Innovation Management. 2 periods. 2018 – 2019

–       Teaching assistant. Innovation Project II. BSc Science and Innovation Management (2018)

–       Teaching assistant Organizational Change Management for Sust. BSc Global Sustainability Science (2017)

2016: Federal Technical University of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

–       Teaching assistant. Global Issues: Energy. BScs Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science & Engineering (2016)

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