Dr. H.W. (Hieke) Keuning

Universitair docent
Softw.Techn. for Learning and Teach.

I am an assistant professor in the Software Technology for Learning and Teaching group.  The overall goal of my research is to support students in learning programming with high-quality tools and feedback. To achieve this, I investigate tutoring systems and (automated) feedback generation for learning programming, and code quality in education. I am also interested in the implications and opportunities of Large Language Models/generative AI in computing education. You can find more about me on my website.

Bachelor/master projects

You can always contact me if you are interested in doing a Bachelor or Master thesis on a topic related to computer science education (designing and evaluating tools and tutoring systems, analysing student programming behaviour, etc). I am also interested in code quality and refactoring (tools). Concrete projects can be found on my Konjoin profile.