Prof. dr. Martin Junginger

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 8.94
3584 CB Utrecht

Prof. dr. Martin Junginger

Energy & Resources
030 253 7613

The list below is only updated occasionally. For an (fairly) up-to-date overview of my scientific publications, please see the following links:

Author profile in scopus:


Google Scholar profile (no subscription required)


Proskurina, S., Junginger, M., Heinimö, J., Tekinel, B., & Vakkilainen, E. (2019). Global biomass trade for energy- Part 2: Production and trade streams of wood pellets, liquid biofuels, charcoal, industrial roundwood and emerging energy biomass. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 371-387.
Jonker, J. G. G., van der Hilst, F., Markewitz, D., Faaij, A. P. C., & Junginger, H. M. (2018). Carbon balance and economic performance of pine plantations for bioenergy production in the Southeastern United States. Biomass and Bioenergy, 117, 44-55.
Proskurina, S., Junginger, M., Heinimö, J., & Vakkilainen, E. (2019). Global biomass trade for energy - Part 1: Statistical and methodological considerations. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 358-370.
Zappa, W., Junginger, M., & van den Broek, M. (2019). Is a 100% renewable European power system feasible by 2050? Applied Energy, 233-234, 1027-1050.
Duden, A. S., Verweij, P. A., Junginger, H. M., Abt, R. C., Henderson, J. D., Dale, V. H., Kline, K. L., Karssenberg, D., Verstegen, J. A., Faaij, A. P. C., & van der Hilst, F. (2017). Modeling the impacts of wood pellet demand on forest dynamics in southeastern United States. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 11(6), 1007-1029.
Hanssen, S. V., Duden, A. S., Junginger, M., Dale, V. H., & van der Hilst, F. (2017). Wood pellets, what else? Greenhouse gas parity times of European electricity from wood pellets produced in the south-eastern United States using different softwood feedstocks. GCB Bioenergy, 9(9), 1406-1422.
Junginger, H. M., Mai-Moulin, T., Daioglou, V., Fritsche, U., Guisson, R., Hennig, C., Thrän, D., Heinimö, J., Hess, J. R., Lamers, P., Li, C., Kwant, K., Olsson, O., Proskurina, S., Ranta, T., Schipfer, F., & Wild, M. (2019). The future of biomass and bioenergy deployment and trade: a synthesis of 15 years IEA Bioenergy Task 40 on sustainable bioenergy trade. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 247-266.



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Krishnan, S., Koning, V., Theodorus de Groot, M., de Groot, A., Mendoza, P. G., Junginger, M., & Kramer, G. J. (Accepted/In press). Present and future cost of alkaline and PEM electrolyser stacks. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
Duden, A. S., Verweij, P. A., Faaij, A. P. C., Abt, R. C., Junginger, M., & van der Hilst, F. (2023). Spatially-explicit assessment of carbon stocks in the landscape in the southern US under different scenarios of industrial wood pellet demand. Journal of Environmental Management, 342, Article 118148. Advance online publication.
Stegmann, P., Gerritse, T., Shen, L., Londo, M., Puente, Á., & Junginger, M. (2023). The global warming potential and the material utility of PET and bio-based PEF bottles over multiple recycling trips. Journal of Cleaner Production, 395, Article 136426.
Mukherjee, A., Bruijnincx, P., & Junginger, M. (2023). Techno-economic competitiveness of renewable fuel alternatives in the marine sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 174, 1-17. Article 113127.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Stegmann, P., Daioglou, V., Londo, M., van Vuuren, D. P., & Junginger, M. (2022). Plastic futures and their CO2 emissions. Nature, 612(7939), 272-276.
Corona, B., Hoefnagels, R., Gürsel, I. V., Moretti, C., Veen, M. V., & Junginger, M. (2022). Metrics for minimising environmental impacts while maximising circularity in biobased products: The case of lignin-based asphalt. Journal of Cleaner Production, 379(Part 2), 1-10. Article 134829.
Mandley, S. J., Wicke, B., Junginger, M., van Vuuren, D. P., & Daioglou, V. (2022). The implications of geopolitical, socioeconomic, and regulatory constraints on European bioenergy imports and associated greenhouse gas emissions to 2050. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 16(6), 1551-1567.
Visser, L., Latta, G., Pokharel, R., Hoefnagels, R., & Junginger, M. (2022). Exploring the limits to sustainable pellet production for international markets: The impact of increasing pellet production in the US Southeast on feedstock use, production cost and carbon sequestration in forest areas. GCB Bioenergy, 14(8), 896-917.
Vera, I., Wicke, B., Lamers, P., Cowie, A., Repo, A., Heukels, B., Zumpf, C., Styles, D., Parish, E., Cherubini, F., Berndes, G., Jager, H., Schiesari, L., Junginger, M., Brandão, M., Bentsen, N. S., Daioglou, V., Harris, Z., & Hilst, F. V. D. (2022). Land use for bioenergy: Synergies and trade-offs between sustainable development goals. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161, 1-13. Article 112409.
Stegmann, P., Daioglou, V., Londo, M., & Junginger, M. (2022). The plastics integrated assessment model (PLAIA): Assessing emission mitigation pathways and circular economy strategies for the plastics sector. MethodsX, 9, 1-31. Article 101666.
Moretti, C., Hoefnagels, R., Veen, M. V., Corona, B., Obydenkova, S., Russell, S., Jongerius, A., Vural-Gürsel, I., & Junginger, M. (2022). Using lignin from local biorefineries for asphalts: LCA case study for the Netherlands. Journal of Cleaner Production, 343, 1-15. Article 131063.
Moretti, C., Vera, I., Junginger, M., López-Contreras, A., & Shen, L. (2022). Attributional and consequential LCAs of a novel bio-jet fuel from Dutch potato by-products. Science of the Total Environment, 813, 1-18. Article 152505. Advance online publication.
Mandley, S. J., Wicke, B., Junginger, H. M., vuuren, D. P. V., & Daioglou, V. (2022). Integrated assessment of the role of bioenergy within the EU energy transition targets to 2050. GCB Bioenergy, 14(2), 157-172. Advance online publication.
Moretti, C., Corona, B., Hoefnagels, R., van Veen, M., Vural-Gürsel, I., Strating, T., Gosselink, R., & Junginger, M. (2022). Kraft lignin as a bio-based ingredient for Dutch asphalts: An attributional LCA. Science of the Total Environment, 806(Pt 1), 1-15. Article 150316. Advance online publication.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Carvalho, F., Portugal‐pereira, J., Junginger, M., & Szklo, A. (2021). Biofuels for maritime transportation: A spatial, techno‐economic, and logistic analysis in brazil, europe, south africa, and the usa. Energies, 14(16), 1-26. Article 4980.
Vural - Gursel, D. I., Moretti, C., Hamelin, L., Jakobsen, L. G., Steingrimsdottir, M. M., Junginger, M., Høibye, L., & Shen, L. (2021). Comparative cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment of bio-based and petrochemical PET bottles. Science of the Total Environment, 793, 1-14. Article 148642.
Vera, I., Hoefnagels, R., Junginger, M., & Hilst, F. (2021). Supply potential of lignocellulosic energy crops grown on marginal land and greenhouse gas footprint of advanced biofuels—A spatially explicit assessment under the sustainability criteria of the Renewable Energy Directive Recast. GCB Bioenergy, 13(9), 1425-1447. Advance online publication.
de Jong, M., van Hal, O., Pijlman, J., van Eekeren, N., & Junginger, M. (2021). Paludiculture as paludifuture on Dutch peatlands: An environmental and economic analysis of Typha cultivation and insulation production. Science of the Total Environment, 792, 1-12. Article 148161.
Cowie, A. L., Berndes, G., Bentsen, N. S., Brandão, M., Cherubini, F., Egnell, G., George, B., Gustavsson, L., Hanewinkel, M., Harris, Z. M., Johnsson, F., Junginger, M., Kline, K. L., Koponen, K., Koppejan, J., Kraxner, F., Lamers, P., Majer, S., Marland, E., ... Ximenes, F. A. (2021). Applying a science-based systems perspective to dispel misconceptions about climate effects of forest bioenergy. GCB Bioenergy, 13(8), 1210-1231. Advance online publication.
Moretti, C., Hamelin, L., Jakobsen, L. G., Junginger, M. H., Steingrimsdottir, M. M., Høibye, L., & Shen, L. (2021). Cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment of single-use cups made from PLA, PP and PET. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 169, 1-16. Article 105508.
Louwen, A., & Junginger, M. (2021). Deriving Experience Curves and Implementing Technological Learning in Energy System Models. In D. Möst, S. Schreiber, A. Herbst, M. Jakob, A. Martino, & W-R. Poganietz (Eds.), The Future European Energy System: Renewable Energy, Flexibility Options and Technological Progress (1 ed., pp. 55-73). Springer Cham.
Moretti, C., López-Contreras, A., de Vrije, T., Kraft, A., Junginger, M., & Shen, L. (2021). From agricultural (by-)products to jet fuels: Carbon footprint and economic performance. Science of the Total Environment, 775, Article 145848.
Moretti, C., Corona, B., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Vural, I., Gosselink, R. J. A., & Junginger, H. M. (2021). Review of life cycle assessments of lignin and derived products: Lessons learned. Science of the Total Environment, 770, Article 144656.
Mai-Moulin, T., Hoefnagels, R., Grundmann, P., & Junginger, M. (2021). Effective sustainability criteria for bioenergy: Towards the implementation of the european renewable directive II. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 138, Article 110645.
Zappa, W., Junginger, M., & van den Broek, M. (2021). Can liberalised electricity markets support decarbonised portfolios in line with the Paris Agreement? A case study of Central Western Europe. Energy Policy, 149, 1-23. Article 111987. Advance online publication.
Cervi, W. R., Lamparelli, R. A. C., Gallo, B. C., de Oliveira Bordonal, R., Seabra, J. E. A., Junginger, M., & van der Hilst, F. (2021). Mapping the environmental and techno-economic potential of biojet fuel production from biomass residues in Brazil. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 15(1), 282-304. Advance online publication.


Junginger, M. (2021). The future of bioenergy in Europe. European Energy Innovation Magazine , 2, 50-51.

Populariserende publicaties

van der Werf, G., Junginger, M., Meyer, L., Nabuurs, G. J., & Strengers, B. (2021). Opinie: Activisme tegen biomassa kan leiden tot meer klimaatverandering. de Volkskrant.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Mukherjee, A., Bruijnincx, P., & Junginger, M. (2020). A Perspective on Biofuels Use and CCS for GHG Mitigation in the Marine Sector. iScience, 23(11), Article 101758.
Junginger, M., & Louwen, A. (2020). Chapter 1 - Introduction. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use in Energy Modeling (pp. 3-7). Academic Press Inc..
Junginger, M., Hittinger, E., Williams, E., & Wiser, R. (2020). Chapter 6 - Onshore wind energy. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use in Energy Modeling (pp. 87-102). Academic Press Inc..
Junginger, M., Louwen, A., Tuya, N. G., De Jager, D., Van Zuijlen, E., & Taylor, M. (2020). Chapter 7 - Offshore wind energy. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use in Energy Modeling (pp. 103-117). Academic Press Inc..
Louwen, A., Schreiber, S., & Junginger, M. (2020). Chapter 3 - Implementation of experience curves in energy-system models. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use in Energy Modeling (pp. 33-47). Academic Press Inc..
Junginger, M., & Louwen, A. (2020). Chapter 16 - Synthesis, conclusions, and recommendations. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use in Energy Modeling (pp. 309-319). Academic Press Inc..
Jakob, M., Reiter, U., Krishnan, S., Louwen, A., & Junginger, M. (2020). Chapter 11 - Heating and cooling in the built environment. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use in Energy Modeling (pp. 189-219). Academic Press Inc..
Junginger, M., & Louwen, A. (2020). Index. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use in Energy Modeling (pp. 321-326). Academic Press Inc..
Louwen, A., Edelenbosch, O. Y., van Vuuren, D. P., McCollum, D. L., Pettifor, H., Wilson, C., & Junginger, M. (2020). Chapter 4 - Application of experience curves and learning to other fields. In M. Junginger, & A. Louwen (Eds.), Technological Learning in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Findings, and Use, in Energy Modeling (pp. 49-62). Elsevier.
Daioglou, V., Muratori, M., Lamers, P., Fujimori, S., Kitous, A., Köberle, A. C., Bauer, N., Junginger, M., Kato, E., Leblanc, F., Mima, S., Wise, M., & van Vuuren, D. P. (2020). Implications of climate change mitigation strategies on international bioenergy trade. Climatic Change, 163, 1639-1658.
Buchspies, B., Kaltschmitt, M., & Junginger, M. (2020). Straw utilization for biofuel production: A consequential assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from bioethanol and biomethane provision with a focus on the time dependency of emissions. GCB Bioenergy, 12(10), 789-805.
Moretti, C., Corona, B., Edwards, R., Junginger, H. M., Moro, A., Rocco, M. V., & Shen, L. (2020). Reviewing ISO Compliant Multifunctionality Practices in Environmental Life Cycle Modeling. Energies, 13(14), Article 3579.
van Veen, M. P., Junginger, H. M., & Zagt, K. (2020). Identifying the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential of Autogenerative High Pressure Digestion. Abstract from e-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.
Mandley, S. J., Daioglou, V., Wicke, B., van Vuuren, D. P., & Junginger, H. M. (2020). Eu Bioenergy In 2050: The What, Where And Why - An Assessment of Global and Regional Climate Policy on Future EU Bioenergy Consumption, Trade Requirements and Mitigation Potential. Abstract from e-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.
Kaltschmitt, M., Junginger, H. M., & Buchspies, B. (2020). Straw Utilization for Biofuel Production: A Consequential GHG Assessment of Bioethanol and Biomethane Provision with a Focus on the Time-Dependency of Emissions. Abstract from e-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.
Mai, T. P. T., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., & Junginger, H. M. (2020). Sustainability Criteria of the Revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II): Towards Harmonised Criteria and Possible Trade-Offs for Multi-Output Biorefineries. Abstract from e-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.
Stegmann, P. H., Daioglou, V., Londo, H. M., & Junginger, H. M. (2020). Integrated Assessment of the Role of the Circular Bioeconomy in Climate Change Mitigation: The Case of Plastics. Abstract from e-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.
Visser, L., Latta, G., Pokharel, R., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., & Junginger, H. M. (2020). Impact of Increased Pellet Production on Feedstock Allocation and Carbon Flux in the SE US. Abstract from e-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.
Moretti, C., López Contreras A M, A., de Vrije , T., Kraft, A., Junginger, M., & Shen, L. (2020). Techno Economic Analysis and Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of a Novel Aviation Fuel from Residue Streams from the Potato Processing Industry. Poster session presented at EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, France.
Moretti, C., Corona, B., Ruhlin, V., Götz, T., Junginger, H. M., Brunner, T., Obernberger, I., & Shen, L. (2020). Combining Biomass Gasification and Solid Oxid Fuel Cell for Heat and Power Generation: An Early-Stage Life Cycle Assessment. Energies, 13(11), Article 2773.
Visser, L., Hoefnagels, R., & Junginger, M. (2020). The potential contribution of imported biomass to renewable energy targets in the EU-the trade-off between ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and cost thresholds. Energies, 13(7), Article 1761.
Mandley, S. J., Daioglou, V., Junginger, H. M., van Vuuren, D. P., & Wicke, B. (2020). EU bioenergy development to 2050. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 127, Article 109858.
Corona, B., Shen, L., Sommersacher, P., & Junginger, M. (2020). Consequential Life Cycle Assessment of energy generation from waste wood and forest residues: The effect of resource-efficient additives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 259, Article 120948.
Moretti, C., Junginger, H. M., & Shen, L. (2020). Environmental life cycle assessment of polypropylene made from used cooking oil. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 157, Article 104750.
Stegmann, P., Londo, M., & Junginger, M. (2020). The circular bioeconomy: Its elements and role in European bioeconomy clusters. Resources, Conservation and Recycling: X, 6, Article 100029.
Cervi, W. R., Lamparelli, R. A. C., Seabra, J. E. A., Junginger, M., & van der Hilst, F. (2020). Spatial assessment of the techno-economic potential of bioelectricity production from sugarcane straw. Renewable Energy, 156, 1313-1324.
Cervi, W. R., Lamparelli, R. A. C., Seabra, J. E. A., Junginger, M., de Jong, S., & van der Hilst, F. (2020). Spatial modeling of techno-economic potential of biojet fuel production in Brazil. GCB Bioenergy, 12(2), 136-157. Advance online publication.
Visser, L., Hoefnagels, R., & Junginger, M. (2020). Wood pellet supply chain costs – A review and cost optimization analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 118, Article 109506.
Vera Concha, I. C., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., van der Kooij, A., Moretti, C., & Junginger, H. M. (2020). A carbon footprint assessment of multi‐output biorefineries with international biomass supply: a case study for the Netherlands. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 14(2), 198-224.
Junginger, M., Koppejan, J., & Goh, C. S. (2020). Sustainable bioenergy deployment in East and South East Asia: notes on recent trends. Sustainability Science, 15, 1455-1459.

Populariserende publicaties

Junginger, H. M., & Nabuurs, G. J. (2020). Liever bio-energie dan aardgas. Trouw - De Verdieping, Article Opinie; Blz. 27.
Junginger, H. M., & Nabuurs, G. J. (2020). Opinie Duurzame energie: Bio-energie is beter voor het klimaat dan aardgas. Trouw.
Meyer, L., Turkenburg, W. C., Junginger, H. M., Kramer, G. J., Metz, B., Osseweijer, P., & Nabuurs, G. J. (2020). Biomassadiscussie zet Klimaatakkoord op losse schroeven. de Volkskrant.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M. (Author). (2020). Interested in how much biomass may be supplied and used for bioenergy in the EU until 2050?. Web publication/site, Linked In.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Mai-Moulin, T., Fritsche, U. R., & Junginger, M. (2019). Charting global position and vision of stakeholders towards sustainable bioenergy. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 9(48).
Junginger, H. M., Berndes, G., Cowie, A., Englund, O., Fritsche, U., Smith, T., Stupak, I., Thiffault, E., & Thrän, D. (2019). Measuring, governing and geining support for sustainable bioenergy supply chains: lessons and messages from a three-year Inter-Task project. In IEA Bioenergy annual report 2018. BIOENERGY : EXCO 2019 (pp. 5-20). IEA.
Mai-Moulin, T., Visser, L., Fingerman, K. R., Elbersen, W., Elbersen, B., Nabuurs, G. J., Fritsche, U. R., Colmenar, I. D. C., Rutz, D., Diaz-Chavez, R. A., Roozen, A., Weck, M., Iriarte, L., Pelkmans, L., Gonzalez, D. S., Janssen, R., & Junginger, M. (2019). Erratum to: Sourcing overseas biomass for EU ambitions: assessing net sustainable export potential from various sourcing countries (Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, (2019), 13, 2, (293-324), 10.1002/bbb.1853). Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(3).
Moncada, J. A., Verstegen, J. A., Posada, J. A., Junginger, M., Lukszo, Z., Faaij, A., & Weijnen, M. (2019). Exploring the emergence of a biojet fuel supply chain in Brazil: An agent-based modeling approach. GCB Bioenergy, 11(6), 773-790.
Jezeer, R. E., Verweij, P. A., Boot, R. G. A., Junginger, M., & Santos, M. J. (2019). Influence of livelihood assets, experienced shocks and perceived risks on smallholder coffee farming practices in Peru. Journal of Environmental Management, 242, 496-506.
Jonker, J. G. G., Junginger, M., Posada, J., Ioiart, C. S., Faaij, A. P. C., & van der Hilst, F. (2019). Economic performance and GHG emission intensity of sugarcane- and eucalyptus-derived biofuels and biobased chemicals in Brazil. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(4), 950-977.
Junginger, H. M., Mai-Moulin, T., Daioglou, V., Fritsche, U., Guisson, R., Hennig, C., Thrän, D., Heinimö, J., Hess, J. R., Lamers, P., Li, C., Kwant, K., Olsson, O., Proskurina, S., Ranta, T., Schipfer, F., & Wild, M. (2019). The future of biomass and bioenergy deployment and trade: a synthesis of 15 years IEA Bioenergy Task 40 on sustainable bioenergy trade. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 247-266.
Pelkmans, L., Van Dael, M., Junginger, M., Fritsche, U. R., Diaz-Chavez, R., Nabuurs, G. J., Del Campo Colmenar, I., Gonzalez, D. S., Rutz, D., & Janssen, R. (2019). Long-term strategies for sustainable biomass imports in European bioenergy markets. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 388-404.
Junginger, M. (2019). Contributing to a European Bioenergy Trade Strategy for 2020 and Beyond. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 245-246.
Cervi, W. R., Lamparelli, R. A. C., Seabra, J. E. A., Junginger, M., & van der Hilst, F. (2019). Bioelectricity potential from ecologically available sugarcane straw in Brazil: A spatially explicit assessment. Biomass and Bioenergy, 122, 391-399.
de Jong, S., Staples, M., Grobler, C., Daioglou, V., Malina, R., Barrett, S., Hoefnagels, R., Faaij, A., & Junginger, M. (2019). Using dynamic relative climate impact curves to quantify the climate impact of bioenergy production systems over time. GCB Bioenergy, 11(2), 427-443.
Zappa, W., Junginger, M., & van den Broek, M. (2019). Is a 100% renewable European power system feasible by 2050? Applied Energy, 233-234, 1027-1050.
Thrän, D., Schaubach, K., Peetz, D., Junginger, M., Mai-Moulin, T., Schipfer, F., Olsson, O., & Lamers, P. (2019). The dynamics of the global wood pellet markets and trade – key regions, developments and impact factors. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 267-280.
Batidzirai, B., Schotman, G. S., van der Spek, M. W., Junginger, M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2019). Techno-economic performance of sustainable international bio-SNG production and supply chains on short and longer term. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 325-357.
Mai - Moulin, T., Visser, L., Fingerman, K. R., Elbersen, W., Elbersen, B., Nabuurs, G. J., Fritsche, U. R., Colmenar, I. D. C., Rutz, D., Diaz‐Chavez, R. A., Roozen, A., Weck, M., Iriarte, L., Pelkmans, L., Gonzalez, D. S., Janssen, R., & Junginger, M. (2019). Sourcing overseas biomass for EU ambitions: assessing net sustainable export potential from various sourcing countries. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 293-324.
Proskurina, S., Junginger, M., Heinimö, J., Tekinel, B., & Vakkilainen, E. (2019). Global biomass trade for energy- Part 2: Production and trade streams of wood pellets, liquid biofuels, charcoal, industrial roundwood and emerging energy biomass. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 371-387.
Proskurina, S., Junginger, M., Heinimö, J., & Vakkilainen, E. (2019). Global biomass trade for energy - Part 1: Statistical and methodological considerations. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 358-370.
Fingerman, K. R., Nabuurs, G. J., Iriarte, L., Fritsche, U. R., Staritsky, I., Visser, L., Mai-Moulin, T., & Junginger, M. (2019). Opportunities and risks for sustainable biomass export from the south-eastern United States to Europe. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 281-292.
Mai-Moulin, T., Armstrong, S., van Dam, J., & Junginger, M. (2019). Toward a harmonization of national sustainability requirements and criteria for solid biomass. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 13(2), 405-421.


Shen, L., Vural, I., Moretti, C., Petrík, J., & Junginger, H. M. (2019). Environmental impact assessments of innovative bio-based products – Task 1 of “Study on Support to R&I Policy in the Area of Bio-based Products and Services”. European Union.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van der Hilst, F., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., Londo, H. M., Shen, L., & Wicke, B. (2018). Biomass Provision and Use, Sustainability Aspects. In R. A. Meyers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (pp. 1-30). Springer New York LLC.
Prisley, S. P., Gaudreault, C., Lamers, P., Stewart, W., Miner, R., Junginger, H. M., Oneil, E., Malmsheimer, R., & Volk, T. A. (2018). Comment on 'Does replacing coal with wood lower CO2 emissions? Dynamic lifecycle analysis of wood bioenergy'. Environmental Research Letters, 13(12), Article 128002.
Zappa, W., Mulder, T., Junginger, M., & Van Den Broek, M. (2018). A quantitative evaluation of capacity remuneration mechanisms in Europe. In 2018 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM Article 8469833 (International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM). IEEE.
Moncada, J. A., Verstegen, J. A., Posada, J. A., Junginger, M., Lukszo, Z., Faaij, A., & Weijnen, M. (2018). Exploring policy options to spur the expansion of ethanol production and consumption in Brazil: An agent-based modeling approach. Energy Policy, 123, 619-641.
de Jong, S., van Stralen, J., Londo, M., Hoefnagels, R., Faaij, A., & Junginger, M. (2018). Renewable jet fuel supply scenarios in the European Union in 2021–2030 in the context of proposed biofuel policy and competing biomass demand. GCB Bioenergy, 10(9), 661-682.
Jonker, J. G. G., van der Hilst, F., Markewitz, D., Faaij, A. P. C., & Junginger, H. M. (2018). Carbon balance and economic performance of pine plantations for bioenergy production in the Southeastern United States. Biomass and Bioenergy, 117, 44-55.
Dafnomilis, I., Lodewijks, G., Junginger, M., & Schott, D. L. (2018). Evaluation of wood pellet handling in import terminals. Biomass and Bioenergy, 117, 10-23.
Dafnomilis, I., Duinkerken, M. B., Junginger, M., Lodewijks, G., & Schott, D. L. (2018). Optimal equipment deployment for biomass terminal operations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 115, 147-163.
Jezeer, R. E., Ferreira Dos Santos, M. J., Boot, R. G. A., Junginger, M., & Verweij, P. A. (2018). Effects of shade and input management on economic performance of small-scale Peruvian coffee systems. Agricultural Systems, 162, 179-190.
Goh, C. S., Junginger, M., Potter, L., Faaij, A., & Wicke, B. (2018). Identifying key factors for mobilising under-utilised low carbon land resources: A case study on Kalimantan. Land Use Policy, 70, 198-211.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Junginger, H. M. (2017). Naar een bio-based economy: tussen panacee en pandemonium. Universiteit Utrecht.
Thrän, D., Peetz, D., Schaubach, K., Trømborg, E., Pellini, A., Lamers, P., Richard Hess, J., Schipfer, F., Hektor, B., Olsson, O., Bruce, L., Stelte, W., Proskurina, S., Heinimö, J., Benedetti, L., Mai-Moulin, T., Junginger, M., Craggs, L., Wild, M., ... Coelho, S. T. (2017). Global wood pellet industry and market: Current developments and outlook. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 2017(25thEUBCE), 1909-1912.
Duden, A. S., Verweij, P. A., Junginger, H. M., Abt, R. C., Henderson, J. D., Dale, V. H., Kline, K. L., Karssenberg, D., Verstegen, J. A., Faaij, A. P. C., & van der Hilst, F. (2017). Modeling the impacts of wood pellet demand on forest dynamics in southeastern United States. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 11(6), 1007-1029.
Dafnomilis, I., Hoefnagels, R., Pratama, Y. W., Schott, D. L., Lodewijks, G., & Junginger, M. (2017). Review of solid and liquid biofuel demand and supply in Northwest Europe towards 2030 – A comparison of national and regional projections. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 31-45.
Kluts, I. N., Brinkman, M. L. J., de Jong, S. A., & Junginger, H. M. (2017). Biomass Resources: Agriculture. In Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology (pp. 1-14). (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Barrette, J., Thiffault, E., Achim, A., Junginger, M., Pothier, D., & De Grandpré, L. (2017). A financial analysis of the potential of dead trees from the boreal forest of eastern Canada to serve as feedstock for wood pellet export. Applied Energy, 198, 410-425.
Moncada Escudero, J., Junginger, M., Lukszo, Z., Faaij, A., & Weijnen, M. (2017). Exploring path dependence, policy interactions, and actor behavior in the German biodiesel supply chain. Applied Energy, 195, 370-381.
de Jong, S. A., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Wetterlund, E., Pettersson, K., Faaij, A., & Junginger, H. M. (2017). Cost optimization of biofuel production – The impact of scale, integration, transport and supply chain configurations. Applied Energy, 195, 1055-1070.
de Jong, S. A., Antonissen, K., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Lonza, L., Wang, M., Faaij, A., & Junginger, H. M. (2017). Life‑cycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from renewable jet fuel production. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10(1), Article 64.
de Jong, S. A., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., van Stralen, J., Londo, H. M., Slade, R., Faaij, A., & Junginger, H. M. (2017). Renewable Jet Fuel in the European Union: Scenarios and Preconditions for Renewable Jet Fuel Deployment towards 2030. Copernicus Institute, Department IMEW, Energy & Resources.
Hanssen, S. V., Duden, A. S., Junginger, M., Dale, V. H., & van der Hilst, F. (2017). Wood pellets, what else? Greenhouse gas parity times of European electricity from wood pellets produced in the south-eastern United States using different softwood feedstocks. GCB Bioenergy, 9(9), 1406-1422.
Goh, C. S., Wicke, B., Potter, L., Faaij, A., Zoomers, A., & Junginger, M. (2017). Exploring under-utilised low carbon land resources from multiple perspectives: Case studies on regencies in Kalimantan. Land Use Policy, 60, 150-168.
Moncada, J. A., Lukszo, Z., Junginger, M., Faaij, A., & Weijnen, M. (2017). A conceptual framework for the analysis of the effect of institutions on biofuel supply chains. Applied Energy, 185, 895-915.


Londo, H. M., Kramer, G. J., Worrell, E., & Junginger, H. M. (2017). Open letter to Energeia. Energeia.
Londo, H. M., Kramer, G. J., Worrell, E., & Junginger, H. M. (2017). Klimaatbeleid behoeft meer dan kosteneffectiviteit richting 2030. Energeia.
Thrän, D., Peetz, D., Schaubach, K., Mai-Moulin, T., Junginger, H. M., Lamers, P., & Visser, L. (2017). Global Wood Pellet Industry and Trade Study 2017. IEA Bioenergy Task 40.

Populariserende publicaties

Worrell, E., & Junginger, H. M. (2017). Stop de import van steenkool uit de Verenigde Staten (Opinie). Trouw, Opinie; Blz. 21.

Overige resultaten

Proskurina, S., Junginger, M., Heinimö, J., & Vakkilainen, E. (2017). Trade of energy biomass - An overview of the global status. 1439-1448. Paper presented at 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Sánchez, D., Del Campo, I., Janssen, R., Rutz, D., Fritsche, U., Iriarte, L., Fingerman, K., Diaz-Chávez, R., Junginger, M., Mai-Moulin, T., Visser, L., Elbersen, B., Nabuurs, G. J., Elbersen, W., Staritsky, I., & Pelkmans, L. (2016). Towards the development of a European bioenergy trade strategy for 2020 and beyond (Biotrade2020plus project). In European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings (24thEUBCE ed., Vol. 2016, pp. 1356-1363)
Bensen, N. S., Nord-Larsen, T., Larsen, S. S., Berndes, G., Birdsey, R., Cowie, A., Felby, C., Junginger, H. M., Kant, P., Kurz, W., Lamb, D., Löf, M., Madsen, P., Dearing Oliver, C., Smith, T., Stanturf, J. A., Taeroe, A., & Vesterdal, L. (2016). Reply to: "Forests and forest management plays a key role in mitigating climate change". Science, 351(6273), 597-600.
Lamers, P., Mai-Moulin, T., & Junginger, H. M. (2016). Challenges and Opportunities for International Trade in Forest Biomass. In E. Thiffault, C. T. Smith, M. Junginger, & G. Berndes (Eds.), Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temerate Biomes (1 ed., pp. 127-164). Academic Press Inc..
Thiffault, E., Smith, C. T., Junginger, H. M., & Berndes, G. (2016). Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes. CHallenges, Opportunities and Case Studies. Academic Press Inc.
Mai-Moulin, T., & Junginger, H. M. (2016). Towards a harmonisation of national sustainability requirements for solid biomass. Copernicus Institute – Utrecht University.
Mai-Moulin, T., Dardamanis, A., & Junginger, H. M. (2016). Assessment of Sustainable Lignocellulosic Biomass Potentials from Kenya for export to the European Union 2015 to 2030. WIP-Renewable Energies.
Mai-Moulin, T., Junginger, H. M., & Visser, L. (2016). Assessment of sustainable lignocellulosic biomass export potentials from Indonesia to the European Union. WIP-Renewable Energies.
Visser, L., Weck, M., Diaz-Chavez, R., Junginger, H. M., & Mai-Moulin, T. (2016). Assessment of sustainable lignocellulosic biomass export potentials from Ukraine to the European Union. WIP-Renewable Energies.
Visser, L., Junginger, H. M., Roozen, A., Mai-Moulin, T., & Diaz-Chavez, R. (2016). Assessment of sustainable lignocellulosic biomass export potentials from Brazil to the European Union. WIP-Renewable Energies.
Goh, C. S., Wicke, B., Verstegen, J., Faaij, A., & Junginger, M. (2016). Linking carbon stock change from land-use change to consumption of agricultural products: A review with Indonesian palm oil as a case study. Journal of Environmental Management.
Batidzirai, B., Junginger, M., Klemm, M., Schipfer, F., & Thrän, D. (2016). Biomass Supply and Trade Opportunities of Preprocessed Biomass for Power Generation. In P. Lamers, E. Searcy, J. R. Hess, & H. Stichnothe (Eds.), Developing the Global Bioeconomy: Technical, Market, and Environmental Lessons from Bioenergy (pp. 91-114). Elsevier.
Goh, C. S., Wicke, B., Faaij, A., Bird, D. N., Schwaiger, H., & Junginger, M. (2016). Linking carbon stock change from land-use change to consumption of agricultural products: Alternative perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management, 182, 542-556.
Jonker, J. G. G., Junginger, H. M., Verstegen, J. A., Lin, T., Rodríguez, L. F., Ting, K. C., Faaij, A. P. C., & van der Hilst, F. (2016). Supply chain optimization of sugarcane first generation and eucalyptus second generation ethanol production in Brazil. Applied Energy, 173, 494-510.
Voormolen, J. A., Junginger, H. M., & van Sark, W. G. J. H. M. (2016). Unravelling historical cost developments of offshore wind energy in Europe. Energy Policy, 88, 435-444.
Stupak, I., Joudrey, J., Smith, C. T., Pelkmans, L., Chum, H., Cowie, A., Englund, O., Goh, C., & Junginger, M. (2016). A global survey of stakeholder views and experiences for systems needed to effectively and efficiently govern sustainability of bioenergy. Energy and Environment, 5(1), 89-118.
Batidzirai, B., Valk, M., Wicke, B., Junginger, H. M., Daioglou, V., Faaij, A., & Euler, W. (2016). Current and future technical, economic and environmental feasibility of maize and wheat residues supply for biomass energy application: Illustrated for South Africa. Biomass and Bioenergy, 92, 106-129.


Held, A., Boie, I., Breitschopf, B., Ragwitz, M., Steinhilber, S., Resch, G., Welisch, M., C., Z., Ortner, A., Busch, S., Liebmann, L., Totschnig, G., Noothout, P. M., de Jager, D., Tesniere, L., Van Rooijen, S., Karypidis, N., Bruckmann, R., Jirous, F., ... Steinbäcker, S. (2016). Assessing Renewables Policy in the EU - Key Findings from the DiaCore project: IEE DiaCore Contract N°: IEE/12/833/SI2.645735. Copernicus Institute, Department IMEW, Energy & Resources.
Boie, I., Breitschopf, B., Held, A., Ragwitz, M., Steinhilber, S., Resch, G., Welisch, M., C., Z., Ortner, A., Busch, S., Liebmann, L., Totschnig, G., Noothout, P. M., de Jager, D., Tesniere, L., Van Rooijen, S., Karypidis, N., Bruckmann, R., Jirous, F., ... Steinbäcker, S. (2016). Policy Dialogue on the Assessment and Convergence of RES Policy in EU Member States - Final Report: IEE DiaCore Contract N°: IEE/12/833/SI2.645735 : Project Acronym: DIA-CORE. Copernicus Institute, Department IMEW, Energy & Resources.

Overige resultaten

Duden, A. S., van der Hilst, F., Verweij, P. A., Junginger, H. M., Abt, B., Henderson, J., Dale, V. H., & Kline, K. L. (2016). Forest carbon balance assessment of wood pellet production in the Southern United States. Poster session presented at 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Duden, A. S., van der Hilst, F., Verweij, P. A., Junginger, H. M., Abt, B., Henderson, J., Dale, V., & Kline, K. (2016). Land use change dynamics resulting from demand for wood pellets in the southeastern United States. Poster session presented at 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Duden, A. S., van der Hilst, F., Verweij, P. A., & Junginger, H. M. (2016). Forest carbon balance assessment of wood pellet production in the southern United States. Poster session presented at ECO-BIO 2016 Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Jonker, J. G. G., van der Hilst, F., Junginger, H. M., Cavalett, O., Chagas, F., & Faaij, A. (2015). Outlook for ethanol production costs in Brazil up to 2030, for different biomass crops and industrial technologies. Applied Energy, 147, 593-610.
de Jong, S. A., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Faaij, A., Slade, R., Mawhood, R., & Junginger, H. M. (2015). The feasibility of short-term production strategies for renewable jet fuels – a comprehensive techno-economic comparison. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, (9), 778–800. Advance online publication.
Matzenberger, J., Kranzl, L., Tromborg, E., Junginger, M., Daioglou, V., Goh, C., & Keramidas, K. (2015). Future perspectives of international bioenergy trade. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 43, 926-941.


Goh, C. S., Mai-Moulin, T., & Junginger, H. M. (2015). Sustainable biomass and bioenergy in the Netherlands, Report 2015. Netherlands Enterprise Agency - RVO.
Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., & Resch, G. (2015). Coordination of biomass resource availability import strategies and demand. Copernicus Institute, Department IMEW, Energy & Resources.

Populariserende publicaties

van der Hilst, F., Wicke, B., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., & Junginger, H. M. (2015). KNAW polariseert debat. NRC Handelsblad, Wetenschap; Blz 10.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Jonker, J. G. G., Junginger, M., & Faaij, A. (2014). Carbon payback period and carbon offset parity point of wood pellet production in the South-eastern United States. GCB Bioenergy [E], 6(4), 371-389.
Hoefnagels, R., Junginger, M., & Faaij, A. (2014). The economic potential of wood pellet production from alternative, low-value wood sources in the southeast of the US. Biomass and Bioenergy, 71, 443-454.
Lamers, P., Junginger, M., Dymond, C., & Faaij, A. (2014). Damaged forests provide an opportunity to mitigate climate change. GCB Bioenergy [E], 6(1), 44-60.
Hoefnagels, R., Searcy, E., Kafferty, K., Cornelissen , T., Junginger, M., Jacobson, J., & Faaij, A. (2014). Lignocellulosic feedstock supply systems with intermodal and overseas transportation. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 8(6), 794-818.
Junginger, M., Schouwenberg, P. P., Nikolaisen, L., & Andrade, O. (2014). Drivers and barriers for bioenergy trade. Lecture Notes in Energy, 17(1), 151-172.
Sikkema, R., Junginger, M., van Dam, J., Stegeman, G., Durrant, D., & Faaij, A. (2014). Legal harvesting, sustainable sourcing and cascaded use of wood for bioenergy: Their coverage through existing certification frameworks for sustainable forest management. Forests, 5(9), 2163-2211.
Kranzl, L., Daioglou, V., Faaij, A., Junginger, M., Keramidas, K., Matzenberger, J., & Tromborg, E. (2014). Medium and long-term perspectives of international bioenergy trade. Lecture Notes in Energy, 17, 173-189.
Batidzirai, B., van der Hilst, F., Meerman, H., Junginger, M. H., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2014). Optimization potential of biomass supply chains with torrefaction technology. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 8(2), 253-282.
Goh, C. S., Junginger, M., & Faaij, A. (2014). Monitoring sustainable biomass flows: General methodology development. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 8(1), 83-102.
Hoefnagels, R., Resch, G., Junginger, M., & Faaij, A. (2014). International and domestic uses of solid biofuels under different renewable energy support scenarios in the European Union. Applied Energy, 131, 139-157.


Junginger, M., Goh, C. S., & Faaij, A. (Eds.) (2014). International bioenergy trade: History, status & outlook on securing sustainable bioenergy supply, demand and markets. ( Lecture Notes in Energy ; Vol. 17). Springer.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Sikkema, R., Junginger, M., McFarlane, P., & Faaij, A. (2013). The GHG contribution of the cascaded use of harvested wood products in comparison with the use of wood for energy-A case study on available forest resources in Canada. Environmental Science & Policy, 31, 96-108.
Junginger, H. M., Goh, C. S., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2013). Bioenergy Trade Synthesis and Recommendations. In H. M. Junginger, C. S. Goh, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), International Bioenergy Trade. History, status & outlook on securing sustainable bioenergy supply, demand and markets (pp. 213-224). (Lecture Notes in Energy; No. 17). Springer.
de Wit, M. P., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2013). Learning in dedicated wood production systems: Past trends, future outlook and implications for bioenergy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 19(March 2013), 417-432.
Goh, C. S., Cocchi, M., Junginger, H. M., Marchal, D., Thrän, D., Hennig, C., Heinimö, J., Schouwenberg, P. P., Bradley, D., Hess, R., Jacobson, J., Ovard, L., & Deutmeyer, M. (2013). Wood pellet market and trade: A global perspective. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 7(1), 24-42.
Kranzl, L., Daioglou, V., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Keramidas, K., Matzenberger, J., & Tromborg, E. (2013). Medium and Long-Term Perspectives of International. In H. M. Junginger, S. C. Goh, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), International Bioenergy Trade. History, status & outlook on securing sustainable bioenergy supply, demand and markets (pp. 173-190). Springer.
Lamers, P., & Junginger, H. M. (2013). The 'debt' is in the detail: A synthesis of recent temporal forest carbon analyses on woody biomass for energy. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 7(4), 373-385.
Lamers, P., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., Hamelinck, C. N., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2013). Global solid biomass trade for energy by 2020: an assessment of potential import streams and supply costs to North-West Europe under different sustainability constraints. GCB Bioenergy [E], 11.
Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., & Goh, C. S. (2013). A General Introduction to International Bioenergy Trade. In H. M. Junginger, C. S. Goh, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), International Bioenergy Trade: History, status & outlook on securing sustainable bioenergy supply, demand and markets (pp. 1-15). (Lecture Notes in Energy; No. 17). Springer.
Pelkmans, L., Goovaerts, L., Goh, C. S., Junginger, H. M., van Dam, J., Stupak, I., Tattersall, C., Chum, H., Englund, O., Berndes, G., Cowie, A., Thiffault, E., Fritsche, U., & Thrän, D. (2013). The Role of Sustainability Requirements in International Bioenergy Markets. In H. M. Junginger, C. S. Goh, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), International Bioenergy Trade. History, status & outlook on securing sustainable bioenergy supply, demand and markets (pp. 125-150). (Lecture Notes in Enegery; No. 17). Springer.
Batidzirai, B., Mignot, A. P. R., Schakel, W. B., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2013). Biomass torrefaction technology: Techno-economic status and future prospects. Energy, 62, 196-214.
Lamers, P., Thiffault, E., Paré, D., & Junginger, H. M. (2013). Feedstock specific environmental risk assessment related to biomass extraction in boreal and temperate forests. Biomass and Bioenergy, 55(August 2013), 212-226.


Kranzl, L., Matzenberger, J., Junginger, H. M., Daioglou, V., Tromborg, E., & Keramidas, K. (2013). Future Perspectives of International Bioenergy Trade – Summary. IEA Bioenergy Task 40.
Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2013). Capacity study for solid biomass facilities - A tool to assess scenarios of global supply, demand and trade of solid biomass for northwest Europe. Energy & Resources, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University.
Stupak, I., Joudrey, J., Smith, C. T., Pelkmans, L., & Junginger, H. M. (2013). Monitoring Sustainability Certification of Bioenergy (Task 2): Survey on governance and certification of sustainable biomass and bioenergy. IEA Bioenergy Task 40.
Pelkmans, L., Goovaerts, L., Smith, C. T., Joudrey, J., & Junginger, H. M. (2013). Monitoring Sustainability Certification of Bioenergy - Short Summary. IEA Bioenergy Task 40.
Goovaerts, L., Pelkmans, L., Goh, C. S., & Junginger, H. M. (2013). Monitoring Sustainability Certification of Bioenergy (Task 1): Examining Sustainability Certification of Bioenergy. IEN Bioenergy Task 40.
Goh, C. S., & Junginger, H. M. (2013). Sustainable biomass and bioenergy in the Netherlands: Report 2012. Agency Netherlands.
Pelkmans, L., Goovaerts, L., Smith, C. T., Joudrey, J., & Junginger, H. M. (2013). Monitoring Sustainability Certification of Bioenergy (Task 4): Recommendations for improvement of sustainability certified markets. IEA Bioenergy Task 40.
Goh, C. S., Junginger, H. M., & et al, N. V. (2013). Monitoring Sustainability Certification of Bioenergy: Impacts of sustainability certification on bioenergy markets. IEA Bioenergy.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Weiss, M., Patel, M. K., Junginger, H. M., Perujo, A., Bonnell, P., & van Grootveld, G. (2012). On the electrification of road transport - Learning rates and price forecasts for hybrid-electric and battery-electric vehicles. Energy Policy, 48, 374-393.
Alakangas, E., Junginger, H. M., van Dam, J. M. C., Hinge, J., Keränen, J., Olsson, O., Porsö, C., Martikainen, A., Rathbauer, J., Sulzenbacher, L., Vesterinen, P., & Vinterbäck, J. (2012). EUBIONET III - Solutions to biomass trade and market barriers. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(6), 4277-4290.
Lamers, P., Junginger, H. M., Hamelinck, C. N., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2012). Developments in international solid biofuel trade - an analysis of volumes, policies and market factors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(5), 3176-3199.


Ragwitz, M., Steinhilber, S., Breitschopf, B., Resch, G., Panzer, C., Ortner, A., Busch, S., Rathmann, W., Klessmann, C. B., Nabe, C., de Lovinfosse, I., Neukoff, K., Boyd, R., Junginger, H. M., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Cusumano, M., Lorenzoni, A., Burgers, J., Boots, M., ... Weöres, B. (2012). D23 final report: RE-shaping: Shaping an effective and efficient European renewable energy market. Copernicus Institute, Department IMEW, Energy & Resources.
Jonker, J. G. G., Batidzirai, B., & Junginger, H. M. (2012). Supportive research on sustainable lignocelluloses biomass resource availability and supply strategies for production of wood pellet in the southeast of the United States. (CIER-E-2012-7 ed.) Faculty of Geosciences, Departement IMEW, Energy and Resources.
Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2012). Capacity study for solid biomass facilities - scenarios for supply and demand of solid biomass for electricity and heat generation in north west Europe. Copernicus Institute, Department IMEW, Energy & Resources.
Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2012). Resource assessment of low value woody biomass streams - supply potential of low-value wood resources available for the production of industrial pellets in the south east of the US, Poland and the Baltic states. Copernicus Institute, Department IMEW, Energy & Resources.

Overige resultaten

Matzenberger, J., Kranzl, L., Daioglou, V., Junginger, H. M., & Tromborg, E. (2012). Future prospectives of bioenergy trade in model based scenario's. Abstract from Unknown event.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Jonker, J. G. G., & Junginger, H. M. (2011). Statusdocument bio-energie 2010 - Nederland. Agentschap NL.
Junginger, H. M., Jonker, J. G. G., Faaij, A. P. C., Cocchi, M., & Schouwenberg, P. (2011). Summary, synthesis and conclusions from IEA Bioenergy Task 40 country reports on international bioenergy trade. Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University.
Sikkema, R., Steiner, M., Junginger, H. M., Hiegl, W., Hansen, M. T., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2011). The European wood pellet markets: current status and prospects for 2020. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 5(3), 250-278.
Lamers, P., Hamelinck, C. N., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2011). International bioenergy trade - a review of past developments in the liquid biofuels market. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), 2655-2676.
Devriendt, N. A. P. K., Pelkmans, L., Schouwenberg, P. J. W. G., & Junginger, H. M. (2011). Implementation of Legislative Sustainability Requirements for Biofuels and Bio-Energy and Impact on Trade Markets. In From research to industry and markets : proceedings ; 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (pp. 2698-2703). ETA-Florence Renewable Energies.
Chum, H., Faaij, A. P. C., Moreira, J. R., & Junginger, H. M. (2011). Bioenergy. In IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (pp. 1-188)
Jonker, J. G. G., & Junginger, H. M. (2011). Trade barriers and traded volumes of sustainable biomass in the Netherlands. NL Agency.
Lamers, P., Hamelinck, C. N., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2011). The Impact of Policies and Trade Measures on the Development of Global Liquid Biofuel Production and Trade. In From research to industry and markets : proceedings ; 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (pp. 2442-2444). ETA-Florence Renewable Energies.
Goh, C. S., Junginger, H. M., Jonker, J. G. G., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2011). IEA Bioenergy Task 40 country report for the Netherlands 2011. Copernicus Institute, Universiteit Utrecht.
Junginger, H. M., van Dam, J. M. C., Zarrilli, S., Mohamed, F. A., Marchal, D., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2011). Opportunities and barriers for international bioenergy trade. Energy Policy, 39(4), 2028-2042.
van Dam, J. M. C., & Junginger, H. M. (2011). Striving to further harmonization of sustainability criteria for bioenergy in Europe: recommendations from a stakeholder questionnaire. Energy Policy, 39(7), 4051-4066.
Smith, T. P., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2011). Analysis of the global production location dynamics in the industrial wood pellet market: an MCDA approach. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 5(5), 533-547.


Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., Panzer, C., Resch, G., & Held, A. (2011). Long Term Potentials and Costs of RES - Part I: Potentials, Diffusion and Technological learning. Intelligent Energy - Europe.
Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., Resch, G., & Panzer, C. (2011). Long Term Potentials and Costs of RES - Part II: The Role of International Biomass Trade. Intelligent Energy - Europe.
Jonker, J. G. G., Batidzirai, B., & Junginger, H. M. (2011). Supportive research on sustainable lignocelluloses biomass resource availability and supply strategies for production of wood pellets in the southeast of the United States : Interim report phase 1. Copernicus Institute, Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht University.
Junginger, H. M., van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2011). Maxime’s innovatiebeleid en het ei van Columbus., 2011, 26-27.
Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., Resch, G., Matzenberger, J., Panzer, C., & Pelkmans, L. (2011). Development of a tool to model European biomass trade : Report for IEA Bioenergy Task 40. Copernicus Institute – Utrecht University.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M. (Author), van Sark, W. G. J. H. M. (Author), & Faaij, A. P. C. (Author). (2011). Maxime’s innovatiebeleid en het ei van Columbus…. Web publication/site, SDU.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Junginger, H. M., Weiss, M., van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). Overview and comparison of experience curves for energy technologies. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 251-261). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Faaij, A. P. C., & Junginger, H. M. (2010). Bioenergy. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 119-138). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Vesterinen, P., Alakangas, E., Veijonen, K., & Junginger, H. M. (2010). Prospects of bioenergy in new industrial sectors – D2.3. Copernicus Institute.
Sikkema, R., Junginger, H. M., Pichler, W., Hayes, S., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). The international logistics of wood pellets for heating and power production in Europe: Costs, energy-input and greenhouse gas balances of pellet consumption in Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 4(2), 132-153.
Bauen, A., Berndes, G., Junginger, H. M., Londo, H. M., & Vuille, F. (2010). Bioenergy: a sustainable and reliable energy source : main report. IEA.
Junginger, H. M., van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., Kahouli-Brahmi, S., & Schaeffer, G. J. (2010). The experience curve approach: history, methodological aspects and applications. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 9-17). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Junginger, H. M., van Dam, J. M. C., Alakangas, E., Virkkunen, M., Vesterinen, P., & Veijonen, K. (2010). Solutions to overcome barriers in bioenergy markets in Europe - D2.2; Resource, use and market analysis. Group Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute.
van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). Methodological lessons and recommendations for scientists and modelers. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 262-271). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Junginger, H. M., van Dam, J. M. C., Zarrilli, S., Mohamed, F. A., Marchal, D., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). Opportunities and barriers for sustainable international bioenergy trade. Copernicus Institute.
Junginger, H. M., Suurs, R. A. A., Verbong, G., & Schaeffer, G. J. (2010). Putting experience curves in context: links to and between technology development, market diffusion, learning mechanisms and systems innovation theory. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 36-47). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Junginger, H. M., van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). Technological Learning In The Energy Sector. Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science. Edward Elgar Publishing.
van Dam, J. M. C., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). From the global efforts on certification of bioenergy towards an integrated approach based on sustainable land use planning. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(9), 2445-2472.
Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., & van Sark, W. G. J. H. M. (2010). Lessons on Technological Learning for Policy makers and Industry. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 271-288). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., & van Sark, W. G. J. H. M. (2010). Technologische leereffecten voor beleidsmakers en industrie. Group Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute.
Junginger, H. M. (2010). International Pellet trade. In I. Obernberger, & G. Thek (Eds.), The Pellet Handbook. The production and thermal utilization of biomass pellets (pp. 391-417). Earthscan.
van den Broek, M. A., Yeh, S., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., Junginger, H. M., Rubin, E., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) Technologies. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 160-175). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lako, P., Junginger, H. M., Neij, L., Engels, W., & Lensink, S. (2010). Off shore wind energy. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 79-92). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Panzer, C., Resch, G., Hoefnagels, E. T. A., & Junginger, H. M. (2010). Efficient but sufficient support of all RES technologies in times of volatile raw energy prices. In USAEE conference, Calgary, Canada, 2010
Junginger, H. M., van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2010). Introduction. In H. M. Junginger, W. G. J. H. M. van Sark, & A. P. C. Faaij (Eds.), Technological learning in the Energy Sector: Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science (pp. 1-5). Edward Elgar Publishing.


Junginger, H. M. (2010). Barriers and opportunities for solid biomass trade. Bioenergy Insights, 1(1), 44-45.
Sikkema, R., & Junginger, H. M. (2010). Sustainable forests and biomass trade. Bioenergy international, 2010(48), 14-15.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Wicke, B., Dornburg, V., Smeets, E. M. W., van der Hilst, F., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2009). Global biomass production potential of biosaline agroforestry - Preliminary results from the BIOSAFOR project. In Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
Heinimö, J., & Junginger, H. M. (2009). Production and trading of biomass for energy: an overview of the global status. Biomass and Bioenergy, 33(9), 1310-1320.
de Wit, M. P., Junginger, H. M., Lensink, S., Londo, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2009). Competition between biofuels: modeling technological learning and cost reductions over time. Biomass and Bioenergy, 34(2), 203-217.
Bauen, A., Berndes, G., Junginger, H. M., Londo, H. M., & Vuille, F. (2009). Bioenergy: a sustainable and reliable energy source : a review of status and prospects. IEA.
Junginger, H. M., & Jonker, J. G. G. (2009). IEA Bioenergy Task 40/EUBIONETIII: Country report for the Netherlands : update for 2009. Copernicus Institute, Universiteit Utrecht.
Weiss, M., Patel, M. K., Junginger, H. M., & Blok, K. (2009). Analyzing price and efficiency dynamics of large appliances with the experience curve approach. Energy Policy, 38(2), 770-783.
Junginger, H. M. (2009). Solutions for biomass fuel market barriers and raw material availability. Eubionet 3, Group Science, Technology and Society.
Veijonen, K., Alakangas, E., Jossart, J. M., & Junginger, H. M. (2009). EUBIONET III Workshop: Bioenergy for industry : minutes. European Union’s Intelligent Energy Programme.
Sikkema, R., Steiner, M., Junginger, H. M., & Hiegl, W. (2009). Final report on producers, traders and consumers of wood pellets. Pellet@las project, Group Science, Technology and Society.
van den Wall Bake, A. W., Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Poot, A. P., & Walter, A. (2009). Explaining the experience curve: Cost reductions of Brazilian ethanol from sugarcane. Biomass and Bioenergy, 33(4), 644-658.
Junginger, H. M. (2009). Solutions for biomass fuel market barriers and raw material availability. WP2 - Biomass fuel trade in Europe – Country report: The Netherlands. EUBIONET III project, Group, Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute.
Junginger, H. M., Alakangas, E., & Veijonen, K. (2009). Barriers and opportunities for bioenergy trade and increased utilization. Workshop summary. EUBIONET III and IEA Bioenergy Task 40, Group Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute.
Londo, H. M., Lensink, S., Wakker, A., Fischer, G., Prieler, S., van Velthuizen, H., de Wit, M. P., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Berndes, G., Hansson, J., Egeskog, A., Duer, H., Lundbaek, J., Wisniewski, G., & Könighofer, K. (2009). The REFUEL EU road map for biofuels in transport: Application of the project's tools to some short-term policy issues. Biomass and Bioenergy, 34(2), 244-250.
Junginger, H. M., & Hoefnagels, E. T. A. (2009). IEA Bioenergy Task 40/EUBIONETIII: Country report for the Netherlands 2008. Copernicus Institute, Universiteit Utrecht.
Weiss, M., Dittmar, L., Junginger, H. M., Patel, M. K., & Blok, K. (2009). Market diffusion, technological learning, and cost-benefit dynamics of condensing gas boilers in the Netherlands. Energy Policy, 37(8), 2962-2976.
Junginger, H. M. (2009). Biomass use in the Dutch cement industry ENCI, Maastricht, The Netherlands. EUBionet III, Group Science, technology and Society, Copernicus Institute.
Hettinga, W., Junginger, H. M., Dekker, S. C., Hoogwijk, M., McAloon, A., & Hicks, K. (2009). Understanding the reductions in US corn ethanol production costs: an experience curve approach. Energy Policy, 37(1), 190-203.
Weiss, M., Patel, M. K., Junginger, H. M., & Blok, K. (2009). A review of experience curve analyses for energy demand technologies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(3), 411-428.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., & Schouwenberg, P. (2009). IEA Bioenergy task 40: update May 2009. IEA Bioenergy Task 40.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Hettinga, W. G., Junginger, H. M., Dekker, S. C., Hoogwijk, M. M., McAloon, A., & Hicks, K. B. (2008). Understanding the Reductions in U.S. Corn Ethanol Production Costs: An Experience Curve Approach. Energy Policy, 37(1), 190-203.
Sikkema, R., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). Proceedings of the workshop on development of meaningful statistics for sustainable bioenergy trade, International Energy Agency, Paris, France, 25 February 2008. International Energy Agency.
Weiss, M., Junginger, H. M., & Patel, M. K. (2008). Learning energy efficiency: experience curves for household appliances and space heating, cooling, and lighting technologies. Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University.
Londo, M., Lensink, S., Deurwaarder, E., Wakker, A., Prieler, S., Fischer, G., Hizsnyik, E., van Velthuizen, H., de Wit, M. P., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Duer, H., Lundbaek, J., Christensen, P., Garnak, A., Berndes, G., Hansson, J., Egeskog, A., Werner, S., ... Jungmeier, G. (2008). Eyes on the track, Mind on the horizon. From inconvenient rapeseed to clean wood: A European road map for biofuels. Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands.
Junginger, H. M., Lako, P., Lensink, S., van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., & Weiss, M. (2008). Technological learning in the energy sector. (Report / WAB ed.) Copernicus Institute.
van Dam, J. M. C., Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Jürgens, I., Best, G., & Fritsche, U. (2008). Overview of recent developments in sustainable biomass certification. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(8), 749-780.
de Wit, M. P., & Junginger, H. M. (2008). Biomass Resources Potentials and related costs. Assessment of the EU-27, Switserland, Norway and Ukraine. Copernicus Institute.
Junginger, H. M., Bolkesjø, T. F., Bradley, D., Dolzan, P., Faaij, A. P. C., Heinimo, J., Hektor, B., Leistad, O., Ling, E., Perry, M., Piacente, E., Rosillo-Calle, F., Ryckmans, Y., Schouwenberg, P. P., Solberg, B., Trømborg, E., da Silva Walter, A., & de Wit, M. P. (2008). Developments in international bioenergy trade. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(8), 717-729.
Wicke, B., Dornburg, V., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). GHG Implications of Palm Oil Energy Systems. In Proceedings of the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (pp. 206-212).
Smeets, E. M. W., Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Walter, A., Dolzan, P., & Turkenburg, W. C. (2008). The sustainability of Brazilian ethanol - an assessment of the possibilities of certified production. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(8), 781-813.
de Wit, M. P., Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Londo, M., Deurwaarder, E., & Lensink, S. (2008). When will advanced biofuel production become cost competitive? Combined technological learning and engineering approach. In Proceedings of the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (pp. 1772-1776).
Junginger, H. M., & Sikkema, R. (2008). The global wood pellet trade – markets, barriers and opportunities : workshop summary, June 17, 2008, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University.
Kaper, A. A., Junginger, H. M., Wicke, B., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). The Environmental Effects of Land Use Changes in Indonesia and Future Sustainability of Palm Oil Production. In Proceedings of the 16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (pp. 199-201).
Sikkema, R., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). Final working paper: Development of meaningful statistics for sustainable bioenergy trade and identification of other stakeholder’s initiatives. Copernicus Institute.
Wicke, B., Sikkema, R., Dornburg, V., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). Drivers of land use change and the role of palm oil production in Indonesia and Malaysia : overview of past developments and future projections : final report. Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University.
Weiss, M., Junginger, H. M., & Patel, M. K. (2008). Learning energy efficiency. Copernicus Institute.
Wicke, B., Dornburg, V., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). Different palm oil production systems for energy purposes and their greenhouse gas implications. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(12), 1322-1337.
Wicke, B., Sikkema, R., Dornburg, V., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). Land Use Change and Palm Oil Production in Indonesia and Malaysia: Overview of past developments and future possibilities. In Proceedings of the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (pp. 178-182).
Junginger, H. M., Hoeldrich, A., Dahl, J., Sikkema, R., Faaij, A. P. C., Janssen, R., Helm, P., Pichler, W., Golser, M., Senechal, S., Capaccioli, S., Grecka, K., Wach, E., Bastian, M., Habicht, M., Csekoe, A., Udersky, A., Balafoutis, T., Voulgaraki, M., ... Byrne, I. (2008). The Pellets@las Project - a comprehensive European pellet market overview. In Proceedings of the World Bioenergy 2008 Conference & Exhibition on Biomass for Energy (pp. 4 pp.).
Berghout, N. A., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). Technological Learning in the German Biodiesel Industry – Investigating Reductions in Production Costs. In Proceedings of the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (pp. 4 pp.).
Verkerk, B., Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Ackom, E., & McFarlane, P. (2008). Current and future trade opportunities for woody biomass end-products from British Columbia, Canada. In Proceedings of the World Bioenergy 2008 Conference & Exhibition on Biomass for Energy (pp. 1-4).
Junginger, H. M., de Wit, M. P., Sikkema, R., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). International bioenergy trade in the Netherlands. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(8), 672-687.
Londo, M., Lensink, S., Deurwaarder, E., Wakker, A., Prieler, S., Fischer, G., Hizsnyik, E., van Velthuizen, H., de Wit, M. P., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Duer, H., Lundbaek, J., Christensen, P., Garnak, A., Berndes, G., Hansson, J., Egeskog, A., Werner, S., ... Jungmeier, G. (2008). Eyes on the Track, Mind on the Horizon: The REFUEL EU Road Map for Biofuels. In Proceedings of the 16th European Biomass Conference (pp. 2510-2515).
van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., Alsema, E. A., Junginger, H. M., de Moor, H. H. C., & Schaeffer, G. J. (2008). Accuracy of progress ratios determined from experience curves: the case of photovoltaic technology development. Progress in photovoltaics, 16(5), 441-453.
Junginger, H. M., Lako, P., Lensink, S., van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., & Weiss, M. (2008). Scientific assessment and policy analysis - technological learning in the energy sector. Copernicus Institute.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2008). IEA Bioenergy task 40: update January 2008. Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Uyterlinde, M. A., Junginger, H. M., de Vries, H. J., Faaij, A. P. C., & Turkenburg, W. C. (2007). Implications of technological learning on the prospects for renewable energy technologies in Europe. Energy Policy, 35(8), 4072-4087.
Cramer, J., Wissema, E., de Bruijne, M., Lammers, E., van Dijk, D., Jager, H., van Bennekom, S., Breunesse, E., Horster, R., van Leenders, C., Wonink, S., Wolters, W., Kip, H., Stam, H., Faaij, A. P. C., Kwant, K., Hamelinck, C. N., van der Heuvel, E., Dehue, B., ... Sielhorst, S. (2007). Toetsingskader voor duurzame biomassa : eindrapport van de. projectgroep “Duurzame productie van biomassa”. SenterNovem.
Sikkema, R., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2007). IEA Bioenergy task 40 : country report for the Netherlands 2007. (Report NWS-E- ed.) Universiteit Utrecht, Copernicus Institute, Department of Science, Technology and Society.
Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., & de Wit, M. P. (2007). Bioenergy production and international trade in the Netherlands. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 2834-2841). ETA-Renewable Energies.
Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Schouwenberg, P. P., Bradley, D., Heinimö, J., Hektor, B., Bolkesjø, T. F., Rosillo-Calle, F., & Ryckmans, Y. (2007). International bioenergy trade: examples, trends and barriers observed by IEA Bioenergy Task 40. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 2963-2969). ETA-Renewable Energies.
Hettinga, W., Junginger, H. M., Hoogwijk, M. M., McAloon, A., & Hicks, K. (2007). Technological learning in U.S. ethanol production. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 2232-2237). ETA-Renewable Energies.
Heinimö, J., & Junginger, H. M. (2007). Production and trading of biomass for energy – an overview of the global status. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 2948-2956). ETA-Renewable Energies.
Solberg, B., Dornburg, V., Bolkesjø, T. F., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., & Trømborg, E. (2007). Bioenergy and biomass trade: Evaluation of models’ suitability for analysing international trade of biomass and bioenergy products. Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University.
Junginger, H. M. (2007). Overview of recent developments in sustainable biomass certification. In International Conference on Biofuels (pp. 1-31). Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
Junginger, H. M. (2007). Lessons from (European) Bioenergy Policies - Results of a Literature review for IEA Bioenergy Task 40. Copernicus Institute, University Utrecht.
Hoeldrich, A., Janssen, R., Helm, P., Dahl, J., Greinoecker, C., Golser, M., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Sikkema, R., Senechal, S., Capaccioli, S., Grecka, K., Wach, E., Habicht, M., Csekoe, A., Udersky, A., Barel, C., Balafoutis, A., Voulgaraki, M., ... Byrne, I. (2007). The Pellets@las Project. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 2409-2410). ETA-Renewable Energies.
Faaij, A. P. C., Smeets, E. M. W., Junginger, H. M., Dolzan, P., & Walter, A. (2007). The sustainability of Brazilian ethanol - An assessment of the possibilities for certified production. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 3000-3003). ETA-Renewable Energies.
Smit, T., Junginger, M., & Smits, R. E. H. M. (2007). Technological learning in offshore wind energy: Different roles of the government. Energy Policy, 35(12), 6431-6444.
Wicke, B., Dornburg, V., Faaij, A. P. C., & Junginger, H. M. (2007). A greenhouse gas balance of electricity production from co-firing palm oil products from Malaysia. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development and Innovation, Department of Science, Technology and Society.
Peksa, M., Dolzan, P., Grassi, A., Heinimö, J., Junginger, H. M., Ranta, T-M., & Walter, A. (2007). Global Wood Pellets Markets and Industry: Policy Drivers, Market Status and Raw Material Potential. Utrecht University.
Lensink, S., Deurwaarder, E., Londo, H. M., Junginger, H. M., & de Wit, M. P. (2007). Refuel: Potential and realizable cost reduction of 2nd generation biofuels. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 2213-2217). ETA-Renewable Energies.


Coninck, H., Bakker, S., Junginger, H. M., Kuik, O., Massey, E., & van der Zwaan, B. (2007). Climate Change Scientific Assessment and Policy Analysis; Final report Agreement on Technology? Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Rosillo-Calle, F., & Woods, J. (2006). The Growing Role of Biofuels - Opportunities, challenges and pitfalls. Renewable energy world, 9, 130-141.
Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Rosillo-Calle, F., & Woods, J. (2006). The growing role of biofuels-opportunities, challenges and pitfalls. International Sugar Journal, 108(1295), 618-629.
Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2006). IEA Task 40: International Trade of Biomass and Bioenergy-sustainability. Renewable energy world, 9, 110.
Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Schouwenberg, P. P., Arthers, C., Bradley, D., Best, G., Heinimö, J., Hektor, B., Horstink, P., Grassi, A., Kwant, K., Leistad, O., Ling, E., Peksa, M., Ranta, T-M., Rosillo-Calle, F., Ryckmans, Y., Wagener, M., Walter, A., & Woods, J. (2006). Opportunities and barriers for sustainable international bioenergy trade and strategies to overcome them. UU CHEM NW&S (Copernicus).
Lysen, E. H., van Egmond, S., Londo, H. M., Wakker, A., Damen, K. J., Faaij, A. P. C., Hermann, B. G., Junginger, H. M., Patel, M. K., Coenraads, R., Worrell, E., & Luiten, E. (2006). Verdieping transitiepaden, Eindrapport 2: Verdieping. Utrecht Centre of Energy Research (UCE).
Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Schouwenberg, P. P., Arthers, C., Bradley, D., Best, G., Heinimö, J., Hektor, B., Horstink, P., Grassi, A., Kwant, K., Leistad, O., Ling, E., Peksa, M., Ranta, T-M., Rosillo-Calle, F., Ryckmans, Y., Wagener, M., Walter, A., & Woods, J. (2006). Opportunities and barriers for sustainable international bioenergy trade. UU CHEM NW&S (Copernicus).
Junginger, H. M., Visser, E., Hjort-Gregersen, K., Koornneef, J. M., Raven, R., Faaij, A. P. C., & Turkenburg, W. C. (2006). Technological learning in bioenergy systems. Energy Policy, 34(18), 4024-4041.
Robertson, K., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Woess, S., & Schlamadinger, B. (2006). Greenhouse gas credits trade versus biomass trade- weighing the benefits, a report on the Task 38/40 workshop held in Trondheim. IEA Bioenergy News, 18, 4-5.
Koornneef, J. M., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2006). Development of fluidized bed combustion—An overview of trends, performance and cost. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 33(1), 19-55.
Smeets, E. M. W., Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Walter, A., & Dolzan, P. (2006). Sustainability of Brazilian bio-ethanol. (Report NWS-E ed.) UU CHEM NW&S (Copernicus).
Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., Robertson, K., Woess-gallasch, S., & Schlamadinger, B. (2006). Workshop Summary: Greenhouse gas credits trade versus biomass trade – weighing the benefits. In IEA Bioenergy: Task 38; Task 40 Enova.
Schlamadinger, B., Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., Daugherty, E., & Woess-gallasch, S. (2006). Should we trade biomass, bio-electricity, green certificates or CO2 credits? In IEA BIOenergy Agreement Annual Report 2005 IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee for 2005.
Lysen, E. H., van Egmond, S., Londo, H. M., Wakker, A., Damen, K. J., Faaij, A. P. C., Hermann, B. G., Junginger, H. M., Patel, M. K., Coenraads, R., Worrell, E., & Luiten, E. (2006). Verdieping transitiepaden, Eindrapport 1: Analysekader. Utrecht Centre of Energy Research (UCE).
Junginger, H. M., de Wit, M. P., & Faaij, A. (2006). IEA Bioenergy task 40- Country report for the Netherlands: Update 2006. UU CHEM NW&S (Copernicus).
Hamelinck, C. N., van der Heuvel, E., Bergsma, G., Junginger, H. M., Smeets, E. M. W., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2006). Criteria voor duurzame biomassa productie. Task Force Energietransitie.

Populariserende publicaties

Junginger, H. M., Koornneef, J. M., Visser, E., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2006). Cost Reductions and Technological Learning in Biomass Combustion. ThermalNet Newsletter, 28-29.

Overige resultaten

Jossart, J. M., Heinimo, J., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2006). Workshop of the Russian Biofuel. Paper presented at Organization workshop, Petersburg, Russia.
Heinimo, J., Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2006). Developing bioenergy markets-focus on forest sector and Russia. Paper presented at Organisation workshop, lappeenranta, Finland.
Faaij, A. P. C., Junginger, H. M., & Schlamadinger, B. (2006). Workshop on Greenhouse gas credits trade versus biomass trade-weighing the benefits. Paper presented at Organisation of the workshop, Trondheim.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Junginger, M. (2005). Learning in Renewable Energy Technology Development. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), External unknown]. Utrecht University, Department of Science, Technology and So.
Coenraads, R., Damen, K. J., van Egmond, S., Faaij, A. P. C., Hermann, B. G., Junginger, H. M., Londo, H. M., Luiten, E., Lysen, E. H., Patel, M. K., Wakker, A., & Worrell, E. (2005). Verdieping transitiepaden, Deelrapport 3: Analysekader. UCE, Copernicus Institute-UU, ECN, Ecofys and Luiten.
Coenraads, R., Damen, K. J., van Egmond, S., Faaij, A. P. C., Hermann, B. G., Junginger, H. M., Londo, H. M., Luiten, E., Lysen, E. H., Patel, M. K., Wakker, A., & Worrell, E. (2005). Verdieping transitiepaden, Deelrapport 2: verdieping. UCE, Copernicus-UU, ECN, Ecofys and Luiten.
Junginger, H. M., A.P.C., F., Björheden, R., & Turkenburg, W. C. (2005). Technological learning and cost reductions in wood fuel supply chains in Sweden. Biomass and Bioenergy, 29(6), 399-418.
Londo, H. M., Lysen, E. H., Damen, K. J., Faaij, A. P. C., Hermann, B. G., Jeeninga, H., Junginger, H. M., Luiten, E., Patel, M. K., Wakker, A., Worrell, E., Hamelinck, C. N., & Harmelinck, M. (2005). Verdieping Transitiepaden, Deelrapport 1: Inventarisatie. Utrecht Centre of Energy Research (UCE).
Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., & Turkenburg, W. C. (2005). Global experience curves for wind farms. Energy Policy, 33(2), 133-150.
Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. (2005). IEA Bioenergy task 40- Country report for the Netherlands. UU CHEM Natuurwetenschap en Samenleving.
Coenraads, R., Damen, K. J., van Egmond, S., Faaij, A. P. C., Hermann, B. G., Junginger, H. M., Londo, H. M., Luiten, E., Lysen, E. H., Patel, M. K., Wakker, A., & Worrell, E. (2005). Verdieping transitiepaden, Deelrapport: Interpretatiekader antwoorden analyse. UCE, Copernicus Institute-UU, ECN, Ecofys and Luiten.
Smeets, E. M. W., Junginger, H. M., & A.P.C., F. (2005). Supportive study for the OECD on alternative developments in biofuel production across the world. Department of Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2005). Sustainable International Bio Energy Trade: securing supply and demand.IEA Bio-energy Agreement information leaflet. Unit ‘Science, Technology and Society’, Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Junginger, H. M., Agterbosch, S., Faaij, A. P. C., & Turkenburg, W. C. (2004). Renewable electricity in the Netherlands. Energy Policy, 32, 1053-1073.
Junginger, H. M., Turkenburg, W. C., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2004). Cost reduction prospects for offshore wind farms. Wind Engineering, 28(1), 97-118.


Junginger, H. M., Visser, E., Faaij, A. P. C., & Claeson Colpier, U. (2004). Technological learning and cost reductions of biomass CHP combustion plants-the case of Sweden. In W. P. M. van Swaaij, T. Fjallstrom, P. Helm, & A. Grassi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (pp. 86-91). ETA-Florence/WIP-Munich.
Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., & Bjorheden, R. (2004). Technological learning and cost reduction in woodfuel supply chains. In W. P. M. van Swaaij, T. Fjallstrom, P. Helm, & A. Grassi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (pp. 546-549). ETA-Florence/WIP-Munich.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., & Bjorheden, R. (2004). Technological learning and cost reductions in woodfuel supply chains. Poster session presented at Second World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, Italy.



Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2003). A global experience curve for wind energy. In Proceedings of the 2003 European wind energy conference and exhibition EWEA.
Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2003). Cost reduction prospects for the offshore wind energy sector. In Proceedings of the 2003 European wind energy conference and exhibition EWEA.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2003). A global experience curve for wind energy. Poster session presented at 2003 European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, Madrid Spain.
Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2003). Cost reduction prospects for the offshore wind energy sector. Poster session presented at 2003 European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, Madrid Spain.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van As, D. M., Slob, A. F. L., Vullings, W., Junginger, M., & Vermeulen, W. J. V. (2002). De Gids-workshop: Gezamenlijke Implementatie Duurzame Energie Strategie. (TNO-rapport STB ed.) TNO-STB.
Junginger, H. M., Agterbosch, S., Faaij, A. P. C., & Vermeulen, W. (2002). Duurzame Elektriciteit in Nederland: refelctie op bestaande potentieelstudies en toekomstperspectieven: Deel A: De bestaande studies nader geanalyseerd. In Proceedings of the Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie (pp. 158-159). Duurzame Energie Federatie.
Junginger, H. M. (2002). Experience curves in the wind energy sector. In Proceedings of the World Energy Conference and Exhibitation World Wind Energy Association.
Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2002). Duurzame electriciteit in Nederland: reflectie op bestaande potentieelstudies en toekomstperspectieven. Deel B: Aanbodcurven en toekomstbeelden voor duurzame elektriciteit in Nederland. In Proceedings of the Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie (pp. 160-161). Duurzame Energie Federatie.
van As, D. M., Slob, A. F. L., Vullings, W., Junginger, H. M., & Vermeulen, W. J. V. (2002). De GIDS, Gezamenlijke implementatie duurzame energie strategie. (TNO-rapport STB ed.) TNO-STB.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M. (2002). Experience curves in the wind energy sector. Poster session presented at The World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany.
Junginger, H. M., Agterbosch, A., Faaij, A. P. C., & Vermeulen, W. (2002). Duurzame elektriciteit in Nederland. Deel A: De bestaande studies nader geanalyseerd. Poster session presented at Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2002). Duurzame elektriciteit in Nederland. Deel B: Aanbodcurven en toekomstbeelden voor duuzame elektriciteit in Nederalnd in 2020. Poster session presented at Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Junginger, H. M. (2001). Experience curves in the wind sector. Use, Analysis and Recommendations. In Experience curves in the wind sector, Use, Analysis and Recommendations Universiteit Utrecht.
Junginger, H. M., Faaij, A. P. C., van den Broek, R. P. Q., Koopmans, A., & Hulscher, W. (2001). Fuel supply strategies for large-scale bio-energy projects in developing countries: Electricity from agricultural and forest residues in North-Eastern Thailand. Biomass and Bioenergy, 21(4), 259-275.

Overige resultaten

Junginger, H. M., & Faaij, A. P. C. (2001). Accelerated implementation of renewable energy in The Netherlands (AIRE). Poster session presented at Meeting of Biomass PhD-students, SDE, Amsterdam, The netherlands.