Dr. Hugo de Boer

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 8.04
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Hugo de Boer

Universitair hoofddocent
030 253 6951

Involved in the following courses

  • Introduction to Earth and Environment (UCSCIEAR11)
  • Quantifying Earth’s Boundaries in the Anthropocene (UCSCIEAR33)
  • Science Research Thesis - Earth & Environment (UCSCIEART1)
  • Carbon storage in deciduous forests (UCSCIEARL2)
  • Climate change in context (BETA-B1KLC)
  • Research Skills Global Sustainability Science (GEO1-2415)
  • Systems thinking, Scenarios & Indicators for SD (GEO4-2331)
  • Master's thesis Sustainable Development (GEO4-2343 / GEO4-2321)
Betrokken bij de volgende cursus(sen)