Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hermans, H. (2022).
More than meets the horse’s eye: An insight into equine ophthalmology. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University. Stas, E. K. L., Hermans, H., Slenter, I. J. M., Veraa, S., & Ensink, J. M. (2022).
Non-invasive diode laser, an effective and safe treatment of iris cysts in 46 eyes of 35 horses.
Equine Veterinary Journal. Hermans, H., Lloyd-Edwards, R. A., Ferrão-van Sommeren, A. J. H., Tersmette, A. A.
, Schouten, J. C. M., Serra Bragança, F. M., & van Loon, J. P. A. M. (2022).
Comparing Blind and Ultrasound-Guided Retrobulbar Nerve Blocks in Equine Cadavers: The Training Effect.
12(2), 1-12. [154]. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dieterman, E., Vester, S., Visser, D., Serra Braganca, F., Brommer, H., & Hermans, H. (2021). Ex vivo comparison of single layer interrupted, single layer continuous and double layer suture techniques for equine jejunal end-to-end anastomosis. Abstract from ECVS annual congress 2021.
Hermans, H., Slenter, I., van den Berg, E., Vendrig, D., de Nijs - Tjon, L., Boevé, M., & Gehring, R. (2021). PENETRATION OF TOPICALLY ADMINISTERED DEXAMETHASON DISODIUM PHOSPHATE AND PREDNISOLONE ACETATE INTO THE NORMAL EQUINE OCULAR FLUIDS. Abstract from 2021 IEOC/an-vision, Inc. Equine Ophthalmology Consortium.
Dieterman, E., Hermans, H., Slenter, I., Kuijpers, N., Grinwis, G., & Boevé, M. (2021).
Outcome of superficial keratectomy without conjunctival graft as a surgical technique for immune‐mediated keratitis in horses: Four cases.
Equine Veterinary Education. Hermans, H., van den Berg, E. M. H., Slenter, I. J. M., Vendrig, D. J. C., de Nijs-Tjon, L. L., Vernooij, J. C. M., Brommer, H., Boevé, M. H., & Gehring, R. (2021).
Penetration of topically administered dexamethasone disodium phosphate and prednisolone acetate into the normal equine ocular fluids.
Equine Veterinary Journal. Visser, E. M. S., Slenter, I. J. M., Veraa, S., & Hermans, H. (2021).
Hornhautödem vermutlich endothelialen Ursprungs bei fünf Pferden: Diagnostik, oberflächliche Keratektomie und Gunderson-Flap sowie vorläufiges Resultat.
37(3), 284–291. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hisey, E. A.
, Hermans, H., Lounsberry, Z. T., Avila, F., Grahn, R. A., Knickelbein, K. E., Duward-Akhurst, S. A., McCue, M. E., Kalbfleisch, T. S., Lassaline, M. E.
, Back, W., & Bellone, R. R. (2020).
Whole genome sequencing identified a 16 kilobase deletion on ECA13 associated with distichiasis in Friesian horses.
BMC Genomics,
21(1), [848]., E., Slenter, I., Hermans, H., & Grinwis, G. (2020).
Histological Aspects of Corneal Cross Linking in Equines.
Journal of Comparative Pathology,
174, 170. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hermans, H., Kranenburg, L. C., Veraa, S., van Bruggen, L. W. L., Ankringa, N., & Boevé, M. H. (2019). A unilateral protrusion of the nictitating membrane and enophthalmos in a 19-month old Belgian Warmblood horse.. Abstract from 2019 IEOC/an-vision, Inc. Equine Ophthalmology Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
Slenter, I. J. M., Hermans, H., Ensink, J. M., Willems, D. S., Veraa, S., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Boevé, M. H. (2019).
Clinical, ultrasonographic, and histopathologic findings in seven horses with Descemet's membrane detachment: A case series.
Veterinary Ophthalmology. Edwards, R. A., Hermans, H., & Veraa, S. (2019).
Morphological variations of the infraorbital canal during CT has limited association with headshaking in horses.
Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound,
60(5), 485-492. Hermans, H., Veraa, S., Wolschrijn, C. F., & van Loon, J. P. A. M. (2019).
Local anaesthetic techniques for the equine head, towards guided techniques and new applications.
Equine Veterinary Education,
31(8), 432-440. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Visser, E. M. S., Caliskan, N., Veraa, S., & Hermans, H. (2018).
A retrobulbar dermoid cyst with involvement of the sinus in an 18-year old pony. Equine Veterinary Education. Alberi, C., Hisey, E., Lassaline, M., Atilano, A., Kalbfleisch, T., Stoppini, R.
, Hermans, H., Back, W., Mienaltowski, M. J., & Bellone, R. R. (2018).
Ruling out BGN variants as simple X‐linked causative mutations for bilateral corneal stromal loss in Friesian horses.
Animal Genetics,
49(6), 655-657., H., Slenter, I. J. M., Grinwis, G. C. M., & Boevé, M. H. (2018). Bilateral corneal stromal loss in a 24 year old Haflinger mare: IEOC Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Verhaar, N., Hermans, H., van Rooij, E., van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. S., & Ensink, J. (2018).
Case series: periocular habronemiasis in five horses in the Netherlands. Veterinary Record,
182(26), [746]. 2017
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huppes, T., Hermans, H., & Ensink, J. M. (2017).
A retrospective analysis of the risk factors for surgical site infections and long-term follow-up after transpalpebral enucleation in horses.
BMC Veterinary Research,
13(1). Overige resultaten
Verhaar, N., Hermans, H., van Rooij, E. M. A., Oosterbaan, M. M., & Ensink, J. M. (2017). Five cases of peri ocular habronemiasis in the Netherlands: Voorjaarsdagen 2017 - Equine short communications (BEVA and Xcellent Horse Insurance Award). Abstract from EVC Voorjaarsdagen 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands.
Visser, E. M. S., & Hermans, H. (2017). Retrobulbar dermoid cyst in an 18 year old horse: Voorjaarsdagen 2017 - Equine short communications (BEVA and Xcellent Horse Insurance Award). Abstract from EVC Voorjaarsdagen 2017, Den Haag, Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hermans, H., Verhaar, N., Spoormakers, T. J. P., & Ensink, J. M. (2016). Three cases of eosinophilic granulomatous conjunctivitis in the Netherlands. Abstract from Dorothy Havemeyer Equine Ophthalmology Symposium 2016.
Hermans, H., Veraa, S., Ploeg, M., Boersma, S.
, Hazewinkel, H., & Back, W. (2016).
Osteochondral dysplasia of the coxofemoral joints in a Friesian foal: Clinical findings and methods of diagnosis.
Equine Veterinary Education,
28(9), 486-491. Vakpublicaties
Hermans, H., Ensink, J. M., & Spoormakers, T. J. P. (2016). Uveitis bij het paard. Dier en arts.
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M., & Hermans, H. (2015). EOTRH gebitsprobleem. Paard en Sport, 2015(05), 60-62.
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh - Oosterbaan, M. M., & Hermans, H. (2015). Eerste hulp bij vieze ogen. Paard en Sport, 2015(01).
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hermans, H., & Ensink, J. (2014).
Treatment and long-term follow-up of distichiasis, with special reference to the Friesian horse: a case series.
Equine Veterinary Journal,
46(4), 458-462. 2013
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hermans, H., & Ensink, J. (2013). Complication after implantation of a Suprachoroidal Cyclosporine device in a horse: a wandering implant. Pferdeheilkunde, 29(6).
Veraa, S., Hermans, H., Verboven, A. P. M., & Boevé, M. H. (2012). Iris bombé in the equine patient: an ultrasonic evaluation. In Proceedings Voorjaarsdagen 2012 - BEVA & Hippozorg Award 2012
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hermans, H., van den Belt, A. J. M., Ploeg, M., Boerma, S., Hazewinkel, H. A. W., Brommer, H., & Back, W. (2010). Bilateral hip dysplasia in foals: another disease necessitating further genetic workup of the Friesian horse population? In BEVA 2010 (pp. 232-233)