Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bezaly, O. R., King, H., & Petrignani, A. (2024). On the pathway to complexity: mutual amino acid-clay interactions in origins of life. Abstract from HRSMC Lustrum Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Zhang, X., Plümper, O., King, H., Wilson, D., Pogge von Strandmann, P. A. E.
, & Billarent Cedillo, A. (2024).
HAS-Li isotope fractionations? Investigating how and when geochemical signatures of rock-water interactions are archived within secondary phases. Abstract from Isotopes in Biogenic Silica, 2024, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. Bezaly, O. R., King, H., & Petrignani, A. (2024). Collaborative prebiotic adsorption: proteinogenic and non-proteinogenic amino acid mixtures on clay. Abstract from CHAINS 2024, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Shirley, B., Leonhard, I., Murdock, D. J. E., Repetski, J., Świś, P., Bestmann, M., Trimby, P.
, Ohl, M., Plümper, O., King, H. E., & Jarochowska, E. (2024).
Increasing control over biomineralization in conodont evolution.
Nature Communications,
15(1), Article 5273. King, H. (2024). Raman spectroscopy as a tool for following fluid-mineral interactions. Abstract from FluidNET conference, Heraklion, Greece.
Rahman, S., King, H., IJsseldijk, L., & Jarochowska, E. (2024).
Cetacean chronicles: Exploring Ecology and Proxy Potential from whale teeth. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria. King, H., & Zivkovic, A. (2024). Exploring the Raman oxygen isotope signatures of calcite and vaterite. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
Luiten, B., Jarochowska, E., IJsseldijk, L., & King, H. (2024). Whale teeth as witnesses: assessing anthropogenic impact on whale ecology through a multi-proxy analysis. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
Bezaly, O. R., King, H., & Petrignani, A. (2024). Organo-Clay Interactions in Origins of Life. Abstract from NAC 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Zhang, X., King, H., Strandmann, P. A. E. P. V.
, Plümper, O., & Wilson, D. (2023).
Investigating lithium (Li) adsorption onto iron-oxides (goethite, hematite, wüstite, and magnetite) at various pH conditions. Poster session presented at Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France. King, H., Seepma, S., & Wolthers, M. (2023). Phosphate-iron interactions and their role in the inhibition of schwertmannite precipitation. Abstract from Granada-Münster Discussion Meeting 10 , Münster, Germany.
Živković, A., Gemeri, D., Bahmann, H., Lukačević, I.
, & King, H. E. (2023).
Identifying surface phonons in the vibrational spectra of carbonated apatite using density functional theory.
Materials Today Communications,
36, 1-14. Article 106596. Do Nascimento Silva, D., De Goeyse, S., Reichart, G.-J., King, H., & de Nooijer, L. (2023). Proton pumping influences element incorporation in hyaline foraminifera. Abstract from Forams 2023, Perugia, Italy.
King, H. E., Živković, A., & de Leeuw, N. H. (2023).
Evaluating the Effect of 18O Incorporation on the Vibrational Spectra of Vaterite and Calcite.
13(1), 1-16. Article 48. Kopacz, N., Corazzi, M. A., Poggiali, G.
, von Essen, A., Kofman, V., Fornaro, T.
, van Ingen, H., Camprubi, E., King, H. E., Brucato, J.
, & ten Kate, I. L. (2023).
The photochemical evolution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nontronite clay on early Earth and Mars.
394, Article 115437. Popa, I., Pokharel, R., & King, H. (2023). The role of silica in the growth and stabilisation of Mg-carbonates. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France.
Julia , M., Putnis, C. V.
, King, H., & Renard, F. (2023).
Coupled dissolution-precipitation and growth processes on calcite, aragonite and Carrara marble exposed to cadmium-rich aqueous solutions.
Chemical Geology,
621, Article 121364., O. R., Petrignani, A., & King, H. (2023). Prebiotic amino acid-clay interactions: adsorption of GABA and proteinogenic amino acids on Ca-Montmorillonite clay. Poster session presented at Biennial European Astrobiology Conference (BEACON).
Bezaly, O. R., Petrignani, A., & King, H. (2023). Prebiotic adsorption of GABA on Ca-Montmorillonite clay. Abstract from Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Gemeri, D., Živković, A., Lukačević, I., Bahmann, H.
, & King, H. E. (2023).
Density functional theory demonstrates orientation effects in the Raman spectra of hydroxy- and carbonated apatite.
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,
54(2), 159-170. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Živković, A., Mallia, G.
, King, H. E., de Leeuw, N. H., & Harrison, N. M. (2022).
Mind the Interface Gap. Exposing Hidden Interface Defects at the Epitaxial Heterostructure between CuO and Cu2O.
ACS applied materials & interfaces,
14(50), 56331-56343. Carmiggelt, J., Wolthers, M., van de Schootbrugge, B., & King, H. (2022). Channelization of transformation in the ikaite to calcite system. Abstract from Granada-Münster Discussion Meeting 9, Granada, Spain.
King, H., Seepma, S., & Wolthers, M. (2022). Phosphate inhibition of schwertmannite nucleation. Abstract from GeoMinKöln, Cologne, Germany.
Julia , M., Putnis, C. V., King, H., & Renard, F. (2022). The effect of cadmium on calcium carbonate growth and dissolution.
King, H., Zivkovic, A., Ohl, M., & Plümper, O. (2022).
Using Raman spectra of isotopically enriched transformation products to trace mineral reactions. Abstract from European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. Giese, C.-C., Kate, I. L. T., Ende, M. P. A. V. D.
, Wolthers, M., Aponte, J. C.
, Camprubi, E., Dworkin, J. P., Elsila, J. E.
, Hangx, S., King, H. E., Mclain, H. L.
, Plümper, O., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2022).
Experimental and Theoretical Constraints on Amino Acid Formation from PAHs in Asteroidal Settings.
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,
6(3), 468-481. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Živković, A., King, H. E., Wolthers, M., & De Leeuw, N. H. (2021).
Magnetic structure and exchange interactions in pyrrhotite end member minerals: Hexagonal FeS and monoclinic Fe7S8.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter,
33(46), 1-10. Article 465801. Nan, J., King, H. E., Delen, G., Meirer, F., Weckhuysen, B. M., Guo, Z., Peng, X.
, & Plümper, O. (2021).
The nanogeochemistry of abiotic carbonaceous matter in serpentinites from the Yap Trench, western Pacific Ocean.
49(3), 330-334. Pustovarenko, A.
, Seoane, B., Abou-Hamad, E.
, King, H. E., Weckhuysen, B. M., Kapteijn, F., & Gascon, J. (2021).
Rapid fabrication of MOF-based mixed matrix membranes through digital light processing.
Materials Advances,
2(8), 2739-2749., A., Somers, M.
, Camprubí, E., King, H., Wolthers, M., & de Leeuw, N. H. (2021).
Changes in CO2 Adsorption Affinity Related to Ni Doping in FeS Surfaces: A DFT-D3 Study.
11(4), Article 486. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Akse, S. P., Middelburg, J. J., King, H. E., & Polerecky, L. (2020).
Rapid post-mortem oxygen isotope exchange in biogenic silica.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
284, 61-74. Guren, M., Putnis, C. V., Montes-Hernandez, G.
, King, H. E., & Renard, F. (2020).
Direct imaging of coupled dissolution-precipitation and growth processes on calcite exposed to chromium-rich fluids.
Chemical Geology,
552, 1-12. Article 119770.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
King, H. E., Salisbury, A., Huijsmans, J.
, Dzade, N. Y., & Plümper, O. (2019).
Influence of inorganic solution components on lithium carbonate crystal growth.
Crystal Growth & Design,
19(12), 6994-7006. King, H. E., Tommasini, S. M., & Rodriguez-Navarro, A. (2019).
Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy and 2DXRD investigations of mineral content in hypophosphatemic and normal mice tibae and femurs. Pangaea. Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science. Giese, C.-C., ten Kate, I. L., Plümper, O., King, H. E., Lenting, C.
, Liu, Y., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2019).
The evolution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons under simulated inner asteroid conditions.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science,
54(9), 1930-1950. King, H. E., Salisbury, A., Huijsmans, J., Dzade, N. Y., & Plümper, O. (2019). The effect of inorganic ions on Li2CO3 crystal growth. Abstract from 50th Annual Conference of the British Association for Crystal Growth, London, United Kingdom.
Vavouraki, A. I., Primikiris, G., Siachos, K., Koutsoukos, P. G., King, H. E., & Putnis, C. V. (2019). Struvite precipitation from Mg-rich aqueous solution: macro- to nanoscale experiments. Poster session presented at PESXM12, Athens, Greece.
King, H. E. (2019). Chemical controls of the aqueous environment on mineral growth and dissolution. Abstract from GeoMünster, Münster, Germany.
De Ruiter, L., Putnis, C. V., Hövelmann, J.
, King, H. E., & Austrheim, H. (2019).
Direct Observations of the Coupling between Quartz Dissolution and Mg-Silicate Formation.
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,
3(4), 617-625. Attila, O.
, King, H., Meirer, F., & Weckhuysen, B. M. (2019).
3-D Raman Spectroscopy of Large Zeolite ZSM-5 Crystals.
Chemistry-A European Journal,
25, 7158-7167., E., de Nooijer, L. J., Roepert, A., Polerecky, L., King, H. E., & Reichart, G. J. (2019).
Element banding and organic linings within chamber walls of two benthic foraminifera.
Scientific Reports,
9(1), Article 3598. Giese, C. C., ten Kate, I. L., King, H. E., Plümper, O., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2019). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - from interstellar medium to asteroids and meteorites. Abstract from Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands.
King, H. E., Tommasini, S. M., Rodriguez-Navarro, A., Mercado, B. Q., & Skinner, H. C. W. (2019).
Correlative vibrational spectroscopy and 2D-XRD to probe the mineralisation of bone in phosphate deficient mice.
Journal of Applied Crystallography,
52(5). 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Plümper, O., Janssen, C., Wallis, D., Ohl, M., King, H. E., & Scambelluri, M. (2018). Syntectonic serpentinite dehydration within subduction zones. Abstract from GeoBonn 2018.
Plümper, O., Janssen, C., Wallis, D., Ohl, M., King, H. E., & Scambelluri, M. (2018). Syntectonic serpentinite dehydration within subduction zones. Abstract from Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, Andover, United States.
Ohl, M., Chen, J., Niemeijer, A. R., King, H. E., & Plümper, O. (2018). In-situ stable isotope tracing of nanoscale deformation processes in earthquake-prone crustal fault materials. Poster session presented at Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, United States.
Giese, C. C., King, H. E., van den Ende, M. P. A., Plümper, O., ten Kate, I. L., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2018).
In-situ nano-scale investigation of step retreat on fluoranthene crystal surfaces.
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,
2(12), 1301-1311. King, H. E. (2018). Examining crystal growth and breakdown at the nanoscale. Abstract from Dutch Scanning Probe Microscopy Day 2018, Utrecht, Netherlands.
King, H. E., Salisbury, A., Huijsmans, J., Dzade, N. Y., & Plümper, O. (2018). The effect of solution composition on the growth of Li2CO3. Abstract from Granada-Münster Discussion Meeting 6, Münster , Germany.
Amenta, E.
, King, H. E., Petermann, H., Uskokovic, V., Tommasini, S. M., & Macica, C. M. (2018).
Vibrational spectroscopic analysis of hydroxyapatite in HYP mice and individuals with X-linked hypophosphatemia.
Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease,
9(12), 268-281., F., Putnis, C. V., Montes-Hernandez, G.
, King, H. E., Breedveld, G. D., & Okkenhaug, G. (2018).
Sequestration of antimony on calcite observed by time-resolved nanoscale imaging.
Environmental Science & Technology,
52(1), 107-113. resultaten
Giese, C. C., ten Kate, I. L., King, H. E., Plümper, O., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2018). Aqueous alteration of fluoranthene (C16H10) in asteroids and meteorites. EPSC abstracts, 12, Article 1047.
King, H. E., Giese, C. C., Plümper, O., ten Kate, I. L., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2018).
Nanoscale, in situ investigations of fluoranthene surfaces. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, United States. Plümper, O., Janssen, C., Wallis, D., Ohl, M., King, H. E., & Scambelluri, M. (2018). Syntectonic serpentinite dehydration within subduction zones. Abstract from EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Austria.
Putnis, C. V., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Renard, F., King, H. E., & Hövelmann, J. (2018). Nanoscale imaging of toxic element sequestration: coupled dissolution and precipitation reactions at the mineral-fluid interface. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, United States.
Giese, C. C., King, H. E., Plümper, O., ten Kate, I. L., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2018). The dissolution of fluoranthene crystals. Abstract from Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 2018, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Ohl, M., King, H. E., Niemeijer, A. R., Cordier, P., Drury, M. R., & Plümper, O. (2018). Deformation mechanisms and slip localization in seismically active carbonate faults: A case study on natural carbonate fault gouges from one of the most seismically active regions in Europe . Abstract from Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 2018, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
King, H. E. (2018). Probing mineral replacement reactions using O-isotopes and Raman spectroscopy. Abstract from Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres 2018, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
Kölling, S., Martin, T., Verheijen, M., Agarwal, S., Bertazzo, S., Fijneman, A. J., King, H. E., Akiva, A., Moody, M., Sommerdijk, N. A. J. M., Stevens, M. M., & Koenraad, P. M. (2018). Towards mapping of trace elements in bio-minerals. Abstract from Atom Probe Tomography and Microscopy, Washington D.C., United States.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
King, H. E., Plümper, O., Putnis, C. V., O'Neill, H. S. C., Klemme, S., & Putnis, A. (2017).
Mineral surface rearrangement at high temperatures: Implications for extraterrestrial mineral grain reactivity.
ACS earth & space chemistry,
1(2), 113-121. Plümper, O., King, H. E., Geisler, T.
, Liu, Y., Pabst, S., Savov, I. P., Rost, D., & Zack, T. (2017).
Subduction zone forearc serpentinites as incubators for deep microbial life.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
114(17), 4324-4329. Overige resultaten
King, H. E., & Geisler, T. (2017). Tracing mineral replacement using Raman spectroscopy and O-isotopes. Abstract from GeoBremen, Bremen, Germany.
Ohl, M., Chatzaras, V., Niemeijer, A. R., King, H. E., Drury, M. R., & Plümper, O. (2017). Multi-scale investigation into the mechanisms of fault mirror formation in seismically active carbonate rocks. Poster session presented at EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.
King, H. E., & Chang, S. J. (2017). Phosphate interactions with schwertmannite. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2017, Paris, France.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wang, L., Putnis, C. V.
, King, H. E., Hövelmann, J., Ruiz-Agudo, E., & Putnis, A. (2016).
Imaging organophosphate and pyrophosphate sequestration on brucite by in situ atomic force microscopy.
Environmental Science and Technology,
51(1), 328-336., D., Du, Z.
, King, H. E., & De Leeuw, N. H. (2016).
A computational study of the interaction of organic surfactants with goethite α-FeO(OH) surfaces.
RSC Advances,
6(94), 91893-91903., Y., King, H. E., van Huis, M. A., Drury, M. R., & Plümper, O. (2016).
Nano-tomography of porous geological materials using focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy.
6(4), 1-19. Article 104. Ruiz-Agudo, E.
, King, H. E., Patiño-Ĺpez, L. D., Putnis, C. V., Geisler, T., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., & Putnis, A. (2016).
Control of silicate weathering by interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation processes at the mineral-solution interface.
44(7), 567-570., C. M.
, King, H. E., Wang, M., McEachon, C. L., Skinner, C. W., & Tommasini, S. M. (2016).
Novel anatomic adaptation of cortical bone to meet increased mineral demands of reproduction.
85, 59-69., L., Qin , L., Putnis, C. V., Ruiz-Agudo, E.
, King, H. E., & Putnis, A. (2016).
Visualizing organophosphate precipitation at the calcite-water interface by in situ atomic force microscopy.
Environmental Science and Technology,
50(1), 259-268. resultaten
Giese, C.-C., ten Kate, I. L., Plümper, O., King, H. E., Geisler, T., Lenting, C., & Tielens, X. (2016).
Organic globules in carbonaceous chondrites: An experimental approach. Abstract from 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Berlin, Germany. King, H. E., Plümper, O., Polerecky, L., & Blake, R. E. (2016). Retaining biosignatures associated with phosphate in Fe-oxide mineralized bacterial mats. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
Giese, C.-C., ten Kate, I. L., Plümper, O., King, H. E., & Tielens, X. (2016).
Are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in carbonaceous chondrites altered by aqueous alteration?. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama, Japan. Plümper, O., King, H. E., Liu, Y., de Ruiter, L., Verberne, R., Maffione, M., & Ziegler, M. (2016). Massive abiogenic methane production during mantle peridotite alteration at near ambient conditions. Abstract from 4th Serpentine Days , Sète, France.
Putnis, C. V., Ruiz-Agudo, E., King, H. E., Hövelmann, J., & Renard, F. (2016). Element mobilization resulting from mineral replacement reactions. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
Putnis, C. V., Ruiz-Agudo, E., King, H. E., Hövelmann, J., & Renard, F. (2016). Mineral replacement reactions and element mobilization. Abstract from EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Amenta, E., Netter, F. H.
, King, H., Skinner, C., Tommasini, S., & Macica, C. (2015).
Modification of hydroxyapatite involves carbonate ion substitution in both patients with XLH and HYP mice.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,
30(S1). resultaten
King, H. E., & Plümper, O. (2015). Fe-oxidizing microbes: The masters of biomineralization. Abstract from Granada-Münster Discussion Meeting - biomineralization, Granada, Spain.
Giese, C.-C., ten Kate, I. L., Geisler, T.
, King, H., Lenting, C.
, Plümper, O., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2015).
Experimentally studying aqueous alteration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in meteorites - First results. Abstract from 78th Meteoritical Society Meeting, United States. Plümper, O., King, H., de Ruiter, L., Verberne, R.
, & Liu, Y. (2015).
Low-temperature nanocatalysis of abiogenic methane during peridotite alteration. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. Ruiz-Agudo, E.
, King, H. E., Patino-Lopez, L. D., Putnis, C. V., Geisler, T., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., & Putnis, A. (2015).
The control of calcium silicate weathering and climate evolution by dissolution-precipitation processes at the mineral interface. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic., C. V., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Hövelmann, J., King, H., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (2015). Reactions at mineral-fluid interfaces: specifically coupled dissolution and precipitation. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
King, H., & Tommasini, S. M. (2015). Increased carbonate associated with phosphate demand in bioapatite crystallites. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
Amenta, E., King, H., Skinner, H. C. W., Tommasini, S. M., & Macica, C. M. (2015). Modification of hydroxyapatite involves carbonate ion substitution in both patients with XLH and HYP mice. Abstract from American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, United States.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Skinner, H. C. W.
, & King, H. (2014).
Fluids in human bodies and biomineralization – parallels to global water resources and reactions.
Environmental Earth Sciences,
72(12), 5229-5234., L., John, T.
, King, H. E., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (2014).
The role of grain boundaries and transient porosity in rocks as fluid pathways for reaction front propagation.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
386, 64-74., H. E., Satoh, H., Tsukamoto, K., & Putnis, A. (2014).
Surface-specific measurements of olivine dissolution by phase-shift interferometry.
American Mineralogist,
99(2-3), 377-386. Majumdar, A. S.
, King, H. E., John, T., Kusebauch, C., & Putnis, A. (2014).
Pseudomorphic replacement of diopside during interaction with (Ni,Mg)Cl2 aqueous solutions: Implications for the Ni-enrichment mechanism in talc- and serpentine-type phases.
Chemical Geology,
380, 27-40., H. E., Mattner, D. C.
, Plümper, O., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (2014).
Forming cohesive calcium oxalate layers on marble surfaces for stone conservation.
Crystal Growth & Design,
14(8), 3910-3917. Overige resultaten
King, H., Mattner, D. C.
, Plümper, O., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (2014).
Textural re-equilibration during marble replacement by Ca-oxalate. Abstract from Goldschmidt Meeting 2014, Sacramento, United States. King, H., Skinner, H. C. W., & Tommasini, S. M. (2014). Bone mineral composition variations in diseased versus normal mice. Abstract from Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
King, H. E., & Putnis, C. V. (2013).
Direct observations of the influence of solution composition on magnesite dissolution.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
109, 113-126. King, H. E., Satoh, H., Tsukamoto, K., & Putnis, A. (2013).
Nanoscale observations of magnesite growth in chloride- and sulfate-rich solutions.
Environmental Science and Technology,
47(15), 8684-91. Putnis, C. V., Renard, F.
, King, H. E., Montes-Hernandez, G., & Ruiz-Agudo, E. (2013).
Sequestration of selenium on calcite surfaces revealed by nanoscale imaging.
Environmental Science and Technology,
47(23), 13469-13476., L., Putnis, C. V., Ruiz-Agudo, E.
, King, H. E., & Putnis, A. (2013).
Coupled dissolution and precipitation at the cerussite-phosphate solution interface: Implications for immobilization of lead in soils.
Environmental Science and Technology,
47(23), 13502-13510.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Plümper, O., King, H. E., Vollmer, C., Ramasse, Q., Jung, H., & Austrheim, H. (2012).
The legacy of crystal-plastic deformation in olivine: High-diffusivity pathways during serpentinization.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,
163(4), 701-724. Plümper, O., Røyne, A., Malthe-Sørenssen, A.
, King, H. E., & Jamtveit, B. (2012).
Reaction-induced fracturing during olivine serpentinization: A mechanistic investigation at the interface scale.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
14, Article EGU2012-2116. 2011
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
King, H. E., Plümper, O., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (2011).
Experimental investigations into the silicification of olivine: Implications for the reaction mechanism and acid neutralization.
American Mineralogist,
96(10), 1503-1511. 2010
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
de Leeuw, N. H., Catlow, C. R. A.
, King, H. E., Putnis, A., Muralidharan, K., Deymier, P., Stimpfl, M., & Drake, M. J. (2010).
Where on Earth has our water come from? Chemical Communications,
46(47), 8923-8925. King, H. E., Stimpfl, M., Deymier, P., Drake, M. J., Catlow, C. R. A., Putnis, A.
, & de Leeuw, N. H. (2010).
Computer simulations of water interactions with low-coordinated forsterite surface sites: Implications for the origin of water in the inner solar system.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
300(1-2), 11-18. King, H. E., Plümper, O., & Putnis, A. (2010).
Effect of secondary phase formation on the carbonation of olivine.
Environmental Science and Technology,
44(16), 6503-6509. Plümper, O., King, H. E., & Putnis, A. (2009).
Using micro-scale evidence to understand regional-scale hydrothermal alteration of plutonic rocks.
Geophysical Research Abstracts,
11, Article EGU2009-2405-2. King, H. E., Stimpfl, M.
, de Leeuw, N. H., & Putnis, A. (2009).
Dissociated water adsorption to stepped forsterite surfaces: Implications for planetary accretion.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
73(13, Supplement), A659.