Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Salari, H., Zare, A., Babaei, A., Abdoli, H.
, & Aslannejad, H. (2024).
Elucidating the role of La2NiO4±δ (LNO) nanoparticles in modulating chromium poisoning in LSM air electrodes of solid oxide cells: A study on oxygen reduction and evolution reactions.
Journal of Power Sources,
594, Article 234001., P., Aslannejad, H., Mascini, A., Bultreys, T.
, Raoof, A., Cnudde, V., Butler, I. B.
, & Wolthers, M. (2024).
Control of brine composition over reactive transport processes in calcium carbonate rock dissolution: Time-lapse imaging of evolving dissolution patterns.
Applied Geochemistry,
161, 1-16. Article 105835. 2023
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lei, C.
, Samari-Kermani, M., Aslannejad, H., & Zech, A. (2023).
Prediction of pore-scale clogging using artificial intelligence algorithms.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,
37(12), 4911-4919., M., Babaei, A., Zamani, C.
, & Aslannejad, H. (2023).
Application of the distribution of relaxation time method in electrochemical analysis of the air electrodes in the SOFC/SOEC devices: A review.
Chemical Engineering Journal Advances,
15, 1-13. Article 100503., A., Salari, H., Babaei, A., Abdoli, H.
, & Aslannejad, H. (2023).
Electrochemical evaluation of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-δ/Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 cathode of SOFCs by EIS and DRT analysis.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,
936, 1-8. Article 117376.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Aslannejad, H., Samari-Kermani, M., Mohammad Nezami, H., Jafari, S.
, & Raoof, A. (2022).
Application of machine learning in colloids transport in porous media studies: Lattice Boltzmann simulation results as training data.
Chemical Engineering Science,
253, 1-14. Article 117548. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Agrawal, P., Mascini, A., Bultreys, T.
, Aslannejad, H., Wolthers, M., Cnudde, V., Butler, I. B.
, & Raoof, A. (2021).
The impact of pore-throat shape evolution during dissolution on carbonate rock permeability: Pore network modeling and experiments.
Advances in Water Resources,
155, Article 103991. Aslannejad, H., Loginov, S. V., van der Hoek, B., Schoonderwoerd, E. M.
, Gerritsen, H. C., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2021).
Liquid droplet imbibition into a thin coating layer: Direct pore-scale modeling and experimental observations.
Progress in Organic Coatings,
151, 1-12. Article 106054. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Yan, L., Aslannejad, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Raoof, A. (2020).
Impact of water salinity differential on a crude oil droplet constrained in a capillary: Pore-scale mechanisms.
274, Article 117798. Sweijen, T., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Aslannejad, H., & Leszczynski, S. (2020).
The effect of particle shape on porosity of swelling granular materials: Discrete element method and the multi-sphere approximation.
Powder Technology,
360, 1295-1304. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Aslannejad, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Celia, M. A. (2019).
Characterization of the Interface Between Coating and Fibrous Layers of Paper.
Transport in Porous Media,
127(1), 143-155. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Yin, X., Aslannejad, H., de Vries, E. T., Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2018).
Droplet Imbibition into Paper Coating Layer: Pore-Network Modeling Simulation.
Transport in Porous Media,
125(2), 239-258. Aslannejad, H., Fathi, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., & Tomozeiu, N. (2018).
Movement of a liquid droplet within a fibrous layer: Direct pore-scale modeling and experimental observations.
Chemical Engineering Science,
191, 78-86. Abdoli, S. M., Shafiei, S.
, Raoof, A., Ebadi, A., Jafarzadeh, Y.
, & Aslannejad, H. (2018).
Water flux reduction in microfiltration membranes: a pore network study.
Chemical Engineering and Technology,
41(8), 1566-1576.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Sweijen, T., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Aslannejad, H., & Leszczynski, S. (2017).
Grain-Scale Modelling of Swelling Granular Materials Using the Discrete Element Method and the Multi-Sphere Approximation. In
Poromechanics VI: Proceedings of the Sixth Biot Conference on Poromechanics (pp. 329-336). ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers. Aslannejad, H., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2017).
Study of Hydraulic Properties of Uncoated Paper: Image Analysis and Pore-Scale Modeling.
Transport in Porous Media,
120(1), 67-81. Aslannejad, H., Terzis, A., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Weigard, B. (2017).
Occurrence of temperature spikes at a wetting front during spontaneous imbibition.
Scientific Reports,
7, Article 7268. Sweijen, T., Aslannejad, H., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2017).
Capillary pressure–saturation relationships for porous granular materials: Pore morphology method vs. pore unit assembly method.
Advances in Water Resources,
107, 22-31. Terzis, A., Roumeli, E., Weishaupt, K., Brack, S.
, Aslannejad, H., Groß, J.
, Hassanizadeh, S. M., Helmig, R., & Weigand, B. (2017).
Heat release at the wetting front during capillary filling of cellulosic micro-substrates.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
504, 751-757. Aslannejad, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., de Winter, D. A. M., Tomozeu, N.
, & van Genuchten, M. T. (2017).
Characterizing the hydraulic properties of a paper coating layer using FIB-SEM tomography and 3D pore-scale modeling.
Chemical Engineering Science,
160, 275-280. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Aslannejad, H., Barelli, L., Babaie, A., & Bozorgmehri, S. (2016).
Effect of air addition to methane on performance stability and coking over NiO-YSZ anodes of SOFC.
Applied Energy,
177, 179-186. Overige resultaten
Sweijen, T., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Aslannejad, H. (2016). Grain-scale modelling of swelling granular materials: the effect of particle shape on porosity, permeability, and retention properties. Abstract from 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Paris, France.
Aslannejad, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., de Winter, D. A. M., & Tomozeiu, N. (2016). Characterizing hydraulic properties of paper coating using FIB-SEM tomography and 3D pore-scale modeling. Paper presented at Progress in paper physics seminar 2016, Germany.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Aslannejad, H., Bozorgmehri, S., Babaei, A., Mohebbi, H., Ghobadzadeh, A., Haghparast, A., & Davari, S. (2013).
Effect of operational condition on performance and durability of solid oxide fuel cell fueled by natural gas.
ECS Transactions,
57(1), 2939-2946. 2011
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Ghobadzadeh, A. H., Mohebbi, H., Raoufi, A.
, Aslannejad, H., & Davari, S. (2011).
Fabrication of solid oxide fuel cell using the dual tape casting method. In
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 12, SOFC XII (1 PART 1 ed., Vol. 35, pp. 551-555)