Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Hasselt, S. J., Martinez-Gonzales, D., Mekenkamp, G. .-J., Vyssotski, A. L., Verhulst, S.
, Beckers, G. J., Rattenborg, N. C., & Meerlo, P. (2024).
High-Density EEG Recordings in the European Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula): Sleep Deprivation Increases Nrem Sleep Time and Eeg Power While Reducing Hemispheric Asymmetry.
Sleep Medicine,
115(S1), S20-S20.
Overige resultaten
Beckers, G. (2021).
Darr version 0.4: A Python science library for numpy arrays that persist on disk in a format that is simple, self-documented and tool-independent.. Software 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Kriengwatana, B., & Beckers, G. J. L. (2019). Speech perception: what do nonhuman animals have to say? In P. Hagoort (Ed.), Human language: from genes and brains to behavior (pp. 701-712). The MIT Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tisdale, R. K., Lesku, J. A.
, Beckers, G. J. L., Vyssotski, A. L., & Rattenborg, N. C. (2018).
The low-down on sleeping down low: pigeons shift to lighter forms of sleep when sleeping near the ground.
Journal of Experimental Biology,
221(Pt 19)., R. K., Tieri, L., Rattenborg, N. C.
, Beckers, G. J. L., & Lesku, J. A. (2018).
Spectral Properties of Brain Activity Under Two Anesthetics and Their Potential for Inducing Natural Sleep in Birds.
Frontiers in Neuroscience,
12, Article 881., J. J., Beckers, G. J. L., Huijbregts, M. A. C., Berwick, R.
, & Everaert, M. B. H. (2018).
The slings and arrows of comparative linguistics.
PLoS Biology,
16(9), 1-3. Article e3000019. Bolhuis, J. J., Beckers, G. J. L., Huijbregts, M. A. C., Berwick, R. C.
, & Everaert, M. B. H. (2018).
Meaningful syntactic structure in songbird vocalizations? PLoS Biology,
16(6), Article e2005157. Overige resultaten
Beckers, G. J. L. (2018).
Darr: A Python science library for storing and sharing numeric data arrays in a way that is open, simple, and self-explanatory. Software, GitHub. 2017
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Overige resultaten
Beckers, G. J. L. (2016). aglcheck. Software
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
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Rattenborg, N. C., Martinez-Gonzalez, D., van der Meij, J., Beckers, G. J. L., Vyssotski, A., Pompeiano, M., & Balaban, E. (2015). Can sleeping birds preen? Dissociation between sleep-related EEG activity and behavior in pigeons. Abstract from SfN Neuroscience, Chicago, United States.
Beckers, G. J. L. (2015). MCE - Multichannel electrophysiology. Unpublished. Software
Beckers, G. J. L., Broekhuizen, J., Rattenborg, N. C., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2015). Vocal sequence predictability modulates traveling wave activity in songbird auditory forebrain. Abstract from SfN Neuroscience, Chicago, United States.
van der Meij, J., Beckers, G. J. L., & Rattenborg, N. C. (2015). Intracerebral recordings of slow wave and rapid eye-movement sleep in naturally sleeping pigeons. Abstract from SfN Neuroscience, Chicago, United States.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Beckers, G. J. L., Berwick, R. C.
, & Bolhuis, J. J. (2014).
Comparative analyses of speech and language converge on birds.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
37(6), 547-8; discussion 577-604. Overige resultaten
van der Meij, J., Rattenborg, N. C., Smulders, T., & Beckers, G. J. L. (2014). Uncorrelated sleep-related activity in the avian hippocampus and nidopallium. Journal of Sleep Research, 23, 253-253.
Tisdale, R., Lesku, J. A., Beckers, G. J. L., & Rattenborg, N. C. (2014). Bird-like propagating sleep-related brain activity in Nile crocodiles. Journal of Sleep Research, 23, 258-258.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Beckers, G. J. L., Bolhuis, J. J., Okanoya, K., & Berwick, R. C. (2012). Birdsong neurolinguistics: Songbird context-free grammar claim is premature. NeuroReport, 23, 139-145.
Berwick, R. C., Beckers, G. J. L., Okanoya, K., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2012). A bird's eye view of human language evolution. Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 4, 5.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Berwick, R. C., Okanoya, K., Beckers, G. J. L., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2011). Songs to syntax: the linguistics of birdsong. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15, 113-121.
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