Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Honingh, M., van Genugten, M., de Gooyert, V.
, & Blom, R. (2022).
What is the impact of a principle-based inspection approach? School Effectiveness and School Improvement,
33(2), 236-259., R. T., & Blom, R. (2022).
Stressed out public servants? Testing the stress appraisal of psychological and emotional stressors on stress reactions through psychological capital.
International Journal of Public Sector Management,
35(2), 113-132. Voorn, B.
, Borst, R. T., & Blom, R. (2022).
Business techniques as an explanation of the autonomy-performance link in corporatized entities: Evidence from Dutch Municipally owned corporations.
International Public Management Journal,
25(5), 660-676.
Blom, R., Van Genugten, M., & Kruyen, P. (2022). De Competentieverkenner: Ontwikkeling van een innovatief, digitaal instrument voor gemeenteambtenaren. Institute for Management Research.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Borst, R., & Blom, R. (2021). HRM and wellbeing in the public sector. In Research Handbook on HRM in the Public Sector Edward Elgar Publishing.
Blom, R. (2021). Managing people in semi-autonomous agencies: A between-and within-sector analysis. [Doctoral thesis 3 (Research UU / Graduation NOT UU), Radboud University Nijmegen].
Blom, R., Kruyen, P. M., van Thiel, S., & van der Heijden, B. I. J. M. (2021).
'Through the looking-glass': addressing methodological issues in analyzing within- and between-sector differences in employee attitudes and behaviors.
International Public Management Journal,
24(6), 813-830. Blom, R., Kruyen, P. M., Van Thiel, S., & Van der Heijden, B. I. J. M. (2021).
HRM Philosophies and Policies in Semi-autonomous Agencies: Identification of Important Contextual Factors.
International Journal of Human Resource Management,
32(18), 3862-3887. Borst, R. T., & Blom, R. (2021).
HRM and well-being in the public sector. In B. Steijn, & E. Knies (Eds.),
Research Handbook on HRM in the Public Sector (pp. 172–188). (Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management). Edward Elgar Publishing. Blom, R., Borst, R. T., & Voorn, B. (2021).
Pathology or Inconvenience? A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Red Tape on People and Organizations.
Review of Public Personnel Administration,
41(4), 623-650. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Blom, R., Kruyen, P. M., Van der Heijden, B. I. J. M., & Van Thiel, S. (2020).
One HRM Fits All? A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of HRM Practices in the Public, Semipublic, and Private Sector.
Review of Public Personnel Administration,
40(1), 3-35. Blom, R. (2020).
Mixed Feelings? Comparing the Effects of Perceived Red Tape and Job Goal Clarity on HRM Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Across Central Government, Government Agencies, and Businesses.
Public Personnel Management,
49(3), 421-443. Vakpublicaties
Honingh, M., Ehren, M., van Montfort, C., Blom, R., Van Genugten, M., & de Gooyert, V. (2020). Effectstudie van het vernieuwde onderwijstoezicht. Institute for Management Research.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Honingh, M., van Genugten, M., van Thiel, S.
, & Blom, R. (Accepted/In press).
Do boards matter? Studying the relation between school boards and educational quality.
Public Policy and Administration.
Van Thiel, S.
, van Erp, J. G., de Kruijf, J., Kingma, S.
, Blom, R., & Bouwman, R. B. (2017).
Kansen Begrensd: Evaluatie van de Kansspelautoriteit 2012-2016. Institute for Management Research.