Drs. Geertje Speelman

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 5.88
3584 CB Utrecht

Drs. Geertje Speelman

Pathways to Sustainability Office

Manager of the research communities `Transforming Cities' and `Water, Climate and Future Deltas'. 

The Transforming Cities community focuses on sustainable solutions for cities. Together with societal stakeholders, the researchers of the community work to understand how cities change and how sustainability transformations can be accelerated. The ambition is to find ways to help cities transform into sustainable, healthy and equal places.

At the community Water, Climate and Future Deltas, scientific experts from a broad range of disciplines cooperate directly with experts in the field to combine knowledge on natural system functioning with spatial planning, land and water governance and legislative frameworks. This allows for developing resilient delta management strategies, which is urgently needed to sustain the quality of life in these unique ecosystems.

As manager of the communities I am responsible for coordinating activities and projects within the community. `Transforming Cities' and `Water, Climate and Future Deltas' are part of the strategic theme `Pathways to Sustainability' of Utrecht University.