Dr. G.A.W. (Gerard) Vreeswijk

Buys Ballotgebouw
Princetonplein 5
Kamer BBL-503
3584 CC Utrecht

Dr. G.A.W. (Gerard) Vreeswijk

Universitair docent
Natural Language Processing
030 253 5935



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Noordman, S., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2018). Evolving novelty strategies for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma in deceptive tournaments. Theoretical Computer Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2018.10.026


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2016). The effect of different motion types in simple discrete particle systems with quantitative stigmergy. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 0(0), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445760.2016.1219733
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2016). Extensions and modifications to explanatory coherence. Law, Probablity and Risk, 15(3), 199-221. https://doi.org/10.1093/lpr/mgw005


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

De Boer, M., Van Maanen, P-P., & Vreeswijk, G. (2013). Supporting Intelligence Analysts with a Trust-Based Question-Answering System. In V. Raghavan, X. Hu, C-J. Liau, & J. Treur (Eds.), The 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2013, 17-20 November 2013 Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Proceedings (pp. 183-186). IEEE Computer Society. https://doi.org/10.1109/WI-IAT.2013.179
Chu, R., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2013). Extending Fictitious Play with Pattern Recognition. In E. Lorini (Ed.), Pre-proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2013) (pp. 40-53). IRIT-CNRS.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kok, E. M., Meyer, J-JC., van Oostendorp, H., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2012). A Methodology for the Generation of Multi-Agent Argumentation Dialogue Scenarios. In M. Cossentino, M. Kaisers, K. Tuyls, & G. Weiss (Eds.), EUMAS'11 Selected and Revised Papers (Vol. LNAI 7541, pp. 160-174). Springer.
Kok, E. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2012). Testing the benefits of structured argumentation in multi-agent deliberation dialogues. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, & I. Rahwan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ARGMAS-12) (pp. 87-106) http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/argmas2012.pdf
Kok, E. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2012). Testing the benefits of structured argumentation in multi-agent deliberation dialogues (extended abstract). In V. Conitzer, & M. Winikoff (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 1411-1412). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/ kok00125/docs/aamas2012abstract.pdf
Kok, E. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2012). Testing the Benefits of Structured Argumentation in Multi-Agent Deliberation Dialogues. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, & I. Rahwan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (pp. 87-106).


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2011). Arguing About Preferences And Decisions. In P. McBurney, I. Rahwan, & S. Parsons (Eds.), Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems. 7th International Workshop. Revised Selected and Invited Papers (pp. 68-85). Springer.
van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2011). Multi-criteria argument selection in persuasion dialogues. In K. Tumer, & P. Yolum (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 921-928). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/aamas11tom.pdf
Kok, E. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2011). A Formal Argumentation Framework for Deliberation Dialogues. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, & I. Rahwan (Eds.), Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Proceedings of ArgMAS 2010 (pp. 31-48). Springer.
Knobbout, M., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2011). Sequential targeted optimality as a new criterion for teaching and following in repeated games. In K. Tumer, P. Yolum, L. Sonenberg, & P. Stone (Eds.), Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 517-524). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagen.
Kok, E. M., Meyer, J-JC., van Oostendorp, H., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2011). A Methodology for the Generation of Multi-Agent Argumentation Dialogue Scenarios. In Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kok, E. W., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2010). formal argumentation framework for deliberation dialogues. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, & I. Rahwan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ARGMAS-10) (pp. 73-90) http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/argmas10eric.pdf
van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2010). Arguing About Preferences And Decisions (abstract). In P. Bouvry, L. van der Torre, E. Dubois, & T. Latour (Eds.), Proc. 22nd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2010)
van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2010). Practical Reasoning Using Values (Giving Meaning to Values). In P. McBurney, I. Rahwan, S. Parsons, & N. Maudet (Eds.), Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, 6th International Workshop, ArgMAS 2009, Budapest, Hungary, 2009 (LNAI ed., Vol. 6057, pp. 79-93). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2010). Lower Bounds on Argument Verification in Computational Dialectic. In P. Baroni, F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin, & G. R. Simari (Eds.), Computational Models of Argument (pp. 463-474). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; No. 216). IOS Press.
van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2010). Arguing about preferences and decisions. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, & I. Rahwan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ARGMAS-10) (pp. 229-246) http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/argmas10tom.pdf


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Prakken, H., Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Meyer, J-JC. (2009). Practical Reasoning Using Values. In P. McBurney, I. Rahwan, S. Parsons, & P. Moraitis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2009), Budapest, Hungary (pp. 225-240)
van der Weide, T., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2009). Practical reasoning using values. Giving meaning to values. In P. McBurney, S. Parsons, I. Rahwan, & N. Maudet (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ARGMAS-08) (pp. 225-240). Huygens Editorial. http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/argmas09.pdf

Overige resultaten

van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Prakken, H., Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Meyer, J-JC. (2009). Argumentation About Motivation. 34-35. Abstract from Human Factors Event.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van der Weide, T., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2008). Personality-based practical reasoning. In I. Rahwan, & P. Moraitis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems ({ARGMAS}-08) (pp. 76-93)
van den Braak, S. W., van Oostendorp, H., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2008). Representing narrative and testimonial knowledge in sense-making software for crime analysis. In E. Francesconi, G. Sartor, & D. Tiscornia (Eds.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. {JURIX 2008}: The Twenty-First Annual Conference (pp. 160-169). IOS Press. http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/jurix08avers.pdf
van den Braak, S. W., van Oostendorp, H., Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Prakken, H. (2008). The role of compression and refinement in visualization tools for crime analysts. In G. Kanselaar, V. Jonker, P. A. Kirschner, & F. J. Prins (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a Learning World. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences - {ICLS} 2008 (pp. 3-1443145) http://people.cs.uu.nl/susanb/publications/ICLS08_BraakEtAl.pdf
van der Weide, T. L., Dignum, F. P. M., Meyer, J-JC., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2008). Personality-Based Practical Reasoning. In I. Rahwan, & P. Moraitis (Eds.), Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Fifth International Workshop, ArgMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 2008 Revised Selected and Invited Papers (pp. 3-18). Springer.
van den Braak, S. W., van Oostendorp, H., Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Prakken, H. (2008). Utilizing compression and refinement to handle large cases in crime analysis. In F. Grasso, N. Green, R. Kibble, & C. Reed (Eds.), Workshop Notes of the {ECAI}-06 Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument ({CMNA}-06} (pp. 60-67) http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/CMNA08Color.pdf
van den Braak, S. W., van Oostendorp, H., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2008). Representing causal knowledge in sense-making software for crime analysis. (UU-CS ed.) UU WINFI Informatica en Informatiekunde. http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/UU-CS-2008-024.html


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bex, F. J., van den Braak, S. W., van Oostendorp, H., Prakken, H., Verheij, B., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2007). Sense-making software for crime investigation: how to combine stories and arguments? Law, Probablity and Risk, 6(1-4), 145-168. http://lpr.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/mgm007?ijkey=NpByaFIpmKYaR4F&keytype=ref
van den Braak, S. W., Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Prakken, H. (2007). AVERs: An argument visualization tool for representing stories about evidence. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (pp. 11-15). ACM Press.

Overige resultaten

Bex, F. J., van den Braak, S. W., van Oostendorp, H., Prakken, H., Verheij, B., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2007). Sense-making software for crime investigation: how to combine stories and arguments?. 311-312. Abstract from Unknown event, Asilomar, USA. http://people.cs.uu.nl/susanb/publications/BNAIC2007_BexBraakEtAl.pdf


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). An algorithm to compute minimally grounded and admissible defence sets in argument systems. In P. E. Dunne, & T. J. M. Bench-Capon (Eds.), Proc. of the First Int. Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA06) (pp. 109-129). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; No. 144). IOS Press.
van den Braak, S. W., van Oostendorp, H., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). A critical review of argument visualization tools: Do users become better reasoners? In F. Grasso, R. Kibble, & C. Reed (Eds.), Workshop Notes of the ECAI-06 Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA-06 (pp. 67-75) http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/susanb/publications/ECAI06_Long_Paper_BraakEtAl.pdf
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). Liberalizing Protocols for Argumentation in Multi-agent Systems. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4049, 182-198.
Bodenstaff, L., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). On formalising dialogue systems for argumentation in the event calculus. In J. Dix, & A. Hunter (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 374-382) http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/IS/archive/henry/nmr06.pdf
Chesñevar, C., McGinnis, J., Modgil, S., Rahwan, I., Reed, C., Simari, G., South, M., Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Willmott, S. (2006). Towards an Argument Interchange Format. The knowledge engineering review, 21, 293-316.
van den Braak, S. W., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). A knowledge representation architecture for the construction of stories based on interpretation and evidence. In F. Grasso, R. Kibble, & C. Reed (Eds.), Workshop Notes of the ECAI-2006 Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA VI) (pp. 76-82). http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/susanb/publications/ECAI06_Short_Paper_BraakVreeswijk.pdf
Willmott, S., Vreeswijk, G. A. W., Chesñevar, C., South, M., McGinis, J., Modgil, S., Rahwan, I., Reed, C., & Simari, G. (2006). Towards an Argument Interchange Format for Multiagent Systems. In Proc. of the AAMAS Int. Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS) (pp. 17-34)
Bryant, D., Krause, P., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). Argue tuProlog: A Lightweight Argumentation Engine for Agent Applications. In P. E. Dunne, & T. J. M. Bench-Capon (Eds.), Proc. of 1st Int. Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA06) (pp. 27-32). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; No. 144). IOS Press.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Lodder, A. R. (2006). GearBi: Towards an online arbitration environment based on the design principles simplicity, awareness, orientation, and timeliness. Artificial Intelligence and Law Journal, 13, 297-321.
van den Braak, S. W., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). AVER: Argument visualization for evidential reasoning. In T. M. van Engers (Ed.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2006: The Nineteenth Annual Conference (pp. 151-156). IOS Press. http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/susanb/publications/JURIX06_BraakVreeswijk.pdf
Amgoud, L., Bodenstaff, L., Caminada, M., McBurney, S., Prakken, H., Veenen, J., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2006). Final Review and Report on Formal Argumentation System. ASPIC Consortium. http://www.argumentation.org/ASPIC%20-%20Deliverables/ASPIC-D2.6.zip


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2005). Argumentation in Bayesian Belief Networks. In I. Rahwan, P. Moraitis, & C. Reed (Eds.), Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, First International Workshop, ArgMas 2004.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2005). Direct Connectionistic Methods for Scientific Theory Formation. In R. Festa, A. Aliseda, & J. Peijnenburg (Eds.), Cognitive Structures in Scientific Inquiry (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy o.t. Sciences & t. Humanities; No. 84). Rodopi.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2005). Direct Connectionist Methods for Scientific Theory Formation. In R. Festa (Ed.), Cognitive Structures in Scientific Inquiry (pp. 375-403). (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy o.t. Sciences & t. Humanities; No. 84 (2)). Rodopi.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2005). Liberalizing protocols for argumentation in multi-agent systems. In Proc. of the 4th Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (pp. 1259-1260). ACM Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Amgoud, L., Caminada, M., Cayrol, C., Doutre, S., Lagasquie-Schiex, M-C., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2004). Towards a Consensual Formal Model: inference part. In J. Fox (Ed.), Draft Formal Semantics for Inference and Decision-Making (pp. 1-54). ASPIC Consortium.
Lodder, A. R., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2004). Online Arbitration Services at a Turning Point. Journal Title, 21-28.
Dignum, F. P. M., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2004). Towards a testbed for multi-party dialogues. In F. Dignum (Ed.), Advances in Agent Communication (pp. 212-230). Springer.
Amgoud, L., Caminada, M., Cayrol, C., Doutre, S., Lagasquie-Schiex, M-C., Modgil, S., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2004). Argument-Based Inference. In J. Fox (Ed.), Theoretical Framework for Argumentation (pp. 3-46). ASPIC Consortium.
Caminada, M., Doutre, S., Modgil, S., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2004). Implementations of argument-based inference. In J. Fox (Ed.), Review of Argumentation Technology: State of the Art, Technical and User requirements (pp. 2-13). ASPIC Consortium.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Hulstijn, J. (2004). A free-format dialogue protocol for multi-party inquiry. In Proc. of the Eighth Int. Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Catalog '04) (pp. 273-279)


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Hulstijn, J., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2003). Turntaking: a case for agent-based programming. Utrecht University, Dept. of Computer Science.
Dignum, F. P. M., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2003). Towards a testbed for multi-party dialogues. In M. P. Huget, & F. Dignum (Eds.), Proc. of the AAMAS 2003 Int. workshop on Agent Communication Languages and Conversation Policies (pp. 63-71).
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2003). A Simple Scheme to Structure and Process the Information of Parties in Online Forms of ADR (extended version). In ADRonline Monthly Archive UMASS Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resoluti. http://www.ombuds.org/center/adr2003-10.html
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2003). Book Review: Bayesian Artificial Intelligence. In K. D. Ashley, A. Oskamp, G. Sartor, & A. R. Lodder (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Law (pp. 289-298). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2003). A Simple Scheme to Structure and Process the Information of Parties in Online Forms of ADR. In A. Lodder (Ed.), Proc. of the ICAIL Int. workshop on Online Dispute Resolution (pp. 87-106). Vrije Universiteit.
Brewka, G., Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2003). Special issue on Computational Dialectics: an introduction. Journal of Logic and Computation, 13(3), 317-318.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2003). A simple scheme to structure and process the information of parties in online forms of alternative dispute resolution. (UU-CS ed.) Utrecht University: Information and Computing Sciences.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2002). Encoding schemes for a discourse support system for legal argument. In G. Carenini, F. Grasso, & C. Reed (Eds.), Proceedings of the ECAI-2002 Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (pp. 31-39).
Prakken, H., & Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2002). Logics for defeasible argumentation. In D. M. Gabbay, & F. Guenthner (Eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 2nd edition, Vol 4 (pp. 219-318). Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2001). Eight dialectic benchmarks discussed by two artificial localist disputors. Synthese, 127, 221-253.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2000). Book Review. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 8, 265-276.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W. (2000). Representation of Formal Dispute with a Standing Order. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 8(2/3), 203-230.
Vreeswijk, G. A. W., & Prakken, H. (2000). Credulous and Sceptical Argument Games for Preferred Semantics. In M. Ojeda-Aciego, I. P. de Guzman, G. Brewka, & L. Moniz Pereria (Eds.), Proceedings of JELIA'2000, The 7th European Workshop on Logic for Artificial Intelligence (pp. 239-253). Springer.