Prof. dr. F. (Federica) Russo

History and Philosophy of Science

Federica Russo studied Philosophy at the University of Padua, Italy, and graduated cum laude in 2001. Afterwards, she finished her Master of Arts in Philosophy of Science at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, with grande distinction. She continued with a PhD in Philosophy at the same university and finished her PhD in 2005 with la plus grande distinction avec félicitations du juri

Federica has held research, teaching, and visiting positions at several institutions, including the University of Kent, Pittsburgh, and Louvain. In 2022, she was awarded honorary professor at Universty College London (Department of Science and Technology Studies). Since 2023, she holds the Westerdijk Chair at the Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, and is full professor in Philosophy and Ethics of Techno-Science.

In 2021, Federica received three different grants: the Bando Rita Levi Montalcini in Italy, the Vienna Science and Technology Fund on Digital Humanism and the Seed Money Grant of Research Priority Area Human(e) AI: Towards an Ethical and Explainable AI. In 2023, she became principal investigator and coordinator of research project SOLARIS - Strengthening demOcratic engagement through vaLue-bAsed geneRative adversarIal networkS, a project funded by the EU in collaboration with 12 partners from 8 different countries.