Prof. dr. Frank Miedema

Hijmans van den Berghgebouw
Universiteitsweg 98
Kamer HB4.05A
3584 CG Utrecht

Prof. dr. Frank Miedema

088 755 3479

Blogs and Presentations

TEDx Maastricht, October 2014


Open Science

F. Miedema was Chair of this MLE, and worked with experts S. Leonelli, K.Mayer, K. Holmberg. Reflecting the priority subjects mentioned by the Member States at the call for interest of July 2016, this first MLE on Open Science will address the national policies and practices relating to the following two issues:

  1. Altmetrics, understood as alternative (i.e. non-traditional) metrics that cover not just citations of articles but also various forms of social media shares, web downloads or any other measure of the qualities and impact of research outcomes;
  2. Incentives and rewards for researchers to engage in Open Science activities.

A total of 7 Reports. 9 January 2017 to 17 January 2018: Exercise type Mutual Learning. Geo coverage: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.

Rector Magnificus Henk Kummeling signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) on behalf of Utrecht University