Dr. F.L.M. (Lennart) Meier

Hans Freudenthalgebouw
Budapestlaan 6
Kamer 508
3584 CD Utrecht

Dr. F.L.M. (Lennart) Meier

Universitair hoofddocent
Fundamental Mathematics
030 253 1726

Lennart Meier studied Mathematics and Philosophy in Bielefeld and Bonn and graduated in 2009 with a Diplom thesis about string topology under the supervision of Matthias Kreck. He stayed in Bonn to obtain his PhD in stable homotopy theory under the supervision of Stefan Schwede in 2012. Subsequently he became Whyburn Instructor at the University of Virginia, where he worked for two years. After a two-months stay at the Hausdorff Institute, he returned 2015 with a grant from the DFG (German Research Foundation) to Bonn as a postdoctoral researcher, until joining the Mathematical Institute at Utrecht University as Assistant Professor in 2018 and obtaining tenure in 2020.