Eric Cezne is a postdoctoral researcher associated with the inFRONT: Inside Investment Frontiers of Sustainability Transitions project. With expertise located at the intersections of International Relations and Development Studies, he is interested in the (geo)political and socio-spatial implications of energy, extractive, and transport infrastructures in the Global South, particularly in contexts shaped by South-South relations and sustainability transitions.
At Utrecht University, his work revolves around two research themes: (i) the (geo)politics and socio-spatial implications of green hydrogen transitions in the Global South; and (ii) the consequences and lived experiences of infrastructure development in the Amazon rainforest.
Prior to Utrecht University, Eric has completed a PhD in International Relations (cum laude, 2021) at the University of Groningen, approaching the signification and articulation of South–South relations in expanding mining frontiers. He has taught at the Free University of Amsterdam (Dep. of Political Science and Public Administration) and held research positions at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). He has conducted ethnographic research and fieldwork in Mozambique, Brazil, and Haiti, with experience in conflict affected situations and critical global biomes such as the Amazon rainforest.
Eric has published peer-reviewed articles in World Development, African Affairs, Global Society, and The Extractive Industries and Society, policy-oriented and popular pieces, and has co-edited the book Africa's Global Infrastructures: South-South Transformations in Practice (Hurst & Oxford University Press). Currently, he is the lead guest editor of an ongoing journal special issue with Political Geography, titled Green Hydrogen in the Global South: Politics, Spaces, and Transformations.