Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huygens, E. (2024).
Fostering the sacred in a secular society: Catholic women practicing religion through intimate relationships.
Journal of Contemporary Religion,
39(1), 129-145. Huygens, E., & Van Den Brandt, N. (2024).
Catholic Women as Subjects of Debate: Thinking through a Gendered Religio-Racialised Location in Flanders.
Religion and Gender. Advance online publication. 2023
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huygens, E. (2023). Review of Stealing My Religion: Not Just Any Cultural Appropriation, by Liz Bucar. Material Religion, 19(2), 207-209.
Huygens, E. (2023).
Navigating the Catholic Church in Belgium: Catholic women on female authority, reforms, and sexual difference.
European Journal of Women's Studies,
30(2), 234-247. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huygens, E. (2022).
‘My dream is that I share the bed with only one man’: Perceptions and practices of premarital sex among Catholic women in Belgium.
Social Compass,
69(1), 59-75. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huygens, E. (2021). Review of Humble Women, Powerful Nuns: A Female Struggle for Autonomy in a Men’s Church, by Kristien Suenens. Religion and Gender, 11(1), 148-150.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huygens, E. (2020). Genderview Katrien De Graef. University of Groningen Press.
Huygens, E. (2020). Review of Latter-day Screens. Gender, Sexuality, and Mediated Mormonism, by Brenda R. Weber. Religion and Gender, 10(2), 217-219.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huygens, E. (2019). Review of Postsecular Catholicism: Relevance and Renewal, by Michele Dillon. Religion and Gender, 9(2), 222-224.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van den Brandt, H. P., & Huygens, E. (2015). Humanisme, Feminisme en Religie in Vlaanderen: Een Exploratie van Humanistisch Feministische Houdingen ten aanzien van Religie met een Focus op de 'Islamkwestie'. In G. Coene, & M. Van Den Bossche (Eds.), Vrij(heid) van religie (pp. 155-178). (Humanismen). VUB Press.