Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Erken, E. (2021). Non-Governmental Organisations and National Human Rights Institutions monitoring the execution of Strasbourg Judgments: An Empirical Perspective on Rule 9 Communications. Human Rights Law Review.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Erken, E. (2020).
The Participation of Non-Governmental Organisations and National Human Rights Institutions in the Execution of Judgments of the Strasbourg Court Exploring Rule 9 Communications at the Committee of Ministers.
The European Convention on Human Rights Law Review,
1(2), 248–276. Gerards, J. H., & Erken, E., (2020).
Napotnik t. Roemenië (EHRM, nr. 33139/13) – Rechtvaardiging van zwangerschapsdiscriminatie, No. 33139/13, No. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2020:1020JUD003313913, 10 p., Oct 20, 2020. (EHRC Updates; No. 2020-270). Populariserende publicaties
Erken, E. (Author). (2019). NGOs, National Human Rights Institutions: Crucial intermediaries in the execution of ECtHR judgments?. Web publication/site