Dr. Catalina Goanta

Dr. Catalina Goanta

Universitair hoofddocent
Molengraaff Instituut voor privaatrecht



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bertaglia, T., Goanta, C., Spanakis, G., & Iamnitchi, A. (2025). Influencer self-disclosure practices on Instagram: A multi-country longitudinal study. Online Social Networks and Media, 45, 1-14. Article 100298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.osnem.2024.100298


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goanta, C., Camps, M., Costa Bertaglia, T., Spanakis, J., & Iamnitchi, A. (2024). Child en family influencers op sociale media in Nederland. (1 ed.) (Handhaving en Gedrag). Boom. https://www.boom.nl/criminologie/100-15052_Child-en-family-influencers-op-sociale-media-in-Nederland
van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2024). Shadowbanned on X: The DSA in Action. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1-8. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2024.81
Aletras, N., Chalkidis, I., Barrett, L., Goanta, C., Preotiuc-Pietro, D., & Spanakis, G. (2024). Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2024. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). https://aclanthology.org/2024.nllp-1.0.pdf
Annabell, T., Aade, L., & Goanta, C. (2024). (Un)disclosed brand partnerships: How platform policies and interfaces shape commercial content for influencers. Internet Policy Review, 13(4). https://doi.org/10.14763/2024.4.1814
Goanta, C., De Gregorio, G., & Spanakis, G. (2024). Consumer Protection and Digital Vulnerabilities: Common and Diverging Paths. In C. Crea, & A. De Franceschi (Eds.), The New Shapes of Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law (pp. 31-52). Nomos. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748940913-31
Bertaglia, T., Goanta, C., & Iamnitchi, A. (2024). The Monetisation of Toxicity: Analysing YouTube Content Creators and Controversy-Driven Engagement. In OASIS 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Media, Held in conjunction with the 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2024 (pp. 1-9). (OASIS 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Media, Held in conjunction with the 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2024). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3677117.3685005
van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2024). Digital Constitutionalism and Consumer Protection. In G. De Gregorio, O. Pollicino, & P. Valcke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Constitutionalism Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198877820.013.33
Goanta, C. (2024). Regulatory Siblings: The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive Roots of the AI Act. In I. Graef, & B. van der Sloot (Eds.), The Legal Consistency of Technology Regulation in Europe (pp. 71-88). Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781509968053.ch-004
Goanta, C. (2024). Comparative Law and Cyberspace. In J. Husa (Ed.), A research agenda for comparative law Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kaushal, R., van de Kerkhof, J., Goanta, C., Spanakis, G., & Iamnitchi, A. (2024). Automated Transparency: A Legal and Empirical Analysis of the Digital Services Act Transparency Database. In FAccT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (pp. 1121 - 1132). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3630106.3658960
Vahed, S., Goanta, C., Ortolani, P., & Sanfey, A. G. (2024). Moral judgment of objectionable online content: Reporting decisions and punishment preferences on social media. PLoS One, 19(3 ), 1-20. Article e0300960. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0300960


van de Kerkhof, J., de Gregorio, G., De Meyere, J., Gentile, G., Goanta, C., & Kuczerawy, A. (2024). Policy Brief for the European Commission's Digital Services Act Delegated Act on Data Access Consultation. European Commission.
van de Kerkhof, J., Annabell, T., Goanta, C., Iamnitchi, A., Kaushal, R., & Spanakis, G. (2024). Policy Brief for the European Commission's Digital Services Act Delegated Act on Data Access consultation. European Commission.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Duivenvoorde, B., & Goanta, C. (2023). The regulation of digital advertising under the DSA: A critical assessment. Computer Law and Security Review, 51, 1-14. Article 105870. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clsr.2023.105870
Villegas, D. S., Goanta, C., & Aletras, N. (2023). A Multimodal Analysis of Influencer Content on Twitter. (pp. 1-16).
Chalkidis, I., Garneau, N., Goanta, C., Katz, D. M., & Søgaard, A. (2023). LeXFiles and LegalLAMA: Facilitating English Multinational Legal Language Model Development. In A. Rogers, J. Boyd-Graber, & N. Okazaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (pp. 15513–15535). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.865.pdf
Goanta, C. (2023). Digital Market Surveillance: The Role of Automation in Consumer Protection Enforcement. In AI Governance in the EU & Consumer Protection (pp. 343-364). Larcier.
Mol, C., & Goanta, C. (2023). Shedding light on child influencers: Insights on the influencer economy, Dutch private law and children's rights. Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht, 2023(7/8), 185-194. Article 36. https://www.navigator.nl/document/id0d5cce26dd4b488da6a05b2a07bece06/tijdschrift-voor-familie-en-jeugdrecht-shedding-light-on-child-influencers
Goanta, C., & Costa Bertaglia, T. (2023). Digital Influencers, Monetization Models and Platforms as Transactional Spaces. Brazilian Creative Industries Journal, 3(1), 242-259. https://doi.org/10.25112/bcij.v3i1.3328
Goanta, C., Straub, M., & van de Kerkhof, J. (2023). Social Media Contracts: The Quest for Fairness and the Need for Reform. Web publication/site, Verfassungsblog. https://verfassungsblog.de/radical-reforms/
Bertaglia, T., Huber, S., Goanta, C., Spanakis, G., & Iamnitchi, A. (2023). Closing the Loop: Testing ChatGPT to Generate Model Explanations to Improve Human Labelling of Sponsored Content on Social Media. (pp. 1-16). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2306.05115
Goanta, C. (2023). Content Monetization on Twitter: A Study of Platform Documentation and Transatlantic Legal Implications. (pp. 1-22). (TTLF Working Papers ; Vol. 103). Stanford University. http://law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/TTLF-WP-103-Goanta.pdf
Duivenvoorde, B., & Goanta, C. (2023). Contracten tussen socialmediaplatforms en gebruikers: Biedt het BW evenwicht? In W. V. Boom (Ed.), Vooruitgedenkboek Burgerlijk Wetboek 1992-2022 (1 ed., pp. 113-127). Boom Juridisch.


Aade, L., Annabell, T., Costa Bertaglia, T., Iamnitchi, A., van de Kerkhof, J., Goanta, C., & Gui, H. (2023). Policy Brief for the European Commission's Digital Services Act implementation consultation. European Commission. https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13626-Digital-Services-Act-conducting-independent-audits/F3424101_en
Aade, L., van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2023). Policy brief for French government public consultations on influencer regulation (Consultation publique “Influenceurs / Créateur de contenus”).

Populariserende publicaties

Goanta, C. (2023). Liver King: how the rise of mega-influencers has put consumers at risk. Web publication/site, The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/liver-king-how-the-rise-of-mega-influencers-has-put-consumers-at-risk-196445


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Aletras, N., Chalkidis, I., Barrett, L., Goanta, C., & Preotiuc-Pietro, D. (Eds.) (2022). Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022: Proceedings of the Workshop. Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclanthology.org/2022.nllp-1
van de Kerkhof, J., & Goanta, C. (2022). Fakeness in Political Popularity. Web publication/site, Verfassungsblog. https://verfassungsblog.de/fakeness/
Busch, C., Goanta, C., Kryla-Cudna, K., Leszczynska, M., & Mak, V. (2022). Should Data Drive Private Law? Technology and Regulation, 2022, 81-87. https://doi.org/10.26116/techreg.2022.008
Luzak, J., & Goanta, C. (2022). #Paidpartnership Means More than Money: Influencer Disclosure Obligations in the Aftermath of Peek & Cloppenburg. Journal of European Consumer and Market Law (EuCML) , 2022(5), 188-191. https://kluwerlawonline.com/api/Product/CitationPDFURL?file=Journals%5CEuCML%5CEuCML2022031.pdf
Goanta, C., & Ortolani, P. (2022). Unpacking content moderation: The rise of social media platforms as online civil courts. In X. Kramer, J. Hoevenaars, B. Kas, & E. Themeli (Eds.), Frontiers in Civil Justice: Privatisation, Monetisation and Digitisation (pp. 192–216). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802203820.00017
Erker, J.-J., Goanta, C., & Spanakis, G. (2022). A Cancel Culture Corpus through the Lens of Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of The First Workshop on Language Technology and Resources for a Fair, Inclusive, and Safe Society within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 17-25) http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2022/workshops/LATERAISSE/index.html
Jaiman, V., Yohannis, A., Barrueco Mikelarena, E., Goanta, C., Covrig, B., & Urovi, V. (2022). DePhi: Decentralizing Philanthropy via Blockchain for Traceable Micro-transactions. In 2022 4th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS) (pp. 25-32)
Goanta, C., Costa Bertaglia, T., & Iamnitchi, A. (2022). The Case for a Legal Compliance API for the Enforcement of the EU's Digital Services Act on Social Media Platforms. 1341-1349. Paper presented at 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’22), Seoul, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of. https://doi.org/10.1145/3531146.3533190
Goanta, C. (2022). The Ancient Alien: Good Faith as the Facilitator of Personalized Law. Web publication/site, The University of Chicago Law Review Online. https://lawreviewblog.uchicago.edu/2022/03/09/bp-goanta/
Goanta, C., & Spanakis, G. (2022). Discussing The Legitimacy of Digital Market Surveillance. Stanford Computational Antitrust, 2, 44-55. https://law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/goanta-spanakis.pdf
Goanta, C., & Spanakis, G. (2022). The commercial unfairness of recommender systems on social media. In T. Pihlajarinne , & A. Alén-Savikko (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and the Media : Reconsidering Rights and Responsibilities (pp. 148-170). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781839109973.00013
Goanta, C., Yohanis, A., Jaiman, V., & Urovi, V. (2022). Web monetisation. Internet Policy Review, 11(1), 2-8. https://doi.org/10.14763/2022.1.1650
Ranchordás, S., de Gregorio, G., & Goanta, C. (2022). Big Tech War Activism. Web publication/site, Verfassungsblog. https://verfassungsblog.de/big-tech-war-activism/
Covrig, B., Barrueco Mikelarena, E., Rosca, C., Goanta, C., Spanakis, G., & Zarras, A. (2022). Upside Down: Exploring the Ecosystem of Dark Web Data Markets. In W. Meng, S. Fischer-Hübner, & C. D. Jensen (Eds.), ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 37th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 13–15, 2022, Proceedings (1 ed., pp. 489–506). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ; Vol. 648). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06975-8_28
de Gregorio, G., & Goanta, C. (2022). The Influencer Republic: Monetizing Political Speech on Social Media. German Law Journal, 23(2), 204-225. https://doi.org/10.1017/glj.2022.15


Michaelsen, F., Collini, L., Jacob, C., Goanta, C., Kettner, S. E., Bishop, S., Hausemer, P., Thorun, C., & Yesiloglu, S. (2022). The impact of influencers on advertising and consumer protection in the Single Market. European Parliament. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/IPOL_STU(2022)703350

Populariserende publicaties

Goanta, C. (2022). Now What: Exploring the DSA’s Enforcement Futures in Relation to Social Media Platforms and Native Advertising. Web publication/site, Verfassungsblog. https://verfassungsblog.de/dsa-now-what/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Costa Bertaglia, T., Dubois, A., & Goanta, C. (2021). Clout Chasing for the Sake of Content Monetization: Gaming Algorithmic Architectures with Self-Moderation Strategies. Morals & Machines, 2021(1), 22-29. https://doi.org/10.5771/2747-5174-2021-1-22
Colombo, C., & Goanta, C. (2021). Airbnb in the European Union: The theory and practice of interpreting elements of algorithmic governance. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 12(3), 724-734. https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2020.99
Goanta, C., & Ortolani, P. (2021). Content moderation als digitale conflictoplossing: Zijn sociale-mediaplatforms de rechtbanken van het internet? In P. Wolters, R. Hermans, A. Janssen, & P. Ortolani (Eds.), Onderneming en Digitale Conflictoplossing (pp. 171-188). (Serie Onderneming en Recht). Wolters Kluwer.
Rosca, C., Covrig, B., Goanta, C., Spanakis, G., & Acar, G. (2021). Digital monitoring of unlawful dark patterns: What role for public interest technology?. https://chi2021.acm.org/for-authors/interacting-discussing/workshops-symposia/accepted-workshops-symposiums#W28
Cauffman, C., & Goanta, C. (2021). A New Order: The Digital Services Act and Consumer Protection. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 12(4), 758-774. https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2021.8
Goanta, C., & Zarras, A. (2021). Ransomware: Notes on the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the CoE International Convention on Cybercrime. (pp. 1-21). (TTLF Working Papers; Vol. 82). Stanford Law School. https://law.stanford.edu/publications/no-82-ransomware-notes-on-the-us-computer-fraud-and-abuse-act-and-the-coe-international-convention-on-cybercrime/
Costa Bertaglia, T., Bishop, S., Bosher, H., Christin, A., Ershov, D., Goanta, C., de Gregorio, G., Newlands, G., Riefa, C., Spanakis, G., Yang, J., & Wildhaber, I. (2021). Written evidence on the 'Influencer culture' inquiry submitted to the UK Parliament Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
Goanta, C., Louisse, M., & Ortolani, P. (2021). Marketing Communications and the Digital Single Market. In P. Ortolani, & M. Louisse (Eds.), The EU Crowdfunding Regulation (pp. 287-298). Oxford University Press.
Aletras, N., Androutsopoulos, I., Barrett, L., Goanta, C., & Preotiuc-Pietro, D. (2021). Introduction. In T. A. F. C. Linguistics (Ed.), Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021 (pp. iii-iii). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclanthology.org/2021.nllp-1.0

Populariserende publicaties

Goanta, C. (2021). Human Ads Beyond Targeted Advertising: Content monetization as the blind spot of the Digital Services Act. Web publication/site, Verfassungsblog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goanta, C., & Ranchordás, S. (2020). The regulation of social media influencers: An introduction. In The Regulation of Social Media Influencers (pp. 1-22)
Goanta, C., & Ranchordás, S. (2020). The Regulation of Social Media Influencers. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Goanta, C. (2020). The private governance of identity on the Silk Road. Frontiers in Blockchain, 3, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbloc.2020.00004
Ranchordás, S., & Goanta, C. (2020). The new city regulators: Platform and public values in smart and sharing cities. Computer Law and Security Review, 36, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clsr.2019.105375
Rosca, C., Covrig, B., Goanta, C., van Dijck, G., & Spanakis, G. (2020). Return of the AI: An analysis of legal research on Artificial Intelligence using topic modeling. In N. Aletras, I. Androutsopoulos, L. Barrett, A. Meyers, & D. Preoţiuc-Pietro (Eds.), Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2020 (pp. 3-10). CEUR WS.
Goanta, C., Costa Bertaglia, T., Spanakis, G., de Gregorio, G., & Ranchordás, S. (2020). Comment submitted to the US Federal Trade Commission on Endorsement Guidelines update.
Goanta, C. (2020). Children on Social Media: A Comparison of COPPA [Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule] and the Revised AVMSD [Audiovisual Media Services Directive]. (pp. 1-18). (TTLF Working Papers). Stanford Law School.
Goanta, C., van Dijck, G., & Spanakis, G. (2020). Back to the future: Waves of legal scholarship on artificial intelligence. In S. Ranchordas, & Y. Roznai (Eds.), Time, Law, and Change (pp. 327-347). Hart Publishing.
Goanta, C., & Spanakis, G. (2020). Influencers and Social Media Recommender Systems: Unfair Commercial Practices in EU and US Law. (TTLF Working Papers). Stanford Law School.
Goanta, C., & Hopman, M. (2020). Crypto communities as legal orders. Internet Policy Review, 9(2), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.14763/2020.2.1486


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goanta, C., & Mulders, S. (2019). ‘Move fast and break things’: Unfair commercial practices and consent on Social Media. Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 8(4), 136-146.
Goanta, C. (2019). Review of: Marise Cremona (ed), New Technologies and EU Law , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, (288 p.). European Journal of Risk Regulation, 10(1), 236-239. https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2019.7
Goanta, C., & Wildhaber, I. (2019). In the Business of Influence: Contractual practices and Social Media content monetisation. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktrecht, 91(4), 346.
Goanta, C., & Siems, M. (2019). What determines national convergence of EU law?: Measuring the implementation of consumer sales law. Legal Studies, 39(4), 714-734. https://doi.org/10.1017/lst.2019.8
Goanta, C., & Mulders, S. (2019). Eerst doen, dan denken? Social media, databrokers en oneerlijke handelspraktijken. Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, 150(7221), 9-17.


Goanta, C., van Dijck, G., & Spanakis, G. (2019). Back to the future: Waves of legal scholarship on artificial intelligence. Web publication/site, Oxford University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goanta, C. (2018). How Technology Disrupts Private Law: An Exploratory Study of California and Switzerland as Innovative Jurisdictions. (TTLF Working Papers). Stanford Law School.
Goanta, C. (2018). Facebook’s Data Sharing Practices under Unfair Competition Law. Transatlantic Antitrust and IPR Developments, 2018(2), 31-39.

Populariserende publicaties

Goanta, C. (2018). How technology disrupts private law: An exploratory study of California and Switzerland as innovative jurisdictions. Web publication/site, University of Oxford.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goanta, C. (2017). Consumers on fyre: Influencer marketing and recent reactions of the United States Federal Trade Commission. Transatlantic Antitrust and IPR Developments, 2017(3), 35-38.
Goanta, C. (2017). Big Law, Big Data. Law & Method, Special Issue Comparative Law. https://doi.org/10.5553/REM/.000029


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goanta, C. (2016). Convergence in European consumer sales law: A comparative and numerical approach. (Ius Commune Europaeum, 154 ed.) Intersentia. https://doi.org/10.26481/dis.20161004cg
Goanta, C. (2016). The exploratory Study of Consumer Issues in the Sharing Economy, national report for Romania, European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers research tender CHAFEA/2015/CP/02.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kawakami, M., & Goanta, C. (2015). Even lawyers are consumers: perceiving business attitudes in online contracts. In M. B. M. Loos, & I. Samoy (Eds.), Information and notification duties (pp. 155-180). Intersentia.
Bull, W., Ge, J., Goanta, C., Kawakami, M., & Smits, J. M. (2015). Who does what in consumer law: a search for criteria for centralized lawmaking. In B. Akkermans, J. Hage, N. Kornet, & J. Smits (Eds.), Who does what in European private law? (pp. 97-123). (Ius Commune Europaeum). Intersentia.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Smits, J. M., Bull, W., Goanta, C., & Kawakami, M. (2014). Ars Aequi Wetseditie European Private Law 2014-2016. (Ars Aequi Wetseditie). Ars Aequi.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Goanta, C. (2013). Information Duties in the Internet Era: Case Note on Content Services Ltd v. Bundesarbeitskammer. European Review of Private Law, 3, 643-659.
Goanta, C. (2013). European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services research tender – ‘Inventory of Legal Form and Shareholding Requirements in the EU Services Sector and their Economic Assessment’, national report for Romania. European Commission.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Cauffman, C., & Goanta, C. (2011). Injunctions at the Request of Third Parties (Ordine la cererea unor terti in dreptul UE al concurentei). Revista Romana de Drept European, 3, 66-94.