Working Experience
PhD Candidate (2020- )
Utrecht University, Ecology and Biodiversity Group, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
''The role of decomposition in land subsidence from drained Dutch peatlands''
Pre-doctoral Researcher (2019-2020)
Catalan Institute for Water Research, Girona, Spain.
''Carbon dynamics of drying sediment: Biogeochemical and societal aspects''
Researcher (2017-2019)
Biyans Biological Products R&D, Ankara, Turkey.
''Lake restoration and management, development of educational materials, LIBS tool for soil elemental composition''
Project assistant (2015-2017)
Biology department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
''Impact of extreme climatic events and environmental variables on carbon dynamics of freshwater ecosystems''
2014 Marine biology, Marine Biology section Copenhagen University, Copenhagen,Denmark.
2013 Sea turtle conservation, DEKAMER - Sea turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, Denizli, Turkey.
2013 Molecular and microbial biology, Biyans Biological Products R&D, Ankara,Turkey.
2012 Marine ecology, Marine Science Institute, Middle East Technical University(METU), Ankara, Turkey.
PhD. Ecology and Biodiversity, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Thesis title: The role of decomposition in land subsidence from drained Dutch peatlands
MSc. Biology, Freshwater biogeochemistry, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
Thesis title: Impacts of extreme meteorological events on metabolism of Lake Eymir using high frequency automated lake observation station
BSc. Biology, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
2016 Wetzel award, International Limnology Conference, Torino, Italy.
2015 Environmental award, Global Cleantech Innovation Program, Ankara, Turkey.