Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2024). La giustizia penale austriaca di fronte ai reati di lieve entità. In G. Fornasari, E. Mattevi, & T. Pasquino (Eds.), Il giudice di pace nel quadro delle riforme (pp. 171-177). Università degli Studi di Trento.
Helfer, M., & Rosani, D. (2024). Is this Intimate Image Abuse? The Harm Principle Delimiting the Criminalization of Virtual Child Pornography and ‘Sexting’. In G. M. Caletti, & K. Summerer (Eds.), Criminalising Intimate Image Abuse: A Comparative Perspective (pp. 141-165). Oxford University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2023). The European Union Approach to the Protection of Children Involved in Armed Conflict: The Legal Framework. The Human Rights Law Dimension. In F. Pocar, & L. Guercio (Eds.), The European Union and International Humanitarian Law: Implementing the EU Guidelines on the Promotion of Compliance with International Humanitarian Law in relation to Children in Armed Conflict (pp. 35-41). Gambini.
Patreider, P., & Rosani, D. (2023). Recognising Children Born Out of Surrogacy: A Review of the EU Draft Regulation on Cross-Border Parenthood. In P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lukas, M. Nowak, & G. Oberleitner (Eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023 (pp. 353-389). Intersentia.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2022). La pornografia minorile domestica. Prospettive comparate per una disciplina normativa. Rivista italiana di diritto e procedura penale, 2022(4), 1631-1673.
Rosani, D. (2022). I diritti dei minori in Costituzione: una prospettiva europea. Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, (1), 19-52.
Rosani, D. (2022).
Sexting mit Minderjährigen – Jüngste Entwicklungen in der höchstgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung Italiens.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, (3), 852-876. Rosani, D., & Rauchegger, C. (2022).
Fundamental Rights Adjudication by European Supranational Courts in Digital Media Cases. In E. Psychogiopoulou, & S. De La Sierra (Eds.),
Digital Media Governance and Supranational Courts: Selected Issues and Insights from the European Judiciary (pp. 199-212). Edward Elgar Publishing. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2021). Child rights in European constitutions as a frame of reference for legislation and policy. In F. Pocar, & L. Guercio (Eds.), Girl Children in Armed Conflict (pp. 203-225). Apes.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2020). L'esperienza austriaca nelle definizioni alternative del procedimento penale. In S. Dalla Bontà, & E. Mattevi (Eds.), Conciliazione, mediazione e deflazione nel procedimento davanti al giudice di pace. Esperienze euroregionali (pp. 85-115). Università degli Studi di Trento.
Rosani, D. (2020). Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children as Rights Holders: Theory and Reality in the EU Legal System. In M. Klaassen, S. Rap, P. Rodrigues, & T. Liefaard (Eds.), Safeguarding Children’s Rights in Immigration Law (pp. 41-65). Intersentia.
Rosani, D. (2020). 'We’re All in This Together’. Actors Cooperating in Enhancing Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment after the GDPR. In D. Hallinan, R. Leenes, S. Gutwirth, & P. De Hert (Eds.), Data Protection and Privacy: Data Protection and Democracy (pp. 93-126). (Data Protection and Privacy; Vol. 12). Hart Publishing.
Rosani, D. (2020). The Increasing Recognition of Child Rights by European Constitutions and its Relevance for the Criminal Regulation of Sexting. In P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lukas, M. Nowak, & G. Oberleitner (Eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2020 (pp. 349-390). Intersentia.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2019). Combating Discrimination: Internet Literacy to Strengthen Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment. Publicum , (2), 106-128.
Rosani, D. (2019). Report "Distinct approaches towards young adults in the justice system of Austria". In K. Zeijlmans, T. Sipma, & A. M. van der Laan (Eds.), De aparte bejegening van jongvolwassen daders in het (jeugd)strafrecht. Een internationale vergelijking: Distinct approach of young adults in the (juvenile) criminal justice system. An international comparison (pp. 2-96). Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC), Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2018). Children's Participation Online – A Dialogue Between Educational Sciences and Law is Urgently Needed. merzWissenschaft – Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik, (Special issue), 41-52.
Rosani, D. (2018). La giurisdizione come funzione dello Stato. Alto Adige/Südtirol. In E. Happacher, & R. Toniatti (Eds.), Gli ordinamenti dell’Euregio. Una comparazione (pp. 158-175). Francoangeli.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2017).
"The best interests of the parents". La maternità surrogata in Europa tra interessi del bambino, Corti supreme e silenzio dei legislatori.
BioLaw Journal, (1), 109-134. Rosani, D. (2017). L’equilibrio dell’ecosistema. Una discussione sincera sulla genitorialità per tutelare davvero il minore. In S. Niccolai, & E. Olivito (Eds.), Maternità, filiazione e genitorialità. I nodi della maternità surrogata (pp. 173-187). Jovene.
Rosani, D., & Chini, C. (2017). Die strafrechtliche Haftung des Arztes: Ein Vergleich zwischen Italien, Österreich und Deutschland. Il foro trentino, (6), 8-11.
Rosani, D., & Chini, C. (2017). La responsabilità penale del medico: un confronto fra ordinamento giuridico italiano, austriaco e tedesco. Il foro trentino, (6), 5-7.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2016).
Il diritto a conoscere le proprie origini nella fecondazione eterologa: il caso italiano e l'esperienza estera.
BioLaw Journal, (1), 211-239. Rosani, D. (2016). The Right to Know One's Origins as a Common Standard. In V. Stühlinger, M. Flatscher-Thöni, M. Frischhut, M. Ganner, C. Voithofer, & G. Werner-Felmayer (Eds.), Healthcare in Europe – A Safe Haven?: "Standard of care" from a multidisciplinary perspective innsbruck university press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosani, D. (2015). Das Recht auf Kenntnis der eigenen genetischen Abstammung im Falle medizinisch unterstützter Fortpflanzung: verfassungsrechtliche Überlegungen bezüglich der italienischen Rechtslage nach VfGH Urteil Nr 162/2014 (master thesis).