Prof. dr. Derek Karssenberg

Prof. dr. Derek Karssenberg

Landdegradatie en aardobservatie
030 253 2768

Derek Karssenberg develops and applies spatio-temporal modelling techniques to address questions related to earth surface systems. His first research interest is the development of methods and tools for spatio-temporal modelling, with a focus on forward simulation models. This has led to a series of modelling software frameworks that he developed with his team, including PCRaster, LUE, and Campo. His second research interest is to improve the understanding of earth surface systems, in particular their spatio-temporal behaviour, through spatio-temporal modelling and integration of observations with models. In many cases, these models consist of relatively simple rules that interact leading to sometimes complex behaviour of the system. The current focus is on earth surface systems studied in hydrology, geomorphology, ecology, and geography of health. This work is done in close cooperation with specialists in these fields. Derek Karssenberg has innovated teaching methods by the design of blended learning methods for simulation modelling, and is one of the initiators of the Applied Data Science Masters at Utrecht University. Derek Karssenberg is Professor of Computational Geography at the Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University (the Netherlands).

Current activities include:

Derek Karssenberg works and lives in Utrecht and Vienna.