Dr. Christoph Strauch

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H0.03
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Christoph Strauch

Universitair docent
Psychologische Functieleer

I'm doing research using psychophysiological methods, mostly using changes in pupil size or eye movements to investigate cognition and perception. I focus on visual and spatial attention: Where and how do we deploy visual attention over time? Why do we move our eyes the way we do it? This research also includes methodological questions: When do pupils change? Why do pupils change and how can we dissociate possible contributing cognitive factors from another?

Besides these more fundamental questions, I look into ways to apply these insights, e.g., in human factors research and the field of human-computer interaction, in neuropsychology, or for ophthalmological diagnosis.