Mining natural genetic variation of combinatorial stress responses of Arabidopsis to identify new tolerance pathways for biotic and abiotic stressCorné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
, STW Perspective meeting "learning from nature to project crops
The Plant immune systemCorné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
10 Dec 2010
, PI Seminar Series Biocomplexity
Hoe planten zich verweren tegen microorganismenCorné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2010
, Seminar HOVO
It's the hormones talking, but what do they say?Corné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
18 Nov 2010
, EPS Summerschool on Ecophysiology (Midlaren, the netherlands)
It's the hormones talking, but what do they say?Corné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
4 Nov 2010
, Institute Seminar University of Paris-Nord
It's the hormones talking, but what do they say?Corné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
12 Oct 2010
, Institute seminar VIB Plant Systems Biology
It's the hormones talking, but what do they say?Corné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
21 Sept 2010
, Pirie Lecture, Rothamsted Research Institute (Harpenden, UK)
Networking by Phytohormones in plant defenseCorné Pieterse (Invited speaker)
22 Jul 2010
, Gordon research Conference on Plant Molecular Biology