Dr. Charmaine Ramos

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3584 ED Utrecht

Dr. Charmaine Ramos

Universitair docent
Wetenschappelijk Personeel

Journal articles


Ramos, C.G.  (2021) “The Return of Strongman Rule in the Philippines: Neoliberal Roots and Developmental Implications”. Geoforum, Volume 124, August 2021, Pages 310-319, DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.04.001


Cantal, E., Fischer A.M., Ramos, C.G. (2021) “Targeting versus Protection in Philippine Cash Transfers: Reassessing Best Practices in a Celebrated Case of Social Protection”. Critical Social Policy, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 364–384, DOI: 10.1177/02610183211009891/


Ramos, C.G. (2020). “Change without Transformation: Social Policy Reforms in the Philippines under Duterte”. Development and Change, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp 485-505, DOI: 10.1111/dech.12564


Ramos, C.G. (2019) “Beyond patrimonial plunder: the use and abuse of coconut levies in the Philippines”. New Political Economy, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp 546-564, DOI: 10.1080/13563467.2018.1472562


Monographs and book chapters


Ramos, C.G. (2014). The Power and the Peril: Producer Associations Seeking Rents in the Philippines and Colombia in the 21st Century. PhD Thesis: London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.


Ramos, C.G. (2007) “Decentralisation and Democratic Deepening in the Philippines” in Decentralisation Interrupted, Institute for Popular Democracy and LOGOLINK: Manila, Philippines, 2007.


Ramos, C.G. (2004) “State Intervention in the Rice Sector: The Case of Thailand”, in State Intervention in the Rice Sector in Selected Countries: Implications for the Philippines, Rice Watch and Action Network: Quezon City, Philippines, 2004.


Ramos, C.G. (2002) “Decentralizing Basic Services in the Philippines: A Review of Institutional Issues”, in Investing in People: the Philippine 20/20 Initiative, Development Academy of the Philippines: Manila, Philippines, 2002. 


Gonzalez, E., Ramos, C.G., Estrada, G., Advincula-Lopez, L. and Igaya, G. (2001) Managing Urbanization under a Decentralized Framework, Philippine Institute of Development Studies: Makati, Philippines, 2001.


Ramos, C.G. (2000) State Intervention and Private Sector Participation in Philippine Rice Marketing, Quezon City, Philippines: Management and Organizational Development for Empowerment (MODE) and the Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade, 2000.


Briones, A, and Ramos, C.G. (1999) “Food Security Perspectives: Focus on Asia and the Philippines”, in The United Nations and the Global Environment in the 21st Century: From Common Challenges to Shared Responsibilities, edited by Pamela S. Chasek. United Nations University (UNU) Press: Tokyo, Japan, 1999.




Ramos, C.G. (2020) “Social Policy Response to Covid-19 in the Philippines: Bottlenecks in Beneficiary Identification in the Implementation of Near-Universal Income Support Schemes”, Report written for the Global Dynamics of Social Policy Project, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, October 2020.


Ramos, C. G. (2016) “On Measuring the Economic Costs of the Communist Insurgency in the Philippines”, Briefing paper written for International Alert-Philippines, July 2016.


Ramos, C.G. (2008) “Re-examining the Case for Strategic Rice Reserves in Southeast Asia”, Briefing paper written for OXFAM-East Asia and the Pacific, November 2008.


Ramos, C.G. (2007) “Enabling Environment Assessment for Social Accountability in Local Governance”, Report submitted to the World Bank, Washington DC, US, 2007.