Dr. C. (Chiheb) Ben Hammouda

Universitair docent
Mathematical Modeling

Talks at conferences, seminars and workshops

  • September 2024 : “Efficient Filtering and Importance Sampling via Markovian Projection in Stochastic Reaction Networks”, Casa Colloquium (Invited Talk, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands). Link to the talk.

  • August 2024: “Dimensionality Reduction via Markovian Projection in Filtering for Stochastic Reaction Networks: Bridging Accuracy and Efficiency”, 16th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (Internal mini-symposium Talk, University of Waterloo, Canada).
  • May 2024: “Empowering Fourier-Based Methods for Computing Expectations and Pricing Multi-Asset Options”, Workshop: Stochastic Numerics and Statistical Learning: Theory and Applications (Invited Talk, KAUST, KSA). Link to the talk.
  • April 2024: “Efficient Fourier Pricing of Multi-Asset Options: Quasi-Monte Carlo & Domain Transformation Approach”, International Conference on Computational Finance (Internal mini-symposium Talk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Link to the talk.
  • January 2024: “Generic Importance Sampling via Optimal Control for Stochastic Reaction Networks”, Mathematical Institute Seminar (Internal Talk, Utrecht, the Netherlands). Link to the talk.
  • December 2023: “Empowering Fourier-Based Methods for Efficient Valuation of High-Dimensional Derivatives”, Finance Research Day at TU Delft (Invited Talk, Delft, the Netherlands). Link to the talk.
  • November 2023: “Generic Importance Sampling via Optimal Control for Stochastic Reaction Networks”, Joint Leiden/VU/Delft Seminar (Invited Talk, Delft, the Netherlands). Link to the talk.
  • June 2023: “MLMC Combined with Numerical Smoothing for Efficient Probabilities Computation, Density Estimation, and Option Pricing”, 14th International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (Internal mini-symposium Talk, Paris, France). Link to the talk.
  • June 2023: “Optimal Damping with Adaptive Quadrature for Efficient Fourier Pricing of Multi-Asset Options”, SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics (FM23) (Contributed Talk, Philadelphia, USA). Link to the talk.
  • May 2023: “Analysis of Numerical Smoothing with Hierarchical Approximations: Applications in Probabilities/Densities Computation and Option Pricing”, Workshop: Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (NASPDE) (Invited Talk, Eindhoven, the Netherlands). Link to the talk.
  • May 2023: “Automated Importance Sampling via Optimal Control for Stochastic Reaction Networks: Learning and Markovian Projection-based Approaches”, Workshop: Stochastic Numerics and Statistical Learning: Theory and Applications (Invited Talk, KAUST, KSA). Link to the talk.
  • October 2022: “Smoothing Techniques and Hierarchical Approximations for Efficient Option Pricing”, Mathematical Finance Seminar (Invited Talk, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany). Link to the talk.
  • July 2022: “Quasi-Monte Carlo & Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods Combined with Numerical Smoothing for Efficient Option Pricing and Density Estimation”, 15th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (Contributed Talk, Linz, Austria). Link to the talk.
  • June 2022: “Numerical Smoothing and Hierarchical Approximations for Efficient Option Pricing”, International Conference on Computational Finance (ICCF2022) (Contributed Talk, Wuppertal, Germany). Link to the talk.
  • May 2022: “Numerical Smoothing and Hierarchical Approximations for Efficient Option Pricing and Density Estimation”, Workshop: Stochastic Numerics and Statistical Learning: Theory and Applications (Invited Talk, KAUST, KSA). Link to the talk.
  • SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics (FM21), online conference, 2021. (Invited Talk).
  • 14th International Conference on Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, University of Oxford, UK, 2020. (Contributed Talk). Link to the talk.
  • Math4UQ Seminar, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2020. (Invited Talk).
  • International Conference on Computational Finance 2019 (ICCF2019), Coruña, Spain, 2019. (Contributed Talk).
  • 12th International Conference on Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, Stanford University, USA, 2016. (Contributed Talk).

 Organizational activities

Editorial activities

  • Associate editor for the Statistics and Computing Journal.
  • Referee for Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Quantitative Finance, Finance and Stochastics, Decisions in Economics and Finance, Financial Innovation, and Risk Journals.