Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Leeuwen, B., van Lambalgen, R., den Otter, M., & Schutjens, V. (2023). Increasing SoTL engagement through advocacy: approaches and experiences amongst Faculty and disciplines. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, Utrecht, Netherlands.
van Leeuwen, B., Dollé, A.
, Vernooij, H., Hierck, B., & Salvatori, D. (2023).
Rotation of 3D Anatomy Models Is Associated with Underperformance of Students with Low Visual-Spatial Abilities: A Two-Center Randomized Crossover Trial.
Education Sciences,
13(10), Article 992. van Leeuwen, B., Dollé, A., Vernooij, H., Hierck, B., & Salvatori, D. (2023). Rotatie werkt niet voor iedereen!. Abstract from NVMO Congres 2023, Maastricht , Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Leeuwen, B., Raaijmakers, S., Wolschrijn, C., Georgiadis, J., Hierck, B., & Salvatori, D. (2022). Get Ready to Dissect: using a mobile learning application to improve students’ factual veterinary anatomy knowledge.. Poster session presented at European Conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Leeuwen, B., Dollé, A., Hierck, B., & Salvatori, D. (2021). Avatars of Animals: 3D interactive holographic models.. Poster session presented at 11th world congres on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Maastricht, Netherlands.