Wetenschappelijke publicaties
de Wolf, B., Oghabian, A., Akinyi, M. V., Hanks, S.
, Tromer, E. C., van Hooff, J. J. E., van Voorthuijsen, L.
, van Rooijen, L. E., Verbeeren, J., Uijttewaal, E. C. H., Baltissen, M. P. A., Yost, S., Piloquet, P., Vermeulen, M.
, Snel, B., Isidor, B., Rahman, N., Frilander, M. J., & Kops, G. J. P. L. (2021).
Chromosomal instability by mutations in the novel minor spliceosome component CENATAC.
EMBO Journal,
40(14), 1-18. [e106536]., E. S., Snel, B., & van Dam, T. J. P. (2021).
Benchmarking orthology methods using phylogenetic patterns defined at the base of Eukaryotes.
Briefings in Bioinformatics,
22(3), 1-9. [bbaa206]. Vosseberg, J., van Hooff, J. J. E., Marcet-Houben, M., van Vlimmeren, A.
, van Wijk, L. M., Gabaldón, T.
, & Snel, B. (2021).
Timing the origin of eukaryotic cellular complexity with ancient duplications.
Nature Ecology and Evolution,
5(1), 92-100. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Plowman, R., Singh, N.
, Tromer, E. C., Payan, A., Duro, E., Spanos, C., Rappsilber, J.
, Snel, B., Kops, G. J. P. L., Corbett, K. D., & Marston, A. L. (2019).
The molecular basis of monopolin recruitment to the kinetochore.
128(3), 331-354., S. V., Boeren, J., Timmers, H. T. M.
, & Snel, B. (2019).
Epigenetics and transcription regulation during eukaryotic diversification: the saga of TFIID.
Genes and Development,
33(15-16), 888-902. Deutekom, E. S., Vosseberg, J., van Dam, T. J. P., & Snel, B. (2019).
Measuring the impact of gene prediction on gene loss estimates in Eukaryotes by quantifying falsely inferred absences.
PLoS Computational Biology,
15(8), [e1007301]. Tromer, E. C., van Hooff, J. J. E., Kops, G. J. P. L.
, & Snel, B. (2019).
Mosaic origin of the eukaryotic kinetochore.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
116(26), 12873-12882. van Hooff, J. J. E., Tromer, E. C., van Dam, T. J. P., Kops, G. J. P. L.
, & Snel, B. (2019).
Inferring the Evolutionary History of Your Favorite Protein: A Guide for Molecular Biologists.
41(5), [1900006]. van der Horst, S., Snel, B., Hanson, J., & Smeekens, S. (2019).
Novel pipeline identifies new upstream ORFs and non-AUG initiating main ORFs with conserved amino acid sequences in the 5' leader of mRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana.
25, 292-304. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dröge-Laser, W.
, Snoek, B. L., Snel, B., & Weiste, C. (2018).
The Arabidopsis bZIP transcription factor family: an update.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology,
45(Pt A), 36-49.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vosseberg, J., & Snel, B. (2017).
Domestication of self-splicing introns during eukaryogenesis: the rise of the complex spliceosomal machinery.
Biology Direct,
12, [30]. van Hooff, J. J. E., Snel, B., & Kops, G. J. P. L. (2017).
Unique Phylogenetic Distributions of the Ska and Dam1 Complexes Support Functional Analogy and Suggest Multiple Parallel Displacements of Ska by Dam1.
Genome Biology and Evolution,
9(5), 1295-1303. van Hooff, J. J., Tromer, E., van Wijk, L., Snel, B., & Kops, G. J. (2017).
Evolutionary dynamics of the kinetochore network in eukaryotes as revealed by comparative genomics.
EMBO Reports,
18(9), 1473-1671. Bai, B., Peviani, A., van der Horst, S., Gamm, M., Snel, B., Bentsink, L., & Hanson, J. (2017).
Extensive translational regulation during seed germination revealed by polysomal profiling.
New Phytologist,
214(1), 233-244. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Tromer, E., Bade, D.
, Snel, B., & Kops, G. J. P. L. (2016).
Phylogenomics-guided discovery of a novel conserved cassette of short linear motifs in BubR1 essential for the spindle checkpoint.
Biology Open,
6, [160315]. Santuari, L.
, Sanchez-Perez, G. F., Luijten, M.
, Rutjens, B., Terpstra, I., Berke, L., Gorte, M., Prasad, K., Bao, D., Timmermans-Hereijgers, J. L. P. M., Maeo, K., Nakamura, K.
, Shimotohno, A., Pencik, A., Novak, O., Ljung, K., van Heesch, S., de Bruijn, E.
, Cuppen, E., ... Heidstra, R. (2016).
The PLETHORA Gene Regulatory Network Guides Growth and Cell Differentiation in Arabidopsis Roots.
Plant Cell,
28(12), 2937-2951., A., Lastdrager, J., Hanson, J., & Snel, B. (2016).
The phylogeny of C/S1 bZIP transcription factors reveals a shared algal ancestry and the pre-angiosperm translational regulation of S1 transcripts.
Scientific Reports,
6, [30444]. 2015
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Sameith, K., Amini, S., Groot Koerkamp, M. J. A., van Leenen, D., Brok, M., Brabers, N., Lijnzaad, P., van Hooff, S. R., Benschop, J. J., Lenstra, T. L., Apweiler, E., van Wageningen, S.
, Snel, B., Holstege, F. C. P., & Kemmeren, P. (2015).
A high-resolution gene expression atlas of epistasis between gene-specific transcription factors exposes potential mechanisms for genetic interactions.
BMC Biology,
13(112)., M., Aye, T. T., Snel, B., Van Breukelen, B., Scholten, A., & Heck, A. J. R. (2015).
Spatial Organization in Protein Kinase A Signaling Emerged at the Base of Animal Evolution.
Journal of Proteome Research,
14(7), 2976-2987. Tromer, E., Snel, B., & Kops, G. J. P. L. (2015).
Widespread Recurrent Patterns of Rapid Repeat Evolution in the Kinetochore Scaffold KNL1.
Genome Biology and Evolution,
7(8), 2383-93. Berke, L., & Snel, B. (2015).
The plant Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) existed in the ancestor of seed plants and has a complex duplication history.
BMC Evolutionary Biology,
15(1). Zeilmaker, T., Ludwig, N. R., Elberse, J., Seidl, M. F., Berke, L., Van Doorn, A., Schuurink, R. C.
, Snel, B., & Van den Ackerveken, G. (2015).
DOWNY MILDEW RESISTANT 6 and DMR6-LIKE OXYGENASE 1 are partially redundant but distinct suppressors of immunity in Arabidopsis.
Plant Journal,
81(2), 210-22. Putker, M., Vos, H.
, van Dorenmalen, K., de Ruiter, H., Duran, A. G.
, Snel, B., Burgering, B. M.
, Vermeulen, M., & Dansen, T. B. (2015).
Evolutionary Acquisition of Cysteines determines FOXO Paralog-Specific Redox Signaling.
Antioxidants & redox signaling,
22(1), 15-28.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gamm, M., Peviani, A., Honsel, A.
, Snel, B., Smeekens, S., & Hanson, J. (2014).
Increased sucrose levels mediate selective mRNA translation in Arabidopsis.
BMC Plant Biology,
14(306). Resjö, S., Ali, A., Meijer, H. J. G.
, Seidl, M. F., Snel, B., Sandin, M., Levander, F., Govers, F., & Andreasson, E. (2014).
Quantitative label-free phosphoproteomics of six different life stages of the late blight pathogen phytophthora infestans reveals abundant phosphorylation of members of the CRN effector family.
Journal of Proteome Research,
13(4), 1848-1859., N., Halawa, M.
, Snel, B., Seidl, M. F., & Heyl, A. (2014).
A subfamily of putative cytokinin receptors is revealed by an analysis of the evolution of the two-component signaling system of plants. Plant Physiology,
165(1), 227-37. Hooff, J. J. E., Snel, B., & Seidl, M. F. (2014).
Small homologous blocks in phytophthora genomes do not oint to an ancient whole-genome duplication.
Genome Biology and Evolution,
6(5), 1079-1085. Berke, L., & Snel, B. (2014).
The histone modification H3K27me3 is retained after gene duplication and correlates with conserved noncoding sequences in Arabidopsis.
Genome Biology and Evolution,
6(3), 572-579. Kemmeren, P. P. C. W., Sameith, K., van de Pasch, L. A. L., Benschop, J. J., Lenstra, T. L., Margaritis, A., O'Duibhir, E., Apweiler, E., van Wageningen, S., Ko, C. W.
, van Heesch, S. A. A. C., Kashani, M. M., Ampatziadis-Michailidis, G., Brok, M. O., Brabers, N. A. C. H., Miles, A. J., Bouwmeester, D., van Hooff, S. R., van Bakel, H. H. M. J., ... Holstege, F. C. P. (2014).
Large-scale genetic perturbations reveal regulatory networks and an abundance of gene-specific repressors.
157, 740-752.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
de Bruijn, I., de Haas, B. J., Belmonte, R., Löbach, L., Christie, J.
, van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M., Bottin, A., Bulone, V., Diaz-Moreno, S. M., Dumas, B., Fan, L., Gaulin, E., Govers, F., Grenville-Briggs, L. J., Horner, N. R., Levin, J. Z., Mammella, M., Meijer, H. J., Morris, P., ... West, P. (2013).
Distinctive expansions of the potential virulence genes in the genome of the oomycete fish pathogen.
PLoS Genetics,
9 (6)., R. H. I., de Bruijn, I.
, de Haas, B., Belmonte, R., Löbach, L., Christie, J.
, van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M., Bottin, A., Bulone, V., Diaz-Moreno, S. M., Dumas, B., Fan, L., Gaulin, E., Govers, F., Grenville-Briggs, L. J., Horner, N. R., Levin, J. Z., Mammella, M., Meijer, H. J., ... West, P. (2013).
Distinctive expansion of potential virulence genes in the genome of the oomycete fish pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica.
PLoS Genetics,
9(6), e1003272., M. F., Schneider, A., Govers, F.
, & Snel, B. (2013).
A predicted functional gene network for the plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans as a framwork for genomic biology.
BMC Genomics,
14, 483. Vleugel, A.
, Tromer, E. C., Omerzu, M.
, Groenewold, V., Nijenhuis, W.
, Snel, B., & Kops, G. J. P. L. (2013).
Arrayed BUB recruitment modules in the kinetochore scaffold KNL1 promote accurate chromosome segregation.
Journal of Cell Biology,
203(6), 943-955., J. J., Peviani, A., Snel, B., Hanson, S. J., & Smeekens, J. C. M. (2013). ABI4: versatile activator and repressor. Trends in Plant Science, 18, 125-132.
Nijenhuis, W. A. J., von Castelmur, E., Littler, D. R., de Marco, V.
, Tromer, E. C., Vleugel, M., van Osch, M. H. J.
, Snel, B., Perrakis, A., & Kops, G. J. P. L. (2013).
A TPR domain-containing N-terminal module of MPS1 is required for its kinechore localization.
Journal of Cell Biology,
201(2), 217-231.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Seidl, M. F., Wang, R-P., Van den Ackerveken, G., Govers, F.
, & Snel, B. (2012).
Bioinformatic Inference of Specific and General Transcription Factor Binding Sites in the Plant Pathogen Phytophthora infestans.
PLoS One,
7(12). Stassen, J. H. M., Seidl, M. F., Vergeer, P. W. J., Nijman, I. J., Snel, B., Cuppen, E., & van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M. (2012). Effector identification in the lettuce downy mildew Bremia lactucae by massively parallel transcriptome sequencing. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13, 719-731.
Seidl, M. F., van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M., Govers, F., & Snel, B. (2012). Reconstruction of oomycete genome evolution identifies differences in evolutionary trajectories leading to present-day larte gene families. Genome Biology and Evolution, 4, 199-211.
Mithoe, S. C., Boersema, P. J., Berke, L., Snel, B., Heck, A. J. R., & Menke, F. L. H. (2012).
Targeted quantitative phosphoproteomics approach for the detection of phospho-tyrosine signaling in plants.
Journal of Proteome Research,
11, 438-448. Seidl, M. F., Wang, R. P., van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M., Govers, F., & Snel, B. (2012). Bioinformatic inference of specific and general transcription factor binding sites in the plant pathogen phytophtora infestans. PLoS One, 7, e51295.
Suijkerbuijk, S. J. E.
, van Dam, J., Karagoz, E., von Castelmur, E., Hubner, N. C.
, dos santos Duarte, A., Vleugel, M., Perrakis, A.
, Rüdiger, S. G. D., Snel, B., & Kops, G. J. P. L. (2012).
The Vertebrate Mitotic Checkpoint Protein BUBR1 Is an Unusual Pseudokinase.
Developmental Cell,
22(6), 1321-1329., L., Sanchez-Perez, G. F., & Snel, B. (2012). Contribution of teh epigenetic mark H3k27me3 to functional divergence after whole genome duplication in Arabidopsis. Genome Biology, 13, R94.
Fokkens, L., Hogeweg, P., & Snel, B. (2012). Gene duplications contribute to the overrepresentation of interactions between proteins of a similar age. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12, 99.
Altelaar, A. F. M., Navarro, D., Boekhorst, J., van Breukelen, B., Snel, B., Mohammed, S., & Heck, A. J. R. (2012). Database independent proteomics analysis of the ostrich and human proteome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 407-412.
de Lau, W. B. M., Snel, B., & Clevers, H. C. (2012). The R-spondin protein family. Genome Biology, 13, 242.
Overige resultaten
Zeilmaker, T., Elberse, J. H. M., Seidl, M. F., Berke, L., Snel, B., & van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M. (2012). DMR6 and DM6-like lxygenase 1 have overlapping but distinct activities as negative regulators of immunity in Arabidopsis. Paper presented at 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Vienna, Austria.
Zeilmaker, T., Elberse, J. H. M., Cabral, A., Yatusevich, R., Parker, J., Seidl, M. F., Berke, L., Snel, B., & van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M. (2012). Suppression of plant immunity. Paper presented at Plant Biology Congress, Freiburg, Germany.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Prasad, K., Grigg, S. P., Barkoulas, M., Yadav, R. K., Sanchez-Perez, G. F., Pinon, V. N., Blilou, I., Hofhuis, H. F., Dhonukshe, P. B., Galinha, C., Mahonen, A. P., Muller, W. H., Raman, S., Verkleij, A. J., Snel, B., Reddy, G. V., Tsiantis, M., & Scheres, B. J. G. (2011). Arabidopsis PLETHORA transcription factors control phyllotaxis. Current Biology, 21, 1123-1128.
Seidl, M. F., van den Ackerveken, A. F. J. M., Govers, F.
, & Snel, B. (2011).
A domain-centric analysis of oomycete plant pathogen genomes reveals unique protein organization.
Plant Physiology,
155, 628-644. van Dam, J., Bos, J. L.
, & Snel, B. (2011).
Evolution of the Ras-like small GTPases and their regulators.
Small GTPases,
2, 4-16.
http://10.4161/sgtp.2.1.15113 Boekhorst, J., Boersema, P. J., Tops, B. B. J., van Breukelen, B., Heck, A. J. R., & Snel, B. (2011). Evaluating experimental bias and completeness in comparative phosphoproteomics analysis. PLoS One, 6(8), 23276.
Ding, V. M., Boersema, P. J., Foong, L. Y., Preisinger, C., Koh, G., Natarajan, S., Lee, D. Y., Boekhorst, J., Snel, B., Lemeer, S. M., Heck, A. J. R., & Choo, A. (2011). Tyrosine phosphorylation profiling in FGF-2 stimulated human embryonic stem cells. PLoS One, 6(3), 17538.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Wageningen, S., Kemmeren, P. P. C. W., Lijnzaad, P., Margaritis, A., Benschop, J. J., de Castro, I. J., van Leenen, D., Groot Koerkamp, M. J. A., Ko, C., Miles, A. J., Brabers, N. A. C. H., Brok, M. O., Lenstra, T. L., Fiedler, D.
, Fokkens, L., Aldecoa, R., Apweiler, E., Taliadouros, V., Sameith, K., ... Holstege, F. C. P. (2010).
Functional overlap and regulatory links shape genetic interactions between signaling pathways.
143(6), 991-1004., P. J., Foong, L. Y., Ding, V. M., Lemeer, S.
, van Breukelen, B., Philp, R.
, Boekhorst, J., Snel, B., den Hertog, J., Choo, A. B., & Heck, A. J. (2010).
In-depth qualitative and quantitative profiling of tyrosine phosphorylation using a combination of phosphopeptide immunoaffinity purification and stable isotope dimethyl labeling. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics,
9(1), 84-99. Bennett, T. A., van den Toorn, A. J., Sanchez-Perez, G. F., Campilho, A. M., Willemsen, V. A., Snel, B., & Scheres, B. J. G. (2010). SOMBRERO, BEARSKINI1 and BEARSKIN2 regulate root cap maturation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 22, 640-654.
Overige resultaten
Bennett, T. A., van den Toorn, A. J., Sanchez-Perez, G. F., Campilho, A. M., Willemsen, V. A., Snel, B., & Scheres, B. J. G. (2010). SOMRERO, BEARSKIN1, and BEARSKIN2 regulate root cap maturation in arabidopsis. 640-654. Abstract from Unknown event.
Fokkens, L., Botelho, T. R., Boekhorst, J., & Snel, B. (2010). Enrichment of homologs in significant BLAST hits by co-complex network alignment. BMC Bioinformatics, 11(DOI. MEDLINE. DownLoad PDF.), 86.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Fokkens, L., & Snel, B. (2009). Cohesive versus flexible evolution of functional modules in eukaryotes. PLoS Computational Biology, 5.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Boekhorst, J., van Breukelen, B., Heck, A. J. R., & Snel, B. (2008). Comparative phosphoproteomics reveals evolutionary and functional conservation of phosphorylation across eukaryotes. Genome Biology, 9, R144.1-R144.9.
Szklarczyk, R., Huynen, M. A., & Snel, B. (2008). Complex fate of paralogs. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8, 337-DOI> MEDLINE.
van Dam, J., & Snel, B. (2008).
Protein complex evolution does not involve extensive network rewiring.
PLoS Computational Biology,
4(7), e1000132.
http://10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000132 Dutilh, B. E., Snel, B., Ettema, T. J., & Huynen, M. A. (2008). Signature genes as a phylogenomic tool. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 25, 1659-1667.
Cordero Sanchez, O. X., Snel, B., & Hogeweg, P. (2008). Coevolutions of gene families in prokaryotes. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 18, MEDLINE.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Boekhorst, J., & Snel, B. (2007). Identification of homologs in insignificant blast hits by exploiting extrinsic gene properties. BMC Bioinformatics, 8, 356.
van der Heijden, R. T., Snel, B., van Noort, V., & Huynen, M. A. (2007). Orthology prediction at scalable resolution by phylogenetic tree analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 8, 83-83.
von Mering, C., Jensen, L. J., Kuhn, M., Chaffron, S., Doerks, T., Kruger, B.
, Snel, B., & Bork, P. (2007).
String 7-recent developments in the integration and prediction of protein interactions.
Nucleic Acids Research,
35, D358-D362. Noort, V., Snel, B., & Huynen, M. A. (2007). Exploration of the omics evidence landscape: adding qualitative labels to predicted protein-protein interactions. Genome Biology, 8, R197-R197.
Dutilh, B. E., van Noort, V., van der Heijden, R. T., Boekhout, T., Snel, B., & Huynen, M. A. (2007). Assessment of phylogenomic and orthology approaches for phylogenetic inference. Bioinformatics, 23(7), 815-824.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Strous, M., Pelletier, E., Mangenot, S., Rattei, T., Lehner, A., Taylor, M. W., Horn, H., Daims, H., Bartol-Malvel, D., Wincker, P., Barbe, V., Fonknechten, N., Vallenet, D., Segurens, B., Schenowitz-Truong, C., Medigue, C., Collingro, A., Snel, B., Dutilh, B. E., ... Le Paslier, D. (2006). Deciphering the evolution and metabolism of an anammox bacterium from a community genome. Nature, 440, 790-794.
Oti, M., Snel, B., Huynen, M. A., & Brunner, H. G. (2006). Predicting disease genes using protein-protein interactions. Journal of Medical Genetics, 43, 691-698.
Ciccarelli, F. D., Doerks, T., von Mering, C., Creevey, C. J., Snel, B., & Bork, P. (2006). Toward automatic reconstruction of a highly resolved tree of life. Science, 311, 1283-1287.
Kuramae, E. E., Robert, V., Snel, B., & Boekhout, T. (2006). Conflicting phylogenetic position of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Genomics, 88, 387-393.
Gabaldón, T.
, Snel, B., van Zimmeren, F.
, Hemrika, W., Tabak, H. F., & Huynen, M. A. (2006).
Origin and evolution of the peroxisomal proteome.
Biology Direct,
1(8), 1-14., E. E., Robert, V., Snel, B., Weiss, M., & Boekhout, T. (2006). Phylogenomics reveal a robust fungal tree of life. FEMS Yeast Research, 6, 1213-1220.
Dutilh, B. E., Huynen, M. A., & Snel, B. (2006). A global definition of expression context is conserved between orthologs, but does not correlate with sequence conservation. BMC Genomics, 7, 1-10.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Notebaart, R. A., Huynen, M. A., Teusink, B., Siezen, R. J.
, & Snel, B. (2005).
Correlation between sequence conservation and the genomic context after gene duplication.
Nucleic Acids Research,
33(19), 6164-6171., M. A., Spronk, C. A. E. M., Gabaldón, T.
, & Snel, B. (2005).
Combining data from genomes, Y2H and 3D structure indicates that BolA is a reductase interacting with a glutaredoxin.
FEBS Letters,
579(3), 591-596. Mering, C., Jensen, L. J.
, Snel, B., Hooper, S. D., Krupp, M., Foglierini, M., Jouffre, N., Huynen, M. A., & Bork, P. (2005).
STRING: Known and predicted protein-protein associations, integrated and transferred across organisms.
Nucleic Acids Research,
33(SUPPL. 1), D433-D437.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dutilh, B. E., Huynen, M. A., Bruno, W. J.
, & Snel, B. (2004).
The consistent phylogenetic signal in genome trees revealed by reducing the impact of noise.
Journal of Molecular Evolution,
58(5), 527-539. Snel, B., van Noort, V., & Huynen, M. A. (2004).
Gene co-regulation is highly conserved in the evolution of eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
Nucleic Acids Research,
32(16), 4725-4731. Huynen, M. A.
, Snel, B., & Van Noort, V. (2004).
Comparative genomics for reliable protein-function prediction from genomic data.
Trends in Genetics,
20(8), 340-344. Noort, V.
, Snel, B., & Huynen, M. A. (2004).
The yeast coexpression network has a small-world, scale-free architecture and can be explained by a simple model.
EMBO Reports,
5(3), 280-284.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Morett, E., Korbel, J. O., Rajan, E., Saab-Rincon, G., Olvera, L., Olvera, M., Schmidt, S.
, Snel, B., & Bork, P. (2003).
Systematic discovery of analogous enzymes in thiamin biosynthesis.
Nature Biotechnology,
21(7), 790-795. Mering, C., Huynen, M., Jaeggi, D., Schmidt, S., Bork, P.
, & Snel, B. (2003).
STRING: A database of predicted functional associations between proteins.
Nucleic Acids Research,
31(1), 258-261.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Schell, M. A., Karmirantzou, M.
, Snel, B., Vilanova, D., Berger, B., Pessi, G., Zwahlen, M-C., Desiere, F., Bork, P., Delley, M., Pridmore, R. D., & Arigoni, F. (2002).
The genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longum reflects its adaptation to the human gastrointestinal tract.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
99(22), 14422-14427. Mering, C., Krause, R., Snel, B., Cornell, M., Oliver, S. G., Fields, S., & Bork, P. (2002). Comparative assessment of large-scale data sets of protein-protein interactions. Nature, 417(6887), 399-403.
Snel, B., Bork, P., & Huynen, M. A. (2002).
The identification of functional modules from the genomic association of genes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
99(9), 5890-5895. Snel, B., Bork, P., & Huynen, M. A. (2002).
Genomes in flux: The evolution of Archaeal and Proteobacterial gene content.
Genome Research,
12(1), 17-25. Snel, B. (2002). Comparative genome analysis and genome evolution. Universiteit Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huynen, M. A., Snel, B., Bork, P., & Gibson, T. J. (2001). The phylogenetic distribution of frataxin indicates a role in iron-sulfur cluster protein assembly. Human Molecular Genetics, 10(21), 2463-2468.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Huynen, M.
, Snel, B., Lathe III, W., & Bork, P. (2000).
Predicting protein function by genomic context: Quantitative evaluation and qualitative inferences.
Genome Research,
10(8), 1204-1210., B., Lehmann, G., Bork, P., & Huynen, M. A. (2000). String: A web-server to retrieve and display the repeatedly occurring neighbourhood of a gene. Nucleic Acids Research, 28(18), 3442-3444.
Dandekar, T., Huynen, M., Regula, J. T., Ueberle, B., Zimmermann, C. U., Andrade, M. A., Doerks, T., Sánchez-Pulido, L., Snel, B., Suyama, M., Yuan, Y. P., Herrmann, R., & Bork, P. (2000). Re-annotating the Mycoplasma pneumoniae genome sequence: Adding value, function and reading frames. Nucleic Acids Research, 28(17), 3278-3288.
Overige resultaten
Huynen, M. A., & Snel, B. (2000, Oct 13). Gene and context: Integrative approaches to genome analysis. Academic Press Inc.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dandekar, T., Schuster, S., Snel, B., Huynen, M. A., & Bork, P. (1999). Pathway alignment: application to the comparative analysis of glycolytic enzymes. Biochemical Journal, 343, 115-124.
Snel, B., Bork, P., & Huynen, M. A. (1999). Genome phylogeny based on gene content. Nature Genetics, 21(1), 108-110.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dandekar, T.
, Snel, B., Huynen, M., & Bork, P. (1998).
Conservation of gene order: A fingerprint of proteins that physically interact.
Trends in Biochemical Sciences,
23(9), 324-328.