A. (Anouk) van Kasteren

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A. (Anouk) van Kasteren

Human-Centered Computing



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kasteren, A. V., Vredenborg, M., & Masthoff, J. (2024). Understanding Commuter Information Needs and Desires in Public Transport: A Comparative Analysis of Stated and Revealed Preferences. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14733). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-60480-5_5


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kasteren, A. V., & Vredenborg, M. (2023). Let’s Talk About The Experienced Context: An Example Regarding Public Transport Information Systems. In UMAP '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 187-190). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). https://doi.org/10.1145/3563359.3596979


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kasteren, A. V., Brunnström, K., Hedlund, J., & Snijders, C. (2022). Quality of experience of 360 video – subjective and eye-tracking assessment of encoding and freezing distortions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81, 9771–9802. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12065-1
Van Kasteren, A., & Vredenborg, M. (2022). Personalized, context-aware communication in multimodal public transport. In UMAP2022 - Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 326-330). (UMAP2022 - Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3503252.3534363


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kasteren, A. V., Brunnström, K., Hedlund, J., & Snijders, C. (2020). Quality of Experience Assessment of 360-degree video. In Electronic Imaging https://doi.org/10.2352/issn.2470-1173.2020.11.hvei-091