Paesi di Origine: Sicuri che siano sicuri?, ADiM Blog
A board of appeals for Frontex: panacea for violations or another patch in the incomplete system of accountability?
European Law Review, 2024, 49(1), 51-65
Advancing Accountability: The Case of Alkhatib and Others v. Greece, Verfassungsblog
L'agenzia europea per l'asilo e il suo contributo alla definizione di paese sicuro nell'amministrazione integrata europea, in La necesaria reconfiguración del derecho de asilo. Entre la dimensión interna y externa de la política migratoria de la UE, Ranzani (eds), 248-271
EUAA Operations in Malta: legal remedies to de facto powers in the absence of legal certainty, EULEN Platform Working Paper
Access to legal remedies against a visa refusal based on an objection of another Member State, Expert Opinion Migration Law Clinic, Amsterdam Center for Refugee Law